Time for Season 2 [Bearding it up]
I've been clean shaven forever. It's been more of a comfort thing than anything else - my facial hair has tended to get pretty scratchy if I let it grow at all.
I swear to God, though, it's become more and more tenacious each month for maybe the past half a year, and it hasn't made my skin irritable the few times I let it go for a couple of days. I think it may be time to give-up this struggle and accept The Beard's arrival in 2014.
What do I need to get in order to prevent a beard / mustache from going full bush man on me? And how difficult are such beasts to tame?
With Love and Courage
As long as you keep it properly trimmed it never actually itches at all. In fact, itching is a pretty good sign that you need to perform some maintenance. Your facial hair is kind of like a cat- both of them sit on your face until you give them the attention they want.
just so you know you can trust me, here are my beard credentials:
hitting hot metal with hammers
Anyway, nice beard. my problem is I go:
Clean shaven -> sweet ass scruff (1 day) -> almost beard (1 week)-> mostly stops growing before it becomes a nice, full beard.
I need some beard steroids or something.
That's a good question. I'm thinking the full Riker would be right up my alley; it's what my hair seems to want to do.
I definitely don't want too much 'stache. I heard that the bigger you let him get, the more of your food he tries to steal.
I couldn't grow a beard in my 20's (would come in patchy). A couple years ago, I decided to do two things. First, lay off the sauce for a month. Second, grow a beard. I was successful in both and I've kept the beard (the laying off the sauce not so much).
This is truth. Either keep the 'stache trimmed or get some wax to keep it in place
hitting hot metal with hammers
A lot of guys look handsome with a bit of stubble, you should experiment with various lengths and see what looks good on you!
However, this was in the early stages of my two year beard growing, but probably the 2nd month or so and I started carrying a comb around to just get in there and scratch the shit out my face...also, to keep it from tangling up into something you might find on a forest dwelling zombie.
My wife tells her coworkers I have an 'epic beard' and I have been stopped outside of Albertson's by old men asking me about Duck Dynasty so my anecdotal is waaay better than Typhoids little girly growth (do I need to write JK or does that go without saying? Cause I am only kidding...kinda) but the itching stopped for me once it got longer. I don't carry that comb anymore.
But, just to reiterate, it IS going to fucking itch...buy a comb.
And maybe some conditioner.
Face is currently in what I would call the 'shaggy stubble' phase. Another week (if the growth is constant) and I think I'll have what i want.
Thanks for the tips so far.