Gwen goes to Isaac and appeals to his vanity as an exiled game-designer in an effort to convince him to help her set up shop as a new company and create a Rhymeblade clone.
I don't know where they would plausibly get the funding for that though...the idea that Q got enough cash from his share of the Lawstar profits to strike out on his own was hard enough to believe.
Wild prediction just for shits and giggles:
Gwen goes to Isaac and appeals to his vanity as an exiled game-designer in an effort to convince him to help her set up shop as a new company and create a Rhymeblade clone.
I don't know where they would plausibly get the funding for that though...the idea that Q got enough cash from his share of the Lawstar profits to strike out on his own was hard enough to believe.
I think it's unlikely. If she and Isaac have cash enough to set up a shop, why bother cloning a game just to force their old company to innovate? Why not just make a new game since she wants to do something new?
I think it more likely that she'll work to start internet rumors of Rhymeblade knockoffs coming, and that will convince Q that they need to do something more than palette swaps to stay on top.
Wild prediction just for shits and giggles:
Gwen goes to Isaac and appeals to his vanity as an exiled game-designer in an effort to convince him to help her set up shop as a new company and create a Rhymeblade clone.
I don't know where they would plausibly get the funding for that though...the idea that Q got enough cash from his share of the Lawstar profits to strike out on his own was hard enough to believe.
I think it's unlikely. If she and Isaac have cash enough to set up a shop, why bother cloning a game just to force their old company to innovate? Why not just make a new game since she wants to do something new?
I think it more likely that she'll work to start internet rumors of Rhymeblade knockoffs coming, and that will convince Q that they need to do something more than palette swaps to stay on top.
I think she'll steal a bunch of data and send it to a competitor
Ty Halley is a ghost with an extensive resume in convincing mortals he is alive. He runs his own webcomic, Journal Comic, was a contestant on PA's Strip Search, and does a secret third thing that if you knew would give you power over him. If you want to contact Ty for flash animations or writing, be sure to include pictures of burning sage so it'll go through his ghost-spam filters.
You might know her from the Penny Arcade webseries "Strip Search" or perhaps from her webcomic "Phuzzy Comics" that's been running since 2007. But even if you didn't know her until now, none of that matters. Now you can know her as the fancy cartoon artist on "The Trenches" since late 2013. You may also continue knowing her as that other stuff I mentioned before. She's more than capable of being multiple things at once. That's just the Monica Ray style.
Gwen: Asshole.
I'm not sure what she's plotting though. Is she going to go create a competing game? Is she going to try and convince someone else to?
Gwen goes to Isaac and appeals to his vanity as an exiled game-designer in an effort to convince him to help her set up shop as a new company and create a Rhymeblade clone.
I don't know where they would plausibly get the funding for that though...the idea that Q got enough cash from his share of the Lawstar profits to strike out on his own was hard enough to believe.
I think it more likely that she'll work to start internet rumors of Rhymeblade knockoffs coming, and that will convince Q that they need to do something more than palette swaps to stay on top.
I think she'll steal a bunch of data and send it to a competitor
seems to be the most obvious thing to do