Hey Y'all,
I'm looking to get my daughter a stylus for use with her iPad for art. I read through a lot of reviews on the inter-webs' different sites, and thought that I'd turn to a more trustworthy lot: y'all.
I'm looking for a stylus that is easy to use and accurate. I've looked at the Wacom Creativity Stylus and came across the aforementioned mixed reviews also. So, I'm wondering what are the Forum's opinions?
Each has different strengths for different things. From what I can tell reading the reviews, Jot and Wacom are usually neck and neck, but Wacom meeks out with general "doing artsy stuff and just starting out."
Obviously for $100 I'd get someone from the Artists corner to give advice on this, not some dude who draws in his free time sometimes.
@NightDragon or @Iruka might be more helpful than me, or you might ask AC's chat/questions threads and get a more speedy reply.
If shes wanted a mobile tablet as a drawing solution, currently her best options are not on the Ipad, but are between Wacom's own over priced tablets, and the MS Surface Pro 2.