[Trenches] December 5th, 2013 - Making Light Work

StericaSterica YesRegistered User, Moderator mod
edited December 2013 in The Penny Arcade Hub
Last Minute Game Changers

My first QA job was working on the sequel to an original XBOX launch title, I was brought on for the last push before cert submission. The game was a 3rd person fantasy RPG which involved a lot of ranged spell casting. The player could also choose to do melee attacks, but since they melee combat was awful and mostly ineffectual, people avoided using it.

While playing through the game on the night before submission, I found a crash. One of the enemies in the game was an archer riding on the back of a giant frog. The archer would fire at the player, the player would fire back at the archer and usually kill it without much trouble. If the player wandered into melee range of the frog, (which nobody had done, since they had much more powerful spells,) it would raise up on its hind legs and swat at the player, resulting in a crash 100% of the time.

Solution? Delete the Frog/Archer units from the game. Other enemies were not added to compensate for the missing Frog/Archers, and I believe the Frog/Archers were left in the manual.

Sterica on


  • Product PlacementProduct Placement Registered User regular
    So Gwen is now an idiot, who gets easily offended and makes terrible insults that she thinks are fantastic.

    Going up in the world has quickly changed her.

    Also, regarding "Last minute game changers", whoever submitted that story was not very careful at masking the identity of the game that he was working on. We now know it's a Xbox original game, that features 3rd person RPG fantasy, with heavy focus on ranged magic over melee. With the original Xbox's relatively short lifetime, it shouldn't be too hard to narrow down what game that was.

    ...not that I'm gonna bother doing just that ¬_¬

  • zepherinzepherin Russian warship, go fuck yourself Registered User regular
    I honestly find Gwen's first impression to be pretty hilarious. It may only be because I have a coworker who does that exact kind of shit. "Don't you see the wet floor sign. You better get your ass on the other side of the hallway." I saw 6 people change sides on the hallway. I about pissed myself laughing.

  • GaslightGaslight Registered User regular
    So Gwen is now an idiot, who gets easily offended and makes terrible insults that she thinks are fantastic.

    Gwen has always been just as defective a person as everybody else in the cast, it's been obvious in her few previous appearances.

  • PsykomaPsykoma Registered User regular
    apartment 23?

  • JackdawGinJackdawGin Engineer New YorkRegistered User regular
  • Finnish_LineFinnish_Line Registered User regular
    Too much of a stretch to make the dialogue work. Didn't flow naturally.

    Art's good.

  • inafieldinafield Vancouver, CanadaRegistered User new member
    My wife and I love that show. Again, ABC cancels the best shows and creates unoriginal and less-than-stellar content.

  • XenigmaXenigma Registered User regular
    edited December 2013
    Also, regarding "Last minute game changers", whoever submitted that story was not very careful at masking the identity of the game that he was working on. We now know it's a Xbox original game, that features 3rd person RPG fantasy, with heavy focus on ranged magic over melee. With the original Xbox's relatively short lifetime, it shouldn't be too hard to narrow down what game that was.

    ...not that I'm gonna bother doing just that ¬_¬

    I knew what game it was instantly upon reading that description, in spite of never having played it. Seems odd considering games are usually described very vaguely or at least vaguely enough that there are multiple possibilities; this one makes it really easy to pinpoint what they're talking about, especially if you are familiar with the original Xbox's launch line-up.

    (Also, based on a quick Google search, looks like crashes caused by frog archers were far from the game's only issue.)

    Xenigma on
    Pins? Pins!
    PAX East Attendee since 2011
  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited December 2013
    Gwen is being quite the Vitamin C.

    Edit: Also, shouldn't the vampire guy be fleeing from the window?

    forty on
  • ShowsniShowsni Registered User regular
    edited December 2013
    forty wrote: »
    Edit: Also, shouldn't the vampire guy be fleeing from the window?

    He self identifies as a bat, not a vampire. (I'd say "****ing keep up, man" as a reference to the strip where Isaac makes the same mistake, but I wouldn't want to offend if you didn't realise it was a reference to said strip, so I won't. But I'm pointing it out anyway for smugness or something!)

    Showsni on
  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    See... when someone tells me they're getting plenty of Vitamin Dick from someone, I have to wonder if they're listening to themselves.

    What is this I don't even.
  • StormwatcherStormwatcher Blegh BlughRegistered User regular
    Why is the compression looking so weird??

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  • Ori KleinOri Klein Registered User regular
    I also did not enjoy the script and I, too, find it somewhat in discrepancy with the character.
    While Gwen has indeed been established as every bit as narcissist and entitled as Isaac, her character was also shown to have a lot more finesse, tact and self-restraint in her manner of behaviour towards obtaining her progress in the food chain.
    whoever submitted that story was not very careful at masking the identity of the game that he was working on.

    One might be able to identify the person as well, if they were involved with that title.
    Thing is, the obfuscation of details is meant to protect PA from possible libel (although I would hate to be the company which employs an imbecile so thoroughly tone-deaf as to dare the negative PR that will ensue) and the one who submits the story. If said person feels they have no qualms for whatever possible retribution may come their way (could've left the industry by now) they may choose to disregard and make plenty of identifying remarks...or perhaps they are simply numb-nuts.

    Eitherway...best dwell not upon it, as per forum rules.

  • This content has been removed.

  • Product PlacementProduct Placement Registered User regular
    Ori Klein wrote: »
    Thing is, the obfuscation of details is meant to protect PA from possible libel
    Well, I know that but my point is that whoever submitted that story didn't do a very good job at obfuscating said details.

    But as I said already, I wasn't gonna bother looking it up although it appears this was enough info for some people to connect two and two without any research.

  • AsharadAsharad Registered User regular
    Nothing that Gwen says in this strip seems natural or makes a lot of sense.

    I generally like Trenches but this one was a miss.

  • ipsumipsum Registered User regular
    Trenches has really taken a dive after this newest art. I'm not blaming the art (though I do miss the style that was in place before this one), but it entirely feels like there is a completely new write. None of the characters resemble themselves at all. What's going on?

  • GaslightGaslight Registered User regular
    edited December 2013
    ipsum wrote: »
    Trenches has really taken a dive after this newest art. I'm not blaming the art (though I do miss the style that was in place before this one), but it entirely feels like there is a completely new write. None of the characters resemble themselves at all. What's going on?

    First of all, you're aware there actually is a new writer, right?

    Second, I would be interested to hear any specific examples of how the characters are now being written in a way that isn't in keeping with their established personalities.

    Since the start of the new "season":

    -Isaac is still an entitled, bitter jerk.

    -Q still makes capricious decisions and is apathetic to their impact on his underlings.

    -Gwen is still arrogant and abrasive.

    -Marley is still spaced-out.

    -Cora still regards "righteous indignation" as her favorite emotion.

    Not seeing any radical changes in how anybody portrays.

    Gaslight on
  • metaphistmetaphist FLRegistered User regular
    I actually like the writing a bit better thus far.

  • GaslightGaslight Registered User regular
    It's quite a bit snappier, more banter-y. Banterous.

  • TofystedethTofystedeth Registered User regular
    Yeah, I didn't care for the writing of this particular strip, but as a whole I've liked all the stuff since Monica and Ty came on board.

  • marsiliesmarsilies Registered User regular
    Gaslight wrote: »
    Second, I would be interested to hear any specific examples of how the characters are now being written in a way that isn't in keeping with their established personalities.

    Since the start of the new "season":

    -Gwen is still arrogant and abrasive.
    Actually, I don't think Gwen was originally written as that. I initially saw her as dryly sarcastic. See these:

    Of course, last season, right before the art change, Gwen did show an arrogant and abrasive attitude shortly after being promoted:

    So it is a change in personality, although apparently not one brought on by the new writer.

  • GaslightGaslight Registered User regular
    edited December 2013
    marsilies wrote: »
    Gaslight wrote: »
    Second, I would be interested to hear any specific examples of how the characters are now being written in a way that isn't in keeping with their established personalities.

    Since the start of the new "season":

    -Gwen is still arrogant and abrasive.
    Actually, I don't think Gwen was originally written as that. I initially saw her as dryly sarcastic. See these:

    Of course, last season, right before the art change, Gwen did show an arrogant and abrasive attitude shortly after being promoted:

    So it is a change in personality, although apparently not one brought on by the new writer.

    Nope, Gwen has always been ambitious and self-centered, interested only in climbing the ladder and reaching her own goals without regard for what happens to anybody else.

    In her first appearance, she took over her interview and was arguably gunning for Cora's job. She's capable of comporting herself in a civil way and she did most of the time while she was on the QA ream, which is to her credit as it speaks to her being more competent/professional than the others. But as soon as she got promoted upstairs she made sure she took the opportunity to tell her co-workers she doesn't give a shit about them and they can all go to hell as she literally climbed a ladder to leave them behind.

    You can easily make the case they deserve it because they are all total fuck-ups but Gwen is pretty much an asshole and always has been. I see her as basically being the same as Isaac probably was at an earlier stage in his career. Isaac was once a prominent game designer, but apparently developed the reputation of being a dick (and from what we've seen it's not hard to understand why), and after some major failure or series of failures was was forced to take a job doing QA because he had burned all his bridges behind him and was unemployable anywhere else in the industry. Gwen's stated goal is to someday make games, and she's on the same career trajectory as Isaac...she's just still on the upward part of the arc.

    Gaslight on
  • marsiliesmarsilies Registered User regular
    Gaslight wrote: »
    Nope, Gwen has always been ambitious and self-centered, interested only in climbing the ladder and reaching her own goals without regard for what happens to anybody else.
    "Ambitious and self-centered" is very different from "arrogant and abrasive." Also, I don't recall any situation where she screwed someone over to further her career.
    Gaslight wrote: »
    In her first appearance, she took over her interview and was arguably gunning for Cora's job. She's capable of comporting herself in a civil way and she did most of the time while she was on the QA ream, which is to her credit as it speaks to her being more competent/professional than the others. But as soon as she got promoted upstairs she made sure she took the opportunity to tell her co-workers she doesn't give a shit about them and they can all go to hell as she literally climbed a ladder to leave them behind.
    See, I view her in that first comic as being somewhat cocky, but in a charming way, and not "arrogant and abrasive." Also, the switching roles, while funny, only happens after Cora asks Gwen for advice.

    Also, after those first two comics, Gwen doesn't come off as even that ambitious. All the other appearances between 8/21/2012 and 8/20/2013, she was pretty laid back and chummy with everyone. Which is why the shift is surprising to some. Even if you argue that the new Gwen is just her showing her "true colors," it's still a departure from how she was depicted for the majority of the time she's been in the strip.

  • ShowsniShowsni Registered User regular
    So what was Gwen's character like in PvP? I've tried looking through the archives, but I could only find two comics with her in... Anyone know what dates she appeared?


  • BursarBursar Hee Noooo! PDX areaRegistered User regular
    I thought bat-guy would be hiding upside down in the basement. Is it still being cleaned of the black mold?

    GNU Terry Pratchett
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  • LostNinjaLostNinja Registered User regular
    So does this comic not have a regular update schedule anymore, or did it change? There wasn't one today, and didn't last Tuesday's come out on Wednesday.

  • GoslingGosling Looking Up Soccer In Mongolia Right Now, Probably Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    edited December 2013
    LostNinja wrote: »
    So does this comic not have a regular update schedule anymore, or did it change? There wasn't one today, and didn't last Tuesday's come out on Wednesday.

    Monica appears to be apartment-hunting in Los Angeles today, if I'm interpreting her Twitter correctly, if that helps. But yeah, it might have helped her to get it done before leaving or while on the plane or somewhere.

    Gosling on
    I have a new soccer blog The Minnow Tank. Reading it psychically kicks Sepp Blatter in the bean bag.
  • marsiliesmarsilies Registered User regular
    No new comic went up yesterday, but a new tale did:
    12/10/2013 - Anonymous
    I’m a relatively new tester, but today I ran into a standard testing miracle for the first time—the developer’s bug-neutralizing superpowers.

    I had come across a rather quirky bug that the developer could not replicate. When he came to my workstation for me to show the bug to him, everything worked like a charm.

    I feel like I’ve passed some sort of testing initiation now. It’s like the job is telling me that it finally accepts me as legitimate and has begun to embarrass me accordingly.

    Working in IT, I apparently have this mystical effect on bugs and other problems too. Someone calls to complain about an issue, I go over to them, they try to show me the problem, and it works fine. Then they have to insist that no, really, it wasn't working just a moment ago.

  • Finnish_LineFinnish_Line Registered User regular
    Looks like this will be going to the way of PVP.

    I'm not sure when the last time that followed the MON-FRI update schedule layed out.

  • ChickeenChickeen Registered User regular
    So in the end,
    Monica and Ty
    Finally succumb to
    The ways of Kurtz.
    And in doing so
    Each gave just a little bit
    Of their soul away.

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