MNC DoverMNC Dover Full-time Voice ActorKirkland, WARegistered User regular
edited April 2014 in Games and Technology

Join the PA community by having your Nintendo Network ID posted here!


Start by sending a PM containing your forum name/NNID to @ " MNC Dover " (remove the spaces before and after the " " marks or it won't work) to get added to the list. Please send me your info like it's shown below to make my job easier.

Also, make sure to enable your friend's list. Do this by hitting the home button on your gamepad and selecting the "friend list" icon on the far left OR going to the MiiVerse and searching for the NNID manually (recommended).

PA name/NNID
MNC Dover/MNC.Dover
Professor Snugglesworth/Pols.Voice
minor incident/minor.incident
Xenogears of Bore/KingSheet
Brainiac 8/Brainiac_8
The Sneak!/TheSneak
Mystic Terrapin/Ghostosaurus
Man of the Waves/BuckarooHoliday
Kuribo's Shoe/ShoeVonDoom
imperialparadox / imperialparadox
Agahnim / AgahnimD
Karrmer / Karrmer
Magic Pink/MagicPink
Beefjerky's non-PA girlfriend/Emily-Rose
V Faction/V-Faction
No Great Name/SirToons
Joe Dizzy/JoeDizzy
John Zoidberg/PAJZ83
Rorus Raz/Razola
Jam Warrior/JamWarrior
Houn / DigitalArcanist
Man in the Mists/Man_in_the_mists
Toxic Toys/ToxicToys

Some important notes/tips from PA posters to help smooth out your initial Wii U experience.
1) Improving Wifi performance
-- It looks like the WII U has some issues with DHCP and automatic configuration of wifi. If you know how, manually enter your IP information into the Wii U, setting the IP Address, Subnet, and gateway to match your DHCP settings but in an area that the modem isn't giving out (up around 240-250 is usually safe). Then manually set DNS - if you don't know it, use (google's DNS). This allowed things to work much better for me.

2) Opting in to friend requests must be done before you can receive friend requests. Do this by hitting the Home button, tapping on Friend List orange button on the left, tap on Settings, enable friend requests.

3) Why the Friends Lists are like they are:

--I wouldn't be surprised if the Miiverse servers really are integral to the Wii U's experience, and timeouts were what was causing the lag.

--Also, I think I've figured out how friend invites work, and why there are 2 different ways to enter them.

--Miiverse: Social integration. You have to opt in to allow friend requests on Miiverse (which at least 4 people in the OP haven't done, *cough cough*) . If you allow friend requests in that, then you'll get notifications when people add you through it, which can be due to profile posts or from playing with other people or all that jazz.

--If, however, you don't want the world to be able to add you, you can just have friends add you via mutual NNID exchange. This is where someone puts in your NNID into their console, and you are not informed about it... But if you put their NNID in as well, then voila! You have each other as friends. (This is how I added the 4 people in the OP who didn't have their friend requests turned on).

--So basically, Nintendo's created two avenues to add friends that are NOT mutually exclusive and can be used as a gatekeeper. If you want the world to be your friend, awesome! If you don't want the world up in your grill but you still want the ability to add friends, awesome! If you want the whole world to leave you alone, go for it.

4) The home button takes a screen shot. Once the home menu is up, you can jump to the miiverse and post it in a comment there. If you don't post it, it's gone as soon as you go back to the game, to be replaced with a new one next time you hit Home.

5) Game updates can be downloaded in the background. If you click the "Start Game" button it will begin background downloading. Then you can do whatever you want while the game update downloads. I don't know if it specifically downloads while you are in the game you're downloading for, but it definitely does if you quit out of it. There is also a "Download Manager" app on the Home button where you can see what it's doing with the downloads.

So the Wii U is Nintendo's newest console. If you wish to buy it, then you have around four flavors: Deluxe Cheesecake, Hyrulian Pecan Pie, and Mario Tiramisu. There's also a ZombiU edition floating around.

The best bet is the Zelda edition. You get most of the perks of the Deluxe version, which means a 32gb HDD, fancy cradles for the gamepad, and a black console. You also get a shiny Wind Waker-theme gamepad and a digital copy of Wind Waker HD AND the Hyrule Historia (a book for Zelda nerds). The only reason to get the Deluxe version over this is that you don't want Wind Waker and/or REALLY want Mario/Luigi. Yes, the Zelda Wii U gets the Deluxe eShop Promotion (more about that further down this post). Either way you go, these two sets cost $299.99.

At the heart of the Wii U is the new tablet-esque controller that allows the player to free themselves from the cruel tyranny of the TV. The screen is touch sensitive and can be used via stylus or finger. The controller features dual stick controller (and the sticks can click for extra functionality), four trigger/bumper buttons, four face buttons, and both accelerometer and gyroscope for motion control. The Wii U actually streams content to the game pad, meaning that many games can be played entirely on the pad while your TV gets used for other crap. In fact, after you do the initial set up, you don't even need to have the Wii U connected to a TV to play it. Meanwhile, other titles will make use of the controller for a variety of gameplay purposes such as inventory management, aiming weapons, and so forth. These titles, obviously, will require a TV to play.

Another important thing to note: the tablet controller also features a camera and microphone. This will be utilized in things like Miiverse, and the Wii U comes with a video chat program installed. This video shows us some of the ways the GamePad can be utilized.

The Wii U can support two of these controllers at the same time, albeit capping the frame rate at 30fps when you do so. The hardware also supports just about everything from the Wii, including the remotes, balance board, motion plus, and so forth. The Wii U also includes a sensor bar for special pointer stuff. There is also a new controller for games that don't require the extra screen. The Pro Controller is intended to be a more comfortable controller for more conventional control schemes.

The GamePad will NOT be available for sale in North America (and probably not Europe). The price in Japan is the equivalent of around $175, so expect a price point of $150 or so. However, until Nintendo decides to stock 'em, you're stuck with the GamePad included with your system. You will be able to call for a replacement, so don't' fret about breaking one. Note that no Wii U games at launch will make use of two GamePads.

The Pro Controller RSVPs for $49.99.

Hey, let's talk about Miiverse
Nintendo is basically diving head-first into online. The Wii U features standard entertainment such as YouTube, Netflix, Amazon, and so forth. The new thing here is Miiverse, which is a network that shows what people are playing, and allows you to brag, get assistance, offer comments, or post crude drawings of genitals get nailed by the frightfully alert moderation staff. The image above shows the Miis clustering around games they play, be they friends or some stranger from Utah, and comments/drawings will pop up every so often. Miiverse is entirely optional, and you can control whether you get posts from just friends, the whole internet, or nobody at all. It also can label posts as spoilers so your gaming experience is never sullied like when your friend tells you that Bowser kidnapped Peach and ruined the whole plot. There are also communities for each game that kinda act like bulletin boards, and many games will feature Miiverse posts in the game itself.

Friend Codes are dead. You make a Nintendo Network ID, and you're done. You got a friend's list, can send messages to friends, follow friend activity (kinda like Twitter), and so forth. WARNING: Your NNID is tied to the console, along with any eShop purchases you make. While it is possible to unlink an NNID, it requires a lengthy phone call to customer service and is unlikely to be fruitful unless your system broke or something. Furthermore, you can only link one Club Nintendo account to just one NNID. They're a bit more lenient about unlinking Club Nintendo accounts, but it still requires an hour on the phone listening to the lowest quality version of the Zelda theme.

Here's an annoying video to demonstrate the feature.

The Miiverse won't just be a Wii U thing. It'll eventually be ported over to the 3DS, and you'll be able to utilize certain parts of the Miiverse on your PC, smartphones, and tablets-that-aren't-controllers. When this happens is anyone's guess.


TVii is a rather ambition system that tries to be an all-in-one hub for couch potatoes. Using the Wii U controller like a remote, you can browse and control various programs at any time. This is completely cross-platform, and TVii will search all of the popular streaming services in addition to live TV. Supposedly, you can control your cable box, DVR, and more with the remote for unfettered touch-based television control. This features appears to only be for the NA and JPN markets at this time.

If you don't have a subscription, you can purchase the episode/subscription from the controller.

Hey, the Wii U has games. Okay, not a lot, but it has some, and they're pretty great.

What's cool about the Wii U is that it's the first Nintendo home console to allow for digital purchases of full retail titles. It's worth noting that the average size of a Wii U title is 10+ GB, so you will probably need to purchase an external USB Hard Disk Drive if that is the way you want to go. The Wii U supports USB 2.0 HDDs with a maximum size of 2TB, but Nintendo says that a firmware update in the future will allow the hardware to recognize larger drives. HOWEVER, the Wii U will NEVER recognize any storage past the initial 2TB, so...just get a 2TB drive. Honestly, you don't even NEED more space than that.

It's also worth noting that Deluxe Set owners get a deal on the eShop. Every purchase you make on the eShop will give you a number of points back based on a percentage of the purchase. The end result is that you average about 10% off all digital purchases, but since the money you save goes straight into your account it's...not as nice a deal as you'd expect. You still have to spend $59.99 on Darksiders II, you just will have $5.99 on your account for other eShop purchases. This offer ends December 2014, so take advantage of it while you can.

These are all NA dates. Go...somewhere else, Europe.


Games in PINK are pretty much sure-deals. Games in PURPLE may require consideration, either because there are issues with the port, gameplay hiccups you may or may not tolerate, or there is simply a cheaper alternative on another platform. Everything else is probably trash or I don't know enough about it. An asterisk indicates that the game is fully playable on the game pad. Stuff in gray is shovelware or crap.

Are you lazy and just want some quick recommendations? Okay: New Super Mario Bros. Wii U, ZombiU, Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, and Rayman Legends.
  • Nintendo Land
  • New Super Mario Bros. Wii U*
  • Disney’s Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
  • Sonic & All-Stars: Racing Transformed* (it's really cheap on Steam now)
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 2*
  • Assassin’s Creed III*
  • Darksiders II*
  • FIFA 13
  • Just Dance 4
  • ZombiU
  • Madden NFL 13
  • Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge*
  • Mass Effect 3: Special Edition*
  • Tank! Tank! Tank!
  • Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition*
  • Scribblenauts Unlimited
  • Rabbids Land
  • Skylanders Giants
  • Trine 2*
  • Tekken Tag Tournament 2*
  • Funky Barn
  • Toki Tori 2
  • Nano Assault Neo*
  • Mighty Switch Force: Hyper Drive Edition* (An HD remake of the 3DS version)
  • Rise of the Guardians: The Video Game
  • Game Party Champions
  • Family Party: 30 Great Games Obstacle Arcade
  • 007 Legends
  • Little Inferno
  • Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2013
  • Avengers: Battle for Earth
  • NBA 2K13
  • Sing Party
  • Cabela’s Dangerous Hunts
  • Rapala Pro Bass Fishing
  • Transformers Prime
  • Ben 10: Omniverse
  • ESPN Sports Connection
  • Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate*
  • LEGO City Undercover
  • Game and Wario
  • Splinter Cell: Blacklist*
  • Pikmin 3
  • New Super Luigi U*
  • The Wonderful 101*
  • Rayman Legends (This is the definitive version, as the touch screen stuff was half-assed on other consoles. The only other version that comes close is maybe PC because it's twenty bucks cheaper)
  • The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD (consider this a MUST BUY if you've never played it, but otherwise your purchase depends on whether or not an HD remake is worth fifty bucks)
  • Disney Infinity (it's basically Skylanders from Disney, with all of the expense that infers)
  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution
  • Wii Party U*
  • Call of Duty: Ghosts
  • Super Mario 3D World
  • Just Dance 4
  • Wii Fit U

On the Horizon
  • Jett Tailfin
  • Super Smash Bros.
  • Mario Kart 8
  • X (Xenosaga 2?)
  • Bayonetta 2
  • Donkey Kong Country Returns: Tropical Freeze

Do not get attached to this thread. At some point after the Wii U launches (probably after the first holiday season), the thread will be retired. Okay, at this point it's obvious the Wii U Thread has gotten a stay of execution. This is because the system is doing terribly and there'd be practically no Wii U talk without this thread. Do not point to this thread if we decide to shut down the mega thread for some other console. Instead, take solace in knowing your hardware isn't struggling to beat the PS Vita in sales each month. Having said that, the mod staff reserves the right to shut this thread down whenever it deems fit. Especially if behavior becomes routinely toxic.

I'd like this note in every future Wii U thread.

Need a voice actor? Hire me at bengrayVO.com
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
Steam ID
Twitch Page
MNC Dover on


  • skeldareskeldare Gresham, ORRegistered User regular
    Love that new thread smell.

    Nintendo Console Codes
    Switch (JeffConser): SW-3353-5433-5137 Wii U: Skeldare - 3DS: 1848-1663-9345
    PM Me if you add me!
  • RidleySariaRidleySaria AnaheimRegistered User regular
    Ha ha! I love the joke thread name.


    -- Switch friend code: 2978-3296-1491 -- PSN: RidleySaria -- Genshin Impact UID: 607033509 --
  • skeldareskeldare Gresham, ORRegistered User regular
    Ok, everyone needs to buy Unepic.

    Nintendo Console Codes
    Switch (JeffConser): SW-3353-5433-5137 Wii U: Skeldare - 3DS: 1848-1663-9345
    PM Me if you add me!
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular
    Ha ha! I love the joke thread name.


    You stole my post!


  • AbsoluteZeroAbsoluteZero The new film by Quentin Koopantino Registered User regular
    Opinions on Deus Ex Human Revolution? I've never played a DE title but it's piqued my interest.

  • MblackwellMblackwell Registered User regular
    edited January 2014
    I've only played the first five hours or so of the PC version but what I played I liked (and the original Deus Ex is amazeballs). I'm actually waiting for the Wii U game price to go down and then I'll play it there instead (until I get a hankering for some PC KBAM action again) because the GamePad features look awesome.

    The game is an FPS/RPG hybrid that has a lot of open/emergent gameplay where you can not only take different approaches to most situations but you can make vastly different choices. There's also a lot to do outside of the main story so the game is quite open even if the overall story is linear.

    Mblackwell on
    Music: The Rejected Applications | Nintendo Network ID: Mblackwell

  • EnlongEnlong Registered User regular
    I demand that X be called "Xenoblade 2?" instead.

  • SagrothSagroth Registered User regular
    Two quick questions:

    1) I hear the WiiU version of Arkham Origins is the best version. Is this correct?

    2) I hear mixed things about Rayman Legends on the WiiU. Can anyone elaborate the benefits/concerns?

    3DS Code: 5155-3087-0800
  • Raybies666Raybies666 Registered User regular
    Opinions on Deus Ex Human Revolution? I've never played a DE title but it's piqued my interest.

    It's a good game. I had it on 360, enjoyed it and traded it in for far more than i paid. I got the Wii U version for cheap and it's still enjoyable. There's one frustrating thing, your aiming dot is very small and you have to line it up perfectly to pick up small items. That is my only criticism (the Wii U version has addressed problems with te previous release).

    Beat me on Wii U: Raybies
    Beat me on 360: Raybies666

    I remember when I had time to be good at games.
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular
    Sagroth wrote: »
    Two quick questions:

    1) I hear the WiiU version of Arkham Origins is the best version. Is this correct?

    2) I hear mixed things about Rayman Legends on the WiiU. Can anyone elaborate the benefits/concerns?

    1) Best console version, yes. Correct. Unless you care about multi, which it does not contain. Most people don't care about the multi.

    2) You might like it! It has touch-screen gimmick levels which I feel slow down the pace of the gameplay. On other platforms, these levels just require an extra button press and never really slow down the action, which lends it more of a breakneck platforming feel.

  • QuicalQuical Registered User regular
    Rayman legends is one of the best platformers i've ever played. It screams creativity and fun.
    That said, it's more fun with two players with one on the game-pad. I don't know what it's like with only one person playing and having to do the gimmick levels on their own.

    NNID: Quical
    STEAM: Quical
    Check out my youtube channel, maybe subscribe?: NerdAndOrGeek
  • WotanAnubisWotanAnubis Registered User regular
    I notice that Warriors Orochi 3: Hyper still hasn't made it into the list of games that are out right now.
    skeldare wrote: »
    Ok, everyone needs to buy Unepic.

    What's it about? What kind of game is it?

  • SagrothSagroth Registered User regular
    Sagroth wrote: »
    Two quick questions:

    1) I hear the WiiU version of Arkham Origins is the best version. Is this correct?

    2) I hear mixed things about Rayman Legends on the WiiU. Can anyone elaborate the benefits/concerns?

    1) Best console version, yes. Correct. Unless you care about multi, which it does not contain. Most people don't care about the multi.

    2) You might like it! It has touch-screen gimmick levels which I feel slow down the pace of the gameplay. On other platforms, these levels just require an extra button press and never really slow down the action, which lends it more of a breakneck platforming feel.

    Is there any way to get around the touch screen thing? Like use the other gamepad?

    3DS Code: 5155-3087-0800
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular

  • SagrothSagroth Registered User regular

    Hrm. Is there anywhere that has it on sale? I recall the last Rayman went to $20 REALLY fast.

    3DS Code: 5155-3087-0800
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular
    The cheapest I've seen it anywhere is around $40. It's $43 currently on PS3/360 on Amazon, and $57 on Wii U

  • KriegaffeKriegaffe Registered User regular
    Raybies666 wrote: »
    Opinions on Deus Ex Human Revolution? I've never played a DE title but it's piqued my interest.

    It's a good game. I had it on 360, enjoyed it and traded it in for far more than i paid. I got the Wii U version for cheap and it's still enjoyable. There's one frustrating thing, your aiming dot is very small and you have to line it up perfectly to pick up small items. That is my only criticism (the Wii U version has addressed problems with te previous release).

    I had a bit of trouble with aiming early on, but I adjusted the sensitivity and I was fine from then.

    I find Deus Ex to be a lot like certain PC games such as Fallout 3. There's all this stuff to scavenge through, lots of back story to read, long running sub quests. This is kinda cool, but it does mean you need to apply a reasonable amount of patience. A heavy emphasis on stealth also slows the pacing.

    On the other hand, it's a bit like a first person Metal Gear Solid.

  • SagrothSagroth Registered User regular
    The cheapest I've seen it anywhere is around $40. It's $43 currently on PS3/360 on Amazon, and $57 on Wii U

    Thanks, man!

    3DS Code: 5155-3087-0800
  • KaimakaKaimaka Registered User regular
    So that first post, I know it's just copy pasted from the last thread but seeing as this is a brand new Wii U thread shouldn't some of the info be updated? Like this
    The Miiverse won't just be a Wii U thing. It'll eventually be ported over to the 3DS, and you'll be able to utilize certain parts of the Miiverse on your PC, smartphones, and tablets-that-aren't-controllers. When this happens is anyone's guess.

    Miiverse is on 3DS now along with sharing a wallet between a Wii U and a 3DS with the same NNID. Also there is Miiverse for computer browsers now too, not sure about smartphone etc.

    Switch Friend Code: SW-3349-7357-2013
    3DS Friend code: 3093 8504 2352
  • 815165815165 Registered User regular
    I have a Wii U and a 3DS and, despite being adorable, I have no idea what the Miiverse actually offers me as a service?

  • Brainiac 8Brainiac 8 Don't call me Shirley... Registered User regular
    815165 wrote: »
    I have a Wii U and a 3DS and, despite being adorable, I have no idea what the Miiverse actually offers me as a service?

    It's basically a Nintendo moderated gaming forum.

    If that appeals to you, then use it. If not, then don't. :P

    3DS Friend Code - 1032-1293-2997
    Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
    PSN - Brainiac_8
    Steam - http://steamcommunity.com/id/BRAINIAC8/
    Add me!
  • KaimakaKaimaka Registered User regular
    I find it's a good place to ask questions about the game you're playing because when you hit Miiverse from a suspened game it goes straight to that game's community. So if someone went to the Miiverse to post a funny screen shot they might see your question and answer it.

    Switch Friend Code: SW-3349-7357-2013
    3DS Friend code: 3093 8504 2352
  • UncleSporkyUncleSporky Registered User regular
    Right now it's the only way to get direct feed capture screenshots off the 3DS, so even if you don't like communicating with random strangers you can use it for that. It's also great for browsing others' 3D screenshots to see what the effect looks like in various games, there aren't too many ways to get a preview like that.

    Switch Friend Code: SW - 5443 - 2358 - 9118 || 3DS Friend Code: 0989 - 1731 - 9504 || NNID: unclesporky
  • darren66darren66 Registered User regular
    edited January 2014
    Raybies666 wrote: »
    There's one frustrating thing, your aiming dot is very small and you have to line it up perfectly to pick up small items.

    Or you could play on the hard difficulty, which doesn't have a targeting reticle.

    Anyways, the Wii U version is very good. The gamepad integration is very good - Arkham City good.

    darren66 on
    Wii U sucks, but my NNID is da66en. Steam is route66. 3DS is 2938-8099-8160.
    Neo Geo Big Red owners club.
    2009 PAX Puzzle Quest Champion
    I have beat Rygar on the NES and many of you have not.
  • BronzeKoopaBronzeKoopa Registered User regular
    Not gonna lie, I used Miiverse to get some clues on some green stars in Mario 3D World. And for Zelda Wind Waker HD it really integrates well with the Tingle Bottles and Pictograph stuff.

  • Dug DangerDug Danger Registered User regular
    I notice that Warriors Orochi 3: Hyper still hasn't made it into the list of games that are out right now.
    skeldare wrote: »
    Ok, everyone needs to buy Unepic.

    What's it about? What kind of game is it?

    Same. I want to get a cheaper dl title but ive only read up on castlestorm so far.

    XBL-Dug Danger WiiU-DugDanger Steam-http://steamcommunity.com/id/DugDanger/
  • urahonkyurahonky Cynical Old Man Registered User regular
    FINE I'll start playing Unepic. I'll be back with impressions.

  • Maz-Maz- 飛べ Registered User regular
    Wii U, eh? Pretty doomed if you ask me.

    Add me on Switch: 7795-5541-4699
  • HydroSqueegeeHydroSqueegee ULTRACAT!!!™®© Registered User regular
    urahonky wrote: »
    FINE I'll start playing Unepic. I'll be back with impressions.

    I completely forgot about this being released. May pick it up since i have a 3 day weekend.

  • SyphonBlueSyphonBlue The studying beaver That beaver sure loves studying!Registered User regular
    I liked the touchscreen levels in Rayman. Nice change of pace.

    PSN/Steam/NNID: SyphonBlue | BNet: SyphonBlue#1126
  • urahonkyurahonky Cynical Old Man Registered User regular
    Well Unepic is going to be a great game to me. It's a metroidvania with RPG elements. You also get skill points to level up weapons/armor/skills so you can focus on one weapon type or whatever.

  • SyphonBlueSyphonBlue The studying beaver That beaver sure loves studying!Registered User regular
    Also, I got to the Star world in Mario last night and man that last level before Bowser's Tower (the one with the flipping block over lava) kicked my ass hard. I probably died about 20 times on that one before finally beating it.

    PSN/Steam/NNID: SyphonBlue | BNet: SyphonBlue#1126
  • Brainiac 8Brainiac 8 Don't call me Shirley... Registered User regular
    SyphonBlue wrote: »
    Also, I got to the Star world in Mario last night and man that last level before Bowser's Tower (the one with the flipping block over lava) kicked my ass hard. I probably died about 20 times on that one before finally beating it.

    Yea, me too.

    It took me quite a while to figure out that I shouldn't jump when it flips at all. I ended up copying what the rats were doing.

    3DS Friend Code - 1032-1293-2997
    Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
    PSN - Brainiac_8
    Steam - http://steamcommunity.com/id/BRAINIAC8/
    Add me!
  • Maz-Maz- 飛べ Registered User regular
    edited January 2014
    SyphonBlue wrote: »
    Also, I got to the Star world in Mario last night and man that last level before Bowser's Tower (the one with the flipping block over lava) kicked my ass hard. I probably died about 20 times on that one before finally beating it.

    Yeah, it's probably the most difficult level in the game other than the very final super special one.

    Maz- on
    Add me on Switch: 7795-5541-4699
  • HydroSqueegeeHydroSqueegee ULTRACAT!!!™®© Registered User regular
    SyphonBlue wrote: »
    Also, I got to the Star world in Mario last night and man that last level before Bowser's Tower (the one with the flipping block over lava) kicked my ass hard. I probably died about 20 times on that one before finally beating it.

    My 8 year old and I are currently stuck on that level. It devolved into me picking him up and tossing him into the lava over and over again while he franticly attempts to run away. Good times, and maniacal laughter, were had.

  • Look Out it's Sabs!Look Out it's Sabs! Registered User regular
    Quical wrote: »
    Rayman legends is one of the best platformers i've ever played. It screams creativity and fun.
    That said, it's more fun with two players with one on the game-pad. I don't know what it's like with only one person playing and having to do the gimmick levels on their own.

    While the Mario games are wicked fun, I've probably enjoyed Rayman Origins and Legends A LOT more. I had so much fun with Rayman Legends on the WiiU, only thing I missed out on was doing the Murphy levels with a friend.

    NNID: Sabuiy
    3DS: 2852-6809-9411
  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
    edited January 2014
    So I came here expecting it to be all Nintendo Doom today with the news about Nintendo earnings and cutting Wii U forecast to a third...

    I'd still like to see what actual holiday numbers were but overall it seems like it's been pretty bad which is kinda sad as I've been pretty impressed with the Wii U that we got for xmas and have been really enjoying it.

    Incindium on
    Nintendo ID: Incindium
    PSN: IncindiumX
  • UncleSporkyUncleSporky Registered User regular
    That's typically more industry thread type stuff. I don't think we're forbidden from discussing that sort of thing here but generally this thread has been about the games or recommendations or sales etc.

    Switch Friend Code: SW - 5443 - 2358 - 9118 || 3DS Friend Code: 0989 - 1731 - 9504 || NNID: unclesporky
  • Maz-Maz- 飛べ Registered User regular
    I'd be happy if this thread doesn't turn into armchair analyst talk. "Well, clearly Nintendo, a multi-billion dollar company, should listen to me, Random Internet Guy, and take these five easy steps to be successful: " (posted by five different people each offering different advice)

    Add me on Switch: 7795-5541-4699
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