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[PATV] Thursday, December 5, 2013 - Shut Up & Sit Down Season 2, Ep. 30: Freedom: The Undergroun

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited December 2013 in The Penny Arcade Hub

image[PATV] Thursday, December 5, 2013 - Shut Up & Sit Down Season 2, Ep. 30: Freedom: The Underground Railroad

In this episode Paul and Quinns review the board game Freedom: The Underground Railroad.

Read the full story here

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  • KarunamaKarunama Registered User new member
    aw yeah baby, i like fruit; I like fruit a *lot* :P

  • DillekDillek Registered User new member
    Very good review and tactfully put. And yeah; I like fruit! More than that I like mating fruit... Like having a reference pear mate with a sizing mango: "delicious"!

  • darkmage0707077darkmage0707077 Registered User regular
    As soon as I saw this review, I immediately thought of Brenda's railway boardgame. I suspect this one was inspired by that art piece...

    The way of the Paladin:
    To Seek,
    To Learn,
    To Do.

    If the speed of light is faster then the speed of sound, is that why people always appear bright until they speak? o_O
  • MudflapsMudflaps Registered User new member
    This show rocks my world.

  • sptrashcansptrashcan Registered User new member
    If I understand this game correctly, one of the things that bothers me about it is that the cubes representing enslaved persons have no ability to act independently from the players' choices. While white abolitionists and free blacks offered substantial assistance to escaping slaves, and white men in particular were the only ones with the civil rights required to exert political pressure for abolition, slaves also had their own goals and took their own actions to achieve them. Some escaped on their own. Some refused the assistance of the Railroad, fearing an even worse fate if captured. Some engaged in sabotage or violent resistance. Perhaps some of the discomfort Paul felt about manipulating the people-cubes would have been relieved if the rules offered them some ability to behave independently of the players' direct actions.

    Regarding Train, while trying not to spoil it: it's a noble goal to create games with a message, but because of the structure of the experience Train's message is actually a dangerous fudge. The fact that what the players are actually doing in the context of the game is not revealed until the end seems to imply that the people who actually performed the acts being simulated were similarly in the dark and were similarly only obeying rules and dictates laid out by a trusted authority, an excuse famously summarized in the phrase "we were only following orders." Historical evidence points to a darker truth: that they were knowing and willing participants, and that in the right circumstances any of us might do the same. As far as I know, the game that illuminates that uncomfortable truth has yet to be made; Train isn't it.

  • featsdailyfeatsdaily Registered User new member
    Excellent review. Well done Paul.

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