
Electronics weirdness

Magus`Magus` The fun has been DOUBLED!Registered User regular
I have a fair amount of items in one room (though in different outlets). The weird thing is, sometimes when turning one on/off, it affects another one. For example, I turned on my TV and the sound from the audio playing on my PC dropped very noticeably. Back when I had some other stuff on the same outlet as the computer, turning anything on/off would temporarily make the PC think an item was removed from a USB port (it made the little 'detach' sound). The hell is going on?


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    SoggybiscuitSoggybiscuit Tandem Electrostatic Accelerator Registered User regular
    Magus` wrote: »
    I have a fair amount of items in one room (though in different outlets). The weird thing is, sometimes when turning one on/off, it affects another one. For example, I turned on my TV and the sound from the audio playing on my PC dropped very noticeably. Back when I had some other stuff on the same outlet as the computer, turning anything on/off would temporarily make the PC think an item was removed from a USB port (it made the little 'detach' sound). The hell is going on?

    Is it just one thing in particular that does this or does everything do this. If multiple items are doing this I'm inclined to think it could be grounding issue (a loose grounding wire, for example). Do you have a outlet tester?

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