This is a weird thread topic but I'm trying to get some examples of leaders or officials from any country from any time period who commit horrible atrocities and never face justice. That is, they live out their lives in full (in exile) and end up dying of natural causes. I got the idea after seeing a TV documentary on
Bathory who was placed under house arrest after committing mass murder.
Pol Pot, Hernan Cortes, Idi Amin, Mao Zedong are a few examples of leaders who lived long lives and never went to trial for the murders they either had a hand in or ordered directly. Are there many others that 'get away?'
ehh.... that's all I got.
To contribute to the thread, there are quite a few Nazi and Imperial Japan "doctors" who committed atrocities in the name of medical research, and who either went into (luxuirous) hiding after the war, or were offered amnesty by Allied nations in exchange for their knowledge.
Polk rocked
shut up :P
I would say that most of the presidents of the Gilded Age were worse than Nixon. Does doing great evil through your incompetence count as being evil?
Other than Watergate, what evil did Nixon do? I don't see how he was that bad.
Marcos, from the Phillipenes, Chiang Kai-Shek, Kim Sung Il, "Poppa Doc & Baby Doc"... The wicked often prosper, and then die peacefully in exile. Mobutu Seke-Seko-whatever, too.
Edit: Oh yeah, Mengele, or whatever his name was.
How is it less objective than, say, mentioning Napoleon?
The Catholic church is responsible for more horrors than Napoleon ever committed. The Catholic church and its offspring are also responsible for continued suffering in our day and age, even in supposedly civilized Western countries. Have I missed a Pope condemning the previous actions of the Church at some point? If I haven't, how am I not being objective?
Or is an atrocity Evil only when you commit it yourself, rather than by proxy?
If he could actually avoid criminal activity, and wasn't dead, he'd be a pretty alright guy.
He was pretty effective as a president.
Just, you know, the crime thing.
But he's hardly the first or last.
Now Chairman Mao Zedong, the Chinese have a memorial for him. He killed millions more than Stalin with the Thousand White Flowers, Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution, etc. and the Chinese still like him.
...I ....
Stop being so sensationalist.
Well, he was President and kicked British ass quite often.
But if you add Andrew Jackson, you add Andrew Johnson, too.
Was John Astor evil?
But... I thought I was just stating the obvious? O.o
So basically maintaining the institution of charity until to the liberal revolutions in England and America are evil?
Reaching out arms to other religions is evil? Providing education for millions - evil?
Dude, the Catholic Church has been the largest worldwide institution for almost two millennia. It's a human infrastructure, led by humans. Bad shit is gonna happen. The good FAR outweighs the bad.
Poldster is a cafeteria catholic who still feels some pangs for the hivemind. Don't worry.
says the starbucks agnostic
edit* atheist...sorry to insult you like that, Loren :P
Your religion doesn't get special protection here, quit whining. The church was and is a source of misery and general fucked-upped-ness for millions of people. And by the way, the charity they supported was necessitated by their support for unjust social policy. Think it through.
I never claimed there was a net evil. I lean towards consequentialism, but not to the point where doing X amount of good buys you the right to do Y amount of evil, regardless of whether the two actions are independent or not ( Y < X ).
I do love the irony of consequentialism being applied to justify the actions and existence of a religious organization, though.
But that sort of logic fits perfectly in defending the institution that thought selling indulgences was the bee's knees.
- John Stuart Mill
Well, they are in charge of the church, so even in the cases where they weren't murderous/incestuous/warmongering/substance abusers, they often enabled other world leaders to be so. Hell, the catholic church backed the freakin' Nazi's in order to escape their religion being declared camp-internment-worthy.
Protip about evil North Korean leaders:
Kim Il Sung is the father of Kim Jung Il.
Any person with religious connections.
Am doing this right?