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What to do during tournaments you aren't in?

ZauronZauron Registered User regular
edited August 2004 in PAX Archive
I noticed some time slots there's nothing going on but gaming tournaments - no exhibition room open and no panels. For those of us not participating in these particular tournaments, is there anything else to do?

I recently went to a tournament in that same center (IVGF I think it was called) and everyone agreed it sucked because when it wasn't your turn to compete, there was nothing to do but stand around. That got old pretty quick, we are gamers after all, we like to play games! We thought the event would have been a LOT better if some systems had been set aside for free play to give us something to do when it's not our turn to compete.

So what I'm wondering is, will there still be some consoles and/or PC's set aside for free play during the tournaments? Because honestly, what I had hoped to do was some serious free play Smash Bros. gaming, something I really wanted out of that other event and never really got (only got to play the game 4 times for 16 hours over 2 days - most boring weekend EVER!)

- Zauron
Author of Minebot Arena and some other stuff
Zauron on


  • Zig21Zig21 Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    Unfortunately, the console tournies are just too big to allocate TV's for freeplay during the tournaments themselves, at least for most of the time. During later rounds, if there're less than 32 matches to be played, then I can set some TV's asside for freeplay.

    It's an akward position, really. By avoiding scheduling conflicts between the tournies and other events, we don't force people to miss out on something because they have to play. But by doing so, people who are out early or wait a long time between matches have nothing to do.

    Zig21 on
    Born to Duck
  • B:LB:L I've done worse. Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    Are there any Bring Your Own Console rooms or places, like at EVOLUTION 2004?

    B:L on
    10mvrci.png click for Anime chat
  • ZauronZauron Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    Bummer..guess I'd better bring my GBA SP then eh?

    During total free play there's going to be at least a couple Smash Bros. boxes right? 'Cause honestly other than trying to advertise my Minebot game the main reason I'm going is to play some Smash Bros. against people besides my friends.

    Zauron on
    - Zauron
    Author of Minebot Arena and some other stuff
  • KroenenKroenen Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    Zauron wrote:
    Bummer..guess I'd better bring my GBA SP then eh?

    Yeah. Bring that, a few multiplayer games and your link cable and I'm sure there'd be people that wouldn't mind linking together and playing something.

    Kroenen on
  • Zig21Zig21 Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    Steven-Technically, the console room IS the BYOC room. More like Evo2K3, when free play and tournies were in the same room.

    I plan on allocating certain TV's to certain games during freeplay. Expect at least 4-5 for Smash, as it's the most popular game so far besides Halo.

    Zig21 on
    Born to Duck
  • WhitePantherWhitePanther Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    Darn right bring your GBA. As was posted in another forum, we need some quality Four Swords action. ;) Some Advance Wars 2 might be good as well... anyone recommend other GBA games to pick up?

    Also, don't forget, the Tabletop room is available, and they are sure to have enough tables for whatever needs to go on on the side, despite whatever event they have running at the time. Just join some pickup Magic: the Gathering, Poker, board games, whatever strikes your fancy.

    You could also take time to... Oh, I don't know... eat? Seems the biggest gap you're describing is 6:00-8:00pm on Saturday. Sounds like a perfect time for a burger.

    WhitePanther on
  • Zig21Zig21 Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    6-8pm Saturday is the Black Arrow tourney, which isn't really being organized or run by me or anybody else on the console room staff. Odds are it'll be small, so I could just steal half the TV's during that block or something.

    Zig21 on
    Born to Duck
  • sPider817sPider817 Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2004
    Darn right bring your GBA. As was posted in another forum, we need some quality Four Swords action. ;) Some Advance Wars 2 might be good as well...

    Damned skippy. I'm going to be guarding my GBA with my life, though. It's my only source of sanity on the plane ride up except for reading the last month worth of comic books I've been missing while saving for the trip. And Gabe and Tycho autographed it at the GameWorks appearance here in Texas.

    As to things to do? Nap, eat, play gameboy, come see me and I'll draw you a sketch and give you a free copy of my comic book if I have any available (I'll be wearing a Team-Killing Smacktard Jersey with a big red logo for ih8u productions on the front), play magic, d&d, try and mack on hot gamer girls that don't have bfs, sit around discussing the minutia of video game culture. See, there's lots of crap to do.

    sPider817 on
    Battlenet: s314der#1279 XBL: s314der YouTube
    Twitch Wed-Sun, 2-5pm CST
  • QuizMasterQuizMaster Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    You could always use these times to get food/sleep. But if you're thinking of participating in the Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments, then you could ask people to play that (how much room do you need)? I hear that some people will be bringing Magic cards, so I'm probably going to end up walking around the place, looking for others and shouting "DUEL!" at them.

    QuizMaster on
  • FallFall Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    If you want some privacy or quiet time while playing consoles I suggest you check out Lanwerx which about 50 feet away from Maydenbauer Center. We've got a private console room with a massive projector screen and all consoles already hooked up and a reasonably comfy couch and booming speakers. Only $10.00 an hour for any number of people.

    Fall on
  • ZauronZauron Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    Do you have GameCubes with Smash Bros. available there? ;)

    Zauron on
    - Zauron
    Author of Minebot Arena and some other stuff
  • FallFall Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    We only have one console room, so only one Gamecube. Still, it's a massive screen in a pretty well sound proofed room, so it won't be like your average Smash Brothers experience. We have Smash Brothers (among many other games for Gamecube, Xbox and PS2) and a bunch of controllers. You can also bring your own games and controllers if you'd like.

    You can even use the room to watch DVDs if you'd like, the sound system is pretty good and the seating area could manage eight people comfortably.

    Fall on
  • Zig21Zig21 Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    I HIGHLY recommend the console room. The sound system is just too good.

    Zig21 on
    Born to Duck
  • ZauronZauron Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    Do you take credit cards?

    Oh, and since you are from the same company, does the Lanwerx in Woodinville also have GameCube's and Smash Bros.? I thought I had looked when they first opened and it seemed to be XBox's only or something. Maybe I have faulty memory?

    Zauron on
    - Zauron
    Author of Minebot Arena and some other stuff
  • sPider817sPider817 Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2004
    Oh, and in the rare event that someone wants to play Munchkin, I have all the sets, including Munchkin Blender which I just picked up from work today. God, I love working in a comic shop's warehouse. Plus, the owner is super cool and sells my book in the stores, so we all win.

    btw, I hate Munchkin Fu, so I might "accidentally" leave those cards out.

    sPider817 on
    Battlenet: s314der#1279 XBL: s314der YouTube
    Twitch Wed-Sun, 2-5pm CST
  • SmallLadySmallLady Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    Oh my god!!!

    I so wanna play Munchkin. I freaking love that game...

    hmmm maybe I should bring my killer bunnies cards.... another AWSOME game...


    SmallLady on
    "we're just doing what smalllady told us to do" - @Heels
  • TaramoorTaramoor Storyteller Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    I propose a tournament of one of the greatest non-Hoyle card games ever.


    Taramoor on
  • eelektrikeelektrik Southern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2004
    Its been a while since I played Guillotine, may have to refresh myeslf on the rules(not that they were hard or anything), but id gladly join in on any games going of that. I could bring my own copy of it as well.

    eelektrik on
  • sPider817sPider817 Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2004
    I really hope that the airport doesn't search my bag. I'm gonna have 6-7 different card games in my bag and they're gonna think I'm a bit weird. I've got all of the munchkin sets, including Munchkin Blender, a couple starters of the MegaMan CCG, Chez Geek, Knightmare Chess 2, a few old Magic decks, Lunch Money. Then on the higher tech side, I've got the GBA, Zelda, Advance Wars 2, a copy of MvC2 for PS2 if someone wants to go if freeplay's available. Might try and pick up a copy of Crazy Taxi. A tourney in that would be pretty sweet.

    sPider817 on
    Battlenet: s314der#1279 XBL: s314der YouTube
    Twitch Wed-Sun, 2-5pm CST
  • TrainwreckXTrainwreckX Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    ummm, wtf?

    TrainwreckX on
  • BorfaseBorfase __BANNED USERS regular
    edited August 2004
    everyone just bring an SP and a copy of Four Swords or advance wars.

    Borfase on
    duhhhh i like spaghetti-o's lolz
  • TrainwreckXTrainwreckX Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    I'll bring an SP with Adavance Wars (the first one). Anyone got a cable?

    TrainwreckX on
  • QuizMasterQuizMaster Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    I got a four-player cable which I'll be using with my GBA and Bomberman Tournament.

    QuizMaster on
  • Sigma_100Sigma_100 Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    hell ill bring advanced wars 2, two game boys, and a link cable.

    Sigma_100 on
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