Recommendations for a Good RPG set in Ancient Rome
I am looking for good RPG's (pencil and paper) set in Ancient Rome, it could be variations on this theme as well like HELLA (Ancient Greece in Space!) Or even post apocalyptic ancient Rome variants. My group has got a Spartacus hook after having a marathon weekend watching the whole series, so they want to play a Rome based game (Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy as long as its in the theme).
Thanks for any help!
There's Rome: Life and Death of the Republic, a splat for Chaosium's Basic Roleplaying System; Imperial Rome, a (very horrible) splat for GURPS, Requiem for Rome, a White Wolf splat for Vampire: The Masquerade (Rome with Vampires! And badly flawed understanding of Roman history, but whatever...); Cthulhu Invictus, a splat for Call of Cthulhu set in Rome... and that's honestly about it.
If you want something from the time period but more focused on Greece than Rome, there's also ΑΓΩΝ.
There does seem to be a lack of good Rome based RPG's. We also looked at a sons of god feel and found Scion (a white wolf game) but that was a modern day setting and from everything we could tell the game is very broken rules wise.
Thanks for your help!
Here is what seems to be the ancient Roman GURPS book.
Caveat: I can't recommend it from personal experience as I've never played the system- Just that GURPS is known for its plethora of themes/flavours.
Something like this could work for setting, as well but convert it to Fate.
EDIT: I should note that the last GURPS I played was 4th edition, so it may have suddenly become good, but it's basically been an awful RPG system since its inception in my opinion.