can I force mobile view?

mxmarksmxmarks Registered User regular
I got a nexus 7 tablet for Christmas, and the forums show up in the standard desktop view here for me. On my android phone I get the mobile view.

Is there a way to force the forums to use the mobile view on my tablet?


PSN: mxmarks - WiiU: mxmarks - twitter: @ MikesPS4 - - "Yes, mxmarks is the King of Queens" - Unbreakable Vow


  • Death of RatsDeath of Rats Registered User regular
    edited January 2014
    Wondering this too, for the same reason. Some features are a little odd on the tablet viewing desktop mode (awesome buttons and such are hidden unless you tap the post), so it'd be nice if this version of mobile chrome got the mobile site.

    Death of Rats on
    No I don't.
  • undergroundmonorailundergroundmonorail single-track subway Registered User regular
    You could change your User Agent to a mobile browser, but it wouldn't be the best solution since it would apply to the entire internet rather than just the forums.

    Pokémon X | 3DS Friend Code: 0490-4897-7688
    Friend Safari: Fighting - Machoke, Pancham, Riolu | In game name: Jessica
    Official Weather Gym Leader of the G+T Pokémon League. @me to try for the Climate Badge!
  • ceresceres When the last moon is cast over the last star of morning And the future has past without even a last desperate warningRegistered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    You can use a separate browser just for forum browsing. I do that not for PA, but for a few other situations.

    And it seems like all is dying, and would leave the world to mourn
  • localhjaylocalhjay Registered User regular
    if you use firefox it seems like there's a few add-ons that can quick switch the user agent for you.

  • GreasyKidsStuffGreasyKidsStuff MOMMM! ROAST BEEF WANTS TO KISS GIRLS ON THE TITTIES!Registered User regular
    I'm having a different but related issue with Chrome for iOS not displaying the mobile site, at all. Safari displays it fine, but for some reason as of yesterday Chrome defaults to the desktop browser. Weird thing is, if I go to request the mobile site, it just gives me the option of requesting the desktop site.... even though it's already displaying it. Clearing my cache, closing the tab, closing and restarting chrome, and restarting my phone don't do anything.

  • Jam WarriorJam Warrior Registered User regular
    I'm having a different but related issue with Chrome for iOS not displaying the mobile site, at all. Safari displays it fine, but for some reason as of yesterday Chrome defaults to the desktop browser. Weird thing is, if I go to request the mobile site, it just gives me the option of requesting the desktop site.... even though it's already displaying it. Clearing my cache, closing the tab, closing and restarting chrome, and restarting my phone don't do anything.

    I had this issue. Clearing cookies as well as cache sorted it.

    That or have you just accidentally clicked the 'full site' link whilst in mobile mode? If so there should be a tiny grey 'back to mobile site' link under the 'Vanilla' at the bottom of the page.

  • GreasyKidsStuffGreasyKidsStuff MOMMM! ROAST BEEF WANTS TO KISS GIRLS ON THE TITTIES!Registered User regular
    It actually sorted itself out. Sorry for not reporting back.

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