I got a nexus 7 tablet for Christmas, and the forums show up in the standard desktop view here for me. On my android phone I get the mobile view.
Is there a way to force the forums to use the mobile view on my tablet?
PSN: mxmarks - WiiU: mxmarks - twitter: @ MikesPS4 - twitch.tv/mxmarks - "Yes, mxmarks is the King of Queens" - Unbreakable Vow
Friend Safari: Fighting - Machoke, Pancham, Riolu | In game name: Jessica
Official Weather Gym Leader of the G+T Pokémon League. @me to try for the Climate Badge!
I had this issue. Clearing cookies as well as cache sorted it.
That or have you just accidentally clicked the 'full site' link whilst in mobile mode? If so there should be a tiny grey 'back to mobile site' link under the 'Vanilla' at the bottom of the page.