The previous Critical Failures game of
The Resistance: Avalon ended with a victory by Mordred's Minions (aided by an accidentally overpowered Oberon)! Sign-ups are now being taken for the next game, which I'll be running.
First, some rules and explanation for those who may not know the game. I've just copied Professor Phobo's excellent rundown from the previous thread:
It's the days of Camelot, but Arthur's rule isn't going very well. There are threats aplenty, requiring brave and loyal knights to go on Quests. Five Quests, specifically. If the loyal servants of Arthur can succeed at three of the five Quests, Camelot is stabilized and the glorious somewhat benevolent rule of an unelected monarch can continue. But amongst Arthur's Knights are various servants of evil, who want to bring down his reign and place the wicked Mordred on the throne. If they can fail three of the five Quests, Arthur is overthrown.
We'll go for the full 10 players, meaning six loyal servants of Arthur and four minions of Mordred.
The special characters are...
Merlin: On the side of Good. Merlin knows who the Minions of Mordred are. If, however, the Minions of Mordred can guess his identity at the end of the game (they get one shot to do so), Merlin is assassinated and Evil wins.
Even if Good succeeded at three of the five quests. This is very important.
If Merlin dies, Good loses.
Percival: On the side of Good. Percival's job is to protect Merlin, as best as he can. At the start of the game, he'll know who Merlin is. Well, he'll have a 50/50 shot at knowing who Merlin is. See below for "Morgana."
Mordred: Mordred is like any of the other evil characters, but he is invisible to Merlin's magic and unknown to him at the start of the game.
Morgana: Morgana's purpose is to confuse Percival. She registers as Merlin to Percival at the start of the game. She is otherwise the same as any other Evil character.
Oberon: The demonic faerie Oberon is generally dickish enough to qualify as Team Evil, but he doesn't play well with others - he's unknown to the rest of the Evil team.
To summarize, there will be six Loyal Servants of Arthur, one of whom is Merlin and one of whom is Percival.
There will be four Minions of Mordred, one of whom is Mordred, one of whom is Morgana, one of whom is Oberon, and finally one is the Assassin and gets final say on who Team Evil picks out as Merlin at the end of the game.
ALL conversation and discussion must take place in this thread. No private message communications between one another; that would defy the spirit and vitiate the whole purpose of a social deduction game.
If you don't know the Resistance, the basic rules are:
Every turn, there will be a Team Leader. He picks Knights to go on a Quest. Then everyone votes (publicly but simultaneously) to approve or disapprove that team. Note: If after five votes, no team is approved, Evil wins. But this almost never happens since a simple majority or a tie means "Approval."
Once the team is selected, they will each secretly either play a "Success" or "Fail." Even one Fail means the Quest fails - except for Quest 4, which requires two failures. If you are on the side of Good, you
must play Success. If you are on the side of Evil, you have your choice and for various purposes an Evil player may not want to sabotage a Quest.
If a vote fails, Team Leader passes to the next player. If a Quest goes forward, Team Leader passes to the next player.
One last wrinkle is the
Lady of the Lake. The final player in the sequence starts with the token. Immediately after the resolution of Quests 2, 3 or 4, he can play the Lady of the Lake on any other player to see their loyalty. Not their
character, mind you, just whether or not they are on Team Evil or Team Good. The character who was targeted gets the Token and can play it the next time it is available for play.
Procedure: Votes go to me via PM and then I'll reveal all simultaneously. Success/Fail plays to me via PM and then I'll reveal and probably do some lame descriptive fiction of the Quest. By tradition, the Team Leader can describe what Quest he's sending his Knights on. By convention, these should be funny.
Pro-Tip: In the previous game, one very successful minion posted a great deal, and another very successful minion posted very little. The mere act of posting in the thread should not by itself be taken as evidence of loyalty or treachery. Regular posting by all players is highly encouraged, as a play-by-post game has the fun drained out of it when people stop chatting with one another.
Caveat: I reserve the right to prod people every so often if it seems like players are taking too long in proposing teams or in voting. The more quickly this is played (within reason, of course), the more enjoyable it is. Only sign up if you're willing to check in on the thread and comment at least once a day for the next 7-10 days.
A call to arms to previous players:
@Mikey CTS,
@Professor PhobosTurn Order
1. SeGaTai
2. Professor Phobos
3. Kaneski
4. Phyphor
5. jdarksun
6. InkSplat
7. Rhan9
8. discrider
9. Davoid
Number of knights per mission: 3-4-4-5-5.
The fourth mission requires two fail cards to be played for the minions to win the round; all others require only one fail card.
Quest 1 SUCCEEDED: SeGaTai, Professor Phobos, and Kaneski
Quest 2 SUCCEEDED: SeGaTai, Professor Phobos, Kaneski, and InkSplat
Quest 3 FAILED: SeGaTai, Professor Phobos, Kaneski, and jdarksun
Quest 4 FAILED: Kaneski, Phyphor, jdarksun, discrider, and Davoid (2 fail cards played).
Medieval Democracy:
Quest 1, Vote 1: SeGaTai proposed {SeGaTai, Phobos, Kaneski}; Passed 9-0
Ayes: SeGaTai, Professor Phobos, Kaneski, Phyphor, jdarksun, InkSplat, Rhan9, discrider, Davoid
Nays: --
Quest 2, Vote 1: Professor Phobos proposed {SeGaTai, Phobos, Kaneski, InkSplat}; Passed 6-3
Ayes: SeGaTai, Professor Phobos, jdarksun, InkSplat, discrider, Davoid
Nays: Kaneski, Phyphor, Rhan9
Quest 3, Vote 1: Kaneskiproposed {Phyphor, jdarksun, Rhan9, Davoid}; Rejected 0-9
Ayes: --
Nays: SeGaTai, Professor Phobos, Kaneski, Phyphor, jdarksun, InkSplat, Rhan9, discrider, Davoid
Quest 3, Vote 2: Phyphor proposed {SeGaTai, Phobos, Kaneski, Phyphor}: Rejected 4-5.
Ayes: Phyphor, InkSplat, discrider, Davoid
Nays: SeGaTai, Professor Phobos, Kaneski, jdarksun, Rhan9
Quest 3, Vote 3: jdarksun proposed {SeGaTai, Phobos, Kaneski, jdarksun}: Passed 7-2
Ayes: Professor Phobos, Kaneski, jdarksun, InkSplat, Rhan9, discrider, Davoid
Nays: SeGaTai, Phyphor
Quest 4, Vote 1 InkSplat proposed {SeGaTai, Professor Phobos, Kaneski, Davoid, and InkSplat}: Rejected 3-6.
Ayes: Professor Phobos, InkSplat, Davoid
Nays: SeGaTai, Kaneski, Phyphor, jdarksun, Rhan9, discrider
Quest 4, Vote 2: Rhan9 proposed {Phyphor, discrider, Professor Phobos, InkSplat Rhan9}: Rejected 2-7.
Ayes: Rhan9, discrider
Nays: SeGaTai, Professor Phobos, Kaneski, Phyphor, jdarksun, InkSplat, Davoid
Quest 4, Vote 3: discrider proposed {Kaneski, jdarksun, Phyphor, discrider, Davoid}: Accepted 5-4.
Ayes: Professor Phobos, jdarksun, Rhan9, discrider, Davoid
Nays: SeGaTai, Kaneski, Phyphor, InkSplat
Quest 5, Vote 1 Davoid proposed {Phyphor, Kaneski, Professor Phobos, Davoid, and Segatai}: Rejected 3-6.
Ayes: SeGaTai, InkSplat, Davoid
Nays: Phobos, Kaneski, Phyphor, jdarksun, Rhan9, discrider
Who was the minion who posted a great deal? Surely Sokpuppet and I took the cake for postcount?
I also posted a great deal -- but I was most certainly not a successful minion.
Twitch Stream
I feel like I may be stretching myself out a bit thin here, but okay, I'll bite.
I've randomized the Turn Order. The Turn Order will be as follows:
Turn Order
1. SeGaTai
2. Professor Phobos
3. Kaneski
4. Phyphor
5. jdarksun
6. InkSplat
7. Rhan9
8. discrider
9. Davoid
Play begins with @SeGaTai needing to put together a team of 3 knights. @Davoid begins with the Lady of the Lake, and may use it after the second mission.
* Don't send yourself on the first mission.
* Insist that the second mission is everybody from the first mission, plus some random person.
* Drown out all good ideas.
* Trust Phyphor.
I didn't follow the first game, maybe I should go read up on that before coming up with a team.
I think you pretty much mastered that in the first game. :P
Speaking of zero information, is voting to block the first suggestion so as to grab another round of voting information useful?
Also, not much voting pattern can be discerned from "whelp, no reason to say no"