Price of Persia : Rival Swordsfor the Wii
Rival Swords is essentially a remake of Prince of Persia : The Two Thrones, except with waggle, widescreen and 480p.
How I Waggle?
Motion detection inputs are primarily used to initiate attacks as well as other event-based movements. It's similar to Twilight Princess, wherein you flick your Wii Remote to attack, and keep flicking for combos and special moves. One benefit is that you're now dual wielding, so you're able to flick your nunchuck as well to attack with your left hand.
The rest of the controls use the buttons on the controllers. The camera can be moved by twisting the Wii Remote, but one can also rotate the camera with the directional pad.
Is it Good?
It's essentially the exact same game as the Two Thrones. According to
1Up, there aren't any differences, graphically, in the Wii version. One caveat is that it is supposedly censored; that is, the kills aren't as brutal in this version. One probably wouldn't notice if they've never played the original, but it is interesting Ubisoft decided to do this.
Nintendo Power - 7/10 : No changes from the Two Thrones version, censored violent one-hit kills, motion-controls work great, maybe not worth the money if you've played it before.
IGN - 7.1/10 : intuitive attack motion-controls, some camera issues due to no dual analog sticks, just buy the GC version
The Wii version of Rival Swords is a solid game, and remains fun to play in spite of the censoring. The controls work well, but they're not revolutionary. I like it so far after one play session.
I haven't played the Two Thrones. I enjoyed Sands of Time, but didn't enjoy Warrior Within all that much. Some of the boss battles were too difficult for me, and I didn't like running from that giant scary monster guy.
I'm looking forward to Rival Swords, but I'm disappointed there aren't any graphical updates. Maybe I'll just buy Two Thrones for the Gamecube, or wait until the price drops for Rival Swords.
If anyone has purchased or played this and would like to comment, I'm all ears.
This is getting to be an annoying and frequent Wii trend.
[GAME] is essentially a remake of [GAME], except with waggle.
That you appear trolling in each fucking Wii thread is an annoying and frequent trend.
Also (and I realize this won't mean anything to you), but
Quite, but I'd rather remakes instead of no games at all. I'm just assuming they're using this tactic as a cash in while they develop full-fledged Wii games. The benefit is it's preventing an all out drought.
I see several possibilities.
1. You have played none of the PoP games of last gen.
In which case get the trilogy pack for the PS2, or if you have no PS2, Sands of time + The Two thrones for the GC.
2. You played Sot/WW and not The Two thrones.
Get The Two Thrones for any of the last gen consoles (sadly not 360 BC as of yet)
2. You play all 3 PoP games of last gen.
In which case get Super Paper Mario, Sonic, or some other Wii game.
No-one shoul buy this game, Ubisoft can be an aweseme dev/pub at times, but don't rewards them with your money when they aren't.
Truth. You posted this, what, five seconds after posting the exact same thing in the RE4 Wii thread?
To be fair; he's right. As long as Wii ports are the exact same game with motion controls that replace button presses then what's the point? When you can play (or watch) a game and say "now that looks honest-to-God better than using buttons" it's a good Wii port, and I'm not sure we've seen that yet.
I don't want motion controls for the sake of motion controls. I want motion controls that add to the game experience. Not every game fits that, and I have a feeling that PoP, with its emphasis on timing isn't going to be a great fit for the old game + waggle = profit formula.
Because let's face it. PoP gets pretty frustrating even with a conventional control scheme. Do you really want to see how frustrating it is after Ubi took away your buttons and mapped them to motion control gestures?
Well, I wouldn't say frequent, the Wii is just starting out, but yeah, it's definately starting to be a trend.
Hopefully this is just a trial period for devs to get used to making Wii controls. I can see this as a safe way to get used to developing for it.
Better then releasing a brand new PoP/whatever and it having shit waggle controls.
However, if this contiues....ugghh.
The wii needs demos, be they downloadable, given away in store or on the front of magazines and it needs them quick.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
That said, there are still good examples and bad examples. I haven't played Rival Swords or read much about it, but the word on the street is that it's pretty flimsy. Unless the controls are OMG awesome, I'd tell people just to go buy the GC version of Two Thrones, which is now probably $10-$20.
Very yes. There is no reason why I shouldn't be able to download a demo to my 1GB SD card, play it from the card, and then delete it.
It has never been about how easy and simple it is. It is how satisfying and fun controls are. For example, Dance Dance Revolution. It can be played both pad and dance mat. Though pad gives more precise, easier and result-wise same solution, still, for some strange reason, people prefer dancemat. Wii Godfather could have used just button presses (there is enough buttons in the mote), but they used motions. And nearly everyone prefers Wii version to other versions, even though they just changed button presses to motions.
except being able to boot code from the SD card would pretty much make piracy a certainty, sadly.
I read it in my Nintendo Power mag. I don't think they post their articles online. I'll see if I can dig up another source.
Probably the fact that reading from the SD card is way too slow for games and the Wii only has 88 MBs of ram.
also a recent 1up podcast irrc.
SD card is slow, since when? Normal SD card has transfer rate between 100 Mbit/s - 200 Mbit/s, which is more than enough for demos.
Okay then... what's been censored?
And my point is that it's going to be much easier to make an unplayable steaming pile when you try to shoehorn motion controls into an existing game. Those options you're talking about in DDR are planned when the game is initially developed. I sincerely doubt that Ubi knew what was coming down the pipe from Nintendo and decided to design Two Thrones with an eventual motion-control port in mind.
Here's how I see it happening.
1.) Ubi makes Two Thrones which is good and successful (developed button-centric controllers in mind).
2.) Nintendo makes Wii which is good and successful (developed with motion controls in mind).
3.) Ubi forces motion controls into a game designed for a conventional scheme.
4.) Gamers buy it, and are punished by another sloppy Ubi port.
I haven't played The Godfather, but if the Wii controls are well-implemented that's great. I have played Two Thrones, and I can't imagine trying to pull off combinations that precise using gestures. Some games just aren't destined for waggle, and the sooner developers realize that and actually develop for the console instead of forcing motion controls, the better off we'll be.
again, iirc, even when you kill regular people, they disolve like sand demons, and some cut scenes have been changed to remove violence, but its been done shodilly so it makes no sense with regards to the plot.
• All stealth kills are now stealth "take your arm and knock them unconscious" moves
• No blood spilt from anyone, human or sand-creature
• In one scene, instead of the evil prince killing off an evil enemy female character, she falls off a building and the evil (EVIL, mind you) prince tries to save her!
It's all stuff that wasn't in the PSP version and was implemented specifically for the Wii version. Again, this is all heresay, but it's pretty if true.
It is quite stupid to say that wiimote / nunchuk can't work with more complex games, when it has more buttons that Dreamcast controller, one less than Gamecube controller and only two less than PS3 / X360 controller. Only thing that it is missing is second analog stick, and pointer can replace it in genre where it is used most; FPS's. In fact, they could have easily used normal, cube-esque button presses in SSX Blur if they would have really wanted. It isn't wiimote's fault that some companies are rushing ports, and not using common sense in design.
Anyway, I still want to hear more impressions about Rival Swords, but I'm not too optimistic, as I mentioned. The game is still really great, though; I skipped Warrior Within based on the bad buzz it got, but Two Thrones was a great return to style, even though I still don't like the complexed-up battle engine.
Noting the obvious is hardly trolling.
Hey, man, I was just talking about the game. Y'all are the ones that made this personal. Hmm. Personal attacks? Sounds like trolling to me.
Saying that an overload of "direct ports + waggle" to the Wii isn't trolling. It's an opinion, grounded in fact (Two Thrones > Rival Swords, RE4 > RE4 Wii, etc.). Saying that this isn't a good thing is an opinion, and not exactly a fringe one. Feel free to disagree.
This game is supposedly on shelves now. Maybe I'll use my Blockbuster coupon for it and come back with impressions. I'll have to convince the wife not to get Cooking Mama.
Anyway, I'm going to be picking up the PSP version of this in a few hour's time. Word-life.
I'm not saying the the Wii doesn't have enough buttons.
I'm saying that some games don't seem like they'd lend themselves well to gesture-based control.
With all the acrobatics in Prince of Persia, I'd rather just pull a trigger and know that I'm wall running exactly when I need to be. Especially since of the acrobatics are very exact regarding when things need to happen. I can see this being particularly problematic during Dark Prince segments. A couple of those things had just enough time to complete the segment. I'd rather fail because I didn't know what to do than because my gesture didn't register or I didn't do it exactly right or I was made to use a gesture when pushing the B trigger could have done the exact same thing except more convenient.
Do I think that a good PoP could be made for the Wii? Yes, but I don't think porting a game designed around exact and timing-sensitive button-presses is the way to do it. And has been previously mentioned, I'm not a big fan of motion controls that just replace button presses. Don't make me jerk the controller upward to jump. Let me use it to aim. Show me things that it can do better than a button press, and don't be afraid to use the buttons that are there when they're more suited to the task at hand.
I love having definitive opinions on consoles only a few months after release. It makes me feel like a man.
Oh, and I won't be buying this, because I've already played all three games, and this is essentially Two Thrones with Wii controls tacked on.
According to the OP, the motion controls that are implemented in this game are for fighting only. All precision acrobatic movements are done with button presses.
Also, you're assuming that gesture based motions can't be precise. I disagree with you there.
PSN ID : Xander51 Steam ID : Xander51
Combat feels a little imprecise, though all the combos are still here. It's more visceral as well cause you can just flail with both hands and get some results. The platforming is still top notch, and all of that is still controlled with buttons. As mentioned earlier, only the combat makes heavy use of motion control. The speed kills are more fun than the standard combat, but then in my opinion that was the case with the original game. As to the censoring, it seems all they really did was change the blood so that it looks like sand...they left in the squishing noises from the attacks which is kind of funny when there's no gore. The animations of the speed kills seem the same, they just have slightly less impact due to the censoring.
At first it really bothered me because I just got done playing a whole lot of God of War II. However, after my little play session, it didn't really bother me at all. I've yet to see any censoring to cutscenes or story, but then I'm not far in enough to find any of that yet. Overall, it seems like a really solid port: framerate is good, graphics are solid, and the gameplay is still fun. The controls don't feel tacked on, they're just a little different, and I personally find them just as responsive as the original controls. If anyone has any questions I'd be happy to try and answer them. I'm not a hardcore fan of this series, but I've been playing PoP since the original (meaning the Original original, not Sands of Time) and this is really getting me back into it.
TL;dr The Wii version of Rival Swords is a solid game, and remains fun to play in spite of the censoring. The controls work well, but they're not revolutionary. I like it so far after one play session.
PSN ID : Xander51 Steam ID : Xander51
EDIT: Holy shit they do. If you've never played it, get it on GC and save yourself like $30.
I'm seeing blood in this video.
Yeah, you kill maybe twenty dudes, tops, before they're converted into sand monsters.
The cutscene where the prince first encounters the main villain and his cronies has a pretty 'ouch' scene. (But I doubt they censored FMVs), and the first boss fight is almost God of War-ish in brutality.
I can't believe that they actually make the Prince try and save one of the bosses who is kicked into a pit, though. That's just... holy shit wow.
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