Taking the bus up to PAX East is something that I do pretty much every year. I'm sure there are also others who do the same. Having taken the bus so many times, I know that it sort of sucks taking it x amount of hours without knowing anyone. Well now hopefully you'll be able to meet people who will be taking the same bus you are! It can be a nice way to introduce yourself, make new friends, and it'll probably make your bus ride seem faster then it is.
I'll begin by saying I am going to taking the Greyhound bus GLI 0204. I'll be getting on the bus at 7:20AM at Utica, NY on Thursday April 10th. It is the same bus as the 10:00AM from Albany, NY. I'll be taking the bus with one or two non-forum-going friends, but I'd be more than happy to meet anyone else taking the same bus!
Anyway hope you guys use this and enjoy meeting your fellow bus-takers!
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Miker525 | Xbox Live - Miker525| PSN - MikeRosenberg
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edit:i guess from ny they stop at worcester rather then springfield.
Yeah the bus I'm taking goes from Albany to Worcester and then onto Boston. You're definitely getting on at Springfield or are you possibly going to get on from Worcester?
I'm pretty surprised you're going up the tenth with only a Sunday pass. The only thing I can say is since you'll be there it's probably likely you'll be able to buy the Friday and Saturday passes from scalpers in the morning if you do decide to go. Just make sure you run them by enforcers inside to make sure they are legit
Steam - Miker525 | Xbox Live - Miker525| PSN - MikeRosenberg
Websites - Gamerations - MikeRosenberger.com
Pinny Pals - Miker525
I'm not but if anyone else happens to be on the greyhound Thursday 10 something from Albany or 2/3 from Worcester I will be on that bus!
Steam - Miker525 | Xbox Live - Miker525| PSN - MikeRosenberg
Websites - Gamerations - MikeRosenberger.com
Pinny Pals - Miker525