[Brave Frontier] Cardes Soon(tm).

ElementalorElementalor Registered User regular
edited January 2015 in Games and Technology


Now what is it?
It's a turn-based JRPG where you tap on the units in your team while trying to have them attack at the same time for bonus damages.

The game runs on the gacha system, which is the gamble capsule mechanic for summoning members for your party. You use IAP stones(5) to summon a random one. You'll get a fair amount of them for free.
That said, at the moment there's one good unit for each element that you can farm(pretty low chance) later on and useful ones on the way while questing so it's just fine to play without paying.

Getting Started AKA Scrubbing:
Probably not a necessity but some people like it.
On Android I'm pretty sure you can just delete the cache/game and restart from there but not after you've connected a FB or G+ account. The easiest way would be to use bluestacks(android emulator) and do it that way and bind a facebook to the start you like.
On iOS I've read that people need to perform factory resets for some reason, not sure this is 100% the case, but it is based on what I've read. Sadly last I heard a save made with Android cannot be moved to iOS.

Best starting units:
The starters are all pretty equal, so choose whichever you like. Note: You can only obtain the Light/Dark starter class units through honor summons and special events.
There are a few stat differences in the starters, the biggest difference of which being between Eze(Thunder) and Selena(Water) with Eze having lower REC and Selena with higher REC than the other units. REC indicates how easy it is for a unit to heal damage. In relative terms:
Fire Vargas: pretty even stats
Water Selena: High REC, slightly lower DEF
Earth Lance: Higher DEF, slightly lower REC
Thunder Eze: Higher HP/ATK, lower REC

Right now the best leader units give +50% ATK upon reaching 4* evolution, your starter will also do this and they are among the best units in the game. But you also want strong subs, ideally. Anything that reaches 5* is pretty much fine as well.
Other than that the best healers in the game are Phoenix and Eltri which are excellent to have as well.
You can check the wiki linked below to see what the possible evolutions are of your free rare summon.

Overall(after you're done scrubbing) keep anything that can hit 4*, it's probably a pretty decent unit even if you can't find a smexy 5* replacement(or aren't using it right now) and will probably get a 5* in the future.

Why connect to FB/G+?
Facebook holds your game save so it's pretty handy plus you get a free 4* potential(Weiss on Android, Zephu on iOS) unit. I'd advise to make a fake one if you don't want to link your real one.

Speaking of..all server status announcements and event info can be found on their facebook page.

Unit Types
In addition to a unit's elemental affinity, each unit also has a Type randomly assigned to it. Some units are better off with certain types and can make them beastly, but in general typing doesn't render a unit useless.
Different types give a buff to one stat while decreasing another and its efficacy on a certain unit depends on what that unit's final evolution stats will be. The actual percentage gain/loss is seemingly random at this point, but it's probably a weighted value per stat that I've been too lazy to dig into so far.

The types in general order of power/preference:
  • Anima - +HP/-REC - Anima is the most highly prized type for most units since it usually helps to not get one-shot. It can add a nice level of beefiness to normally squishy units.
  • Breaker - +ATK/-DEF - Breaker is almost on par with Anima since 4/5* units already have a decent amount of beef and killing things faster will also increase survivability by way of taking less hits.
  • Guardian - +DEF/-ATK - Guardian ranks above Lord since it's a preferable type on healers, they typically don't deal much damage to begin with and their REC is a nice thing to keep high. Gua-Ani-Bre would be the most ideal healer types.
  • Lord - No Bonuses - Lord is fine or can be detrimental, which is why it ranks lower than others typically.
  • Oracle - -HP/+REC - Oracle at the moment is by far the worst type, especially on healers since it makes them that much more susceptible to getting one-shot. It usually includes a rather large decrease to HP with a modest increase to REC.
    BUT in one of the future patches on the JP server this has been rectified to go the opposite way, with a much smaller decrease to HP and a much larger buff to REC. When the change is released on global Oracle will be the most desired type on tanky units(or any unit with a decent health pool to start) and on par with Anima and Breaker. The efficiency from heart crystals will save quite a few potions on tougher battles and increase the overall survivability of your team.

Leveling/Evolving your units

As you begin you probably have some of these weird blobs. They fuse for the most XP/Zel so they're pretty handy(Their gold/yellow jewel counterparts sell the most and are only good for selling for zel). Choose who you use your Metal God(they are somewhat rare) on carefully, meaning don't use him on your 2* starter since a ton of XP will go to waste. You can check on on the charts below to see how much XP you'll need to level up someone.
Keep in mind you must max level a unit before you can evolve them.
  • Parades
    Metal Parades are your best/most efficient way to level. The dungeon contains random floors of Metal Ghosts, Kings, and Gods. The last floor is always two Ghosts and a King.
    Keys are obtained from the Imperial Capital. The key allows you access to the Metal Parade in the Vortex for one hour upon using it.
    It's best to time this with a level up in order to get as many runs as possible within that hour, keeping in mind a run is 1000XP.
    Make sure you have the inventory space to store the Metals or the zel on hand to fuse them. Otherwise just hold onto the key until you do.

    Jewel Parades are the same as the Metal ones except for Jewel Ghosts.

    Weekly Key schedule:
    Monday - Metal
    Tuesday - Metal
    Wednesday - Jewel
    Thursday - Metal
    Friday - Metal
Kiz wrote: »
When doing metal parades, you can get an extra free run once the timer has completed. Once you've depleted your energy but before the timer expires, if you click into the metal parade event and leave it at the battle select screen, you can lock your phone and come back once you have enough energy to run the level.

On early game leveling, you may find yourself running out of zel quickly, so:
Another option for cheaper fusions is to fuse the low level fodder together before you fuse it with your main units. You lose a bit of the xp, but it's much more efficient on the zel end.
For example, I could fuse 5 level 5 Leons into a level 20 Phoenix at 15k zel for 3k xp or fuse 4 level 5 Leons into one level 5 Leon at 2k zel and get 2800 xp and then fuse one level 12 Leon into the Phoenix at 2k zel and get 2500 xp.
The numbers are not exact, but I was fusing like that when I was low on funds. I also realized that using the same element during fusions is cheaper than fusing different elements together.
Of course, I earned about 400k zel over the weekend, but I don't have anything to fuse anymore. The weekend vortex dungeons are easy, so run the highest level you can afford.
Spiritfire wrote: »
A silly use of time last week when my friend and I were discussing which route to go regarding fusing...

Two level 3 harpies captured to fuse to my level 23 Advisor Weiss unit:
Each individual harpy offers 191 XP for 2,600 zel
Total gain of 382 XP for 5,200 zel
13.61 zel per XP

Fusing the two harpy units together:
XP gain to the base unit of 191 XP (same as applied to Weiss) but cost of 600 zel
Fused with “Great Success” to level 5 harpy

Level 5 harpy fused to base of level 23 Advisor Weiss unit
XP gain to the base unit of 362 XP at cost of 2,800 zel
7.7 zel per XP
Add in the cost of the initial fuse. 600+2,800=3,400 zel (Still cheaper than 5,200)
9.39 zel per XP

In this scenario I gave less XP to Weiss, but also spent less zel per point. The rare occurrence of “Great Success” contributed to it, though. I got two more level 3 harpy units to fuse for a more realistic scenario.
XP gain to the base unit of 191 XP (same as applied to Weiss) but cost of 600 zel
Fused normally into a level 4 harpy

Level 4 harpy fused to base of level 23 Advisor Weiss unit
XP gain to the base unit of 305 XP at cost of 2,700 zel
8.85 zel per XP
Add in the cost of the initial fuse. 600+2,700=3,300 zel
10.81 zel per XP

In these basic tests, it’s more efficient to fuse the fodder before fusing them to the main units. However, if you’re willing to pay more, then you can get more XP just by fusing them to the main units right away.


Not sure how this scales to higher levels. Right now I've been using the elemental king blobs to be the base of their respective fodder. It's probably not worth it, but I really want to have a set of them maxed out. It's been repeated before, but the zel mountain weekend event is enough to relieve any money worries if you're diligent.

Oh, and the Wednesday level 2 dungeon was great for summoner XP when you're around level 30 (at least I think I'm around that level right now... Edit: 26. I'm level 26.). You get 2.8k XP for 20 points of energy. After two runs I was able to level up and go for it again. The bat mimic at the end put up a fight, but you can save your squad some pain by avoiding the mimic chests in the battles leading up to the finale. Watch for mimic chests quiver intermittently when they appear if you're looking to fight or avoid them.

I will say that it's probably most effective to start doing this with the slimes you get in the first few dungeons. It'll probably get to be pretty inefficient to level a unit with slimes after it hits level 10 or so. But with 3* units it's a decent way to go about it until you can farm enough during weekend dungeons.

Shamelessly stolen tables from the JP wiki:

As far as normal units you usually capture in the wild go, fuse them up or sell them as you like. I'd recommend not raising them past much higher than level 10 or so, especially 1* units. Unless it's a healer(that can hit 3*) that you're using.
A unit will provide 50% bonus XP if being fused to the same element.


These guys are your more common evolution materials(for 2-4*), which you might want to hang on to. Nymphs(hats) appear on the first map, spirits(fangs) in the second and idols in the third. Nymphs and spirits are relatively easy to hunt and have pretty good drop rates. Idols, however, have very low drop rates and are best gotten from their weekly dungeon(Tuesdays).
Check the wiki to see what your unit needs to evolve.

Evolving a unit makes them a bit weaker for a few levels(20ish?) so try to keep some leveling materials on hand when you're ready to evolve a creature if you need that particular unit to be strong right away.

That brings us to this guy:
The totems.
Until you have a squad of maxed 3-4*(leaning towards more 4*) you are not ready for these guys in their Thursday vortex. And even then you might get wiped, they hurt and AoE a lot. A lot. They are needed to evolve a unit up to 5*.
One is somewhat tough, but the danger is the possibility of light/dark totems spawning on floors 3/7 meaning you'll have to fight 2 or 3 totems in one round so you'll want to use your items carefully. The item Gilded Pearl should be very helpful here.

Brave Burst

Aside from standard levels you'll notice that each unit has a Brave Burst level. This will reset upon evolution, so until then it isn't a huge deal to shoot for. You can get brave burst up to level 10, with levels 1-5 being pretty easy to get, 6-7 slightly tougher and 8-10 having the lowest chance.

The way you level a Brave Burst is to fuse units with the same type of BB as the one you're trying to level. It's a random chance from each unit to get each level, so fusing 1-5 at a time doesn't make a difference.

The types break down into 3 categories: attack, support, and healing. It doesn't matter what that particular skill does, for example an AoE BB has a chance to level up a single target BB and a defense enchancing BB has a chance to level up an attack stat enhancing BB.

Items and Town

What you want to upgrade with priority in town depends mainly on if you're thinking short or long term, but they all end up kind of equal. In the early-mid term I would go with River/Forest since they give you cure potion materials.
In the long term you'll want to upgrade Mountain with a slight priority since they give you Fate/Paladin Stones which can only be gotten from your mountain and cannot be farmed otherwise.
Fate/Paladin stones are used to make two pretty important items for mono-teams - ores and seals. They give a bonus 50% to attack and defense, respectively, for 3 turns. While they are not the kind of item you'll want to use every dungeon run, you'll want a healthy supply of them when you try to tackle dungeons where you have a marginal chance for success.

In general I would say that which area of town to level up is mostly dependent on what you feel like since you can level up everything except for Spheres to a sufficient degree naturally. Though you can farm Monday Vortex for karma if you wish to speed things up.

While leveling up your resources I'd say it's pretty important to get to at least High Cure level in your Synthesis shop around the time you get to the second map. Divine light mainly only becomes more desirable to have a bit later on for high level Vortex dungeons.(or for a random tough boss fight)

IMO the typical loadout for a mono team would be- Cure/High Cure/Seal/Ore/Status restoring potion(tonic/holy water etc)

This is by no means necessary and substituting seal/ore/status is up to you. I haven't found much use so far for Revives since the unit comes back with <50 hp so you need to heal them anyway and you can only bring one. But I could see Divine Lights(the AoE heal item) having a permanent place in one's loadout.

Long term items to shoot for are Muramasa(excellent for Arena, very good in PvE as well), Zelnite Ring(for when you farm weekend dungeon for Zel), Holy Robe(+15% HP) and Beast Blade(if you don't have any Thief Bracer friends/don't want to use endless stamina farming the Guardian Eyes/Blood Pelts).
Gilded Pearls are also a good item choice for running Totems on Thursdays.

Spheres and Arena

As far as spheres go you'll want to first level up your Sphere production in town to hit the 10% spheres like Holy Blade and Beast armor. Which ones you'll want to use depend on which units you have. Personally I prefer to use spheres to fill up gaps in stats that certain units have. But the general mindset is that attack is king in the game.

You'll want to start doing a few arenas once you have 2/3 rare summons done with a few levels on each. Arena energy comes in the form of orbs in the upper corner of your screen which regenerate at a rate of one per hour(or on level-up, like stamina). There's some relatively low hanging fruit there that's good, such as Mech Sword(5% to all stats) and Flesh armor(10% to hp/def). Arena is all automated and you don't have control over anything, but you'll always have the first attack.

Hitting the higher levels of Arena will require you to craft a few Muramasas, which give a 50% boost to attack for the first two turns. This will require you to farm Blood Pelts and Guardian Stones from level 2 of Friday dungeon, unless you have a friend with a Thief Bracer(Arena only reward) and you can farm for items in map 2.

Honor Points and Summoning

Aside from Rare Summons using gems, there are also Honor Summons for 200 Honor points per summon.
You accumulate Honor Points by using friends(once per day), having friends use your team leader(not limited), event gifts and friend gifts.

Honor Summons are the only constantly available way to obtain the starters which make Honor Points pretty valuable. They also contain the farmable 4* units(in 2* form, see the St. Lamia rares for more info). Typically 2* units are the highest rarity you can obtain from here.

Highly recommended to hold onto and wait for the increased jewel/metal events for Honor Summons before pulling.

In your Social tab there's a section called Gifts- where you can send and receive gifts.
You may gift once per day to each of your friends for free. And you can show your friends the 3 types of gifts you would prefer.

The best things to ask for overall are the Honor Items(the amount of Zel/Karma/Green Grass etc is pretty negligible). In general Honor Points are best, they are always useful since you want as many pulls as possible to try to get the starters.
Following the points are the Honor Items: Pelt, Bone, Drop, Claw, Fang. Drops are the only way to manufacture Revives, which I haven't really found a good use for yet, still it's nice to have a few around. Bones, claws, and pelts build into decent items such as Zelnite Ring(more Zel) and Soul Bracer(more Karma) and a few other marginally less useful things.

The Vortex contains special limited time dungeons including dailies, events and parades(for ghost farming). The in-game news will give you more info on the events and parades that are going on.

I'll just leave a quick list of dailies here since the wiki has a much better listing of what goes on for what day. Each daily is useful for farming a different thing.
*Note: Clearing all levels of a daily dungeon will not reward a gem.
  • Monday - Karma farming
  • Tuesday - Evo mats(Nymphs, Sprites, Idols)
  • Wednesday - Mimics(for evos and also the next best thing to ghosts to feed for XP)
  • Thursday - Totems
  • Friday - Materials
  • Weekend - Zel

Team Building for the Gem Hoarder
*NOTE: UNLESS YOU BUY GEMS, DO NOT USE GEMS TO CONTINUE OR REFILL YOUR STAMINA. Increasing capacity is kind of OK, but priority is on saving them for summons.
For most of the first map you can rely on your rare summon, starter, and Facebook bonus hero(seriously, just make a fake account) to carry your team while picking up random units with elements similar to either on the way. Evolve/level your starter ASAP(don't use your Metal God to do this).
You will want to base your team on the highest +%ATK leader that you have. It will probably be your starter, who will have priority for leveling(if your rare can also hit +50% ATK then it's your choice which to focus on if they're different elements). Make sure to make friends with similar elements boosts as well.

The best early units to use are basically the highest rarity ones per role: attacker and healer(AFAIR there are no buffer units in the first two maps) you can find for each map. Your team will be 4 attackers and one healer.

I will say that you'll start hitting a few walls on map two; depending on which element your team is, as well as the farther you progress. You'll probably need to pause progress and do some farming/leveling and probably make(at least) your second rare summon.
If you happened to be lucky enough to hit the honor summon jackpot with another starter or one of the units that can hit 4*, then you might not need the second rare summon but they'll definitely need to be evo'ed and leveled to at least high 3*. But if you can evolve your starter, first rare, and FB bonus character to 4*(at least one of them as a decently leveled 4*, probably the starter, and the others ~maxed at 3*), you can probably clear the map with a level 25-30 2* fodder and healer(or two fodders if you your rare was Phoenix or Eltri).

In Morgan I definitely recommend trying to find an Anima or Guardian Fairy and replacing your healer(she will also clear status ailments when she heals). She is the exception that I would recommend investing into to max at 2*/evo to 3* if you do not have one of the god healers(Phoenix, Eltri). I would say the main reason to not evolve her would be if you prefer a much tankier 'heals for a small amount each turn for 3 turns' in Rantoul/Legtos or the somwhat-tankier-than-Fairy Priestess Maria(burst heal with no ailment clear) both available in map 3.

Mistral - Map 1
  • Fire - Leon, there is no farmable fire healer
  • Water - Pirate Verica, Priest Merith(she is the first healer you can farm)
  • Earth - Bandit Zaza, Geomancer Claris(earth healer)
  • Thunder - Sky Pirate Grafl, Dancer May(thunder healer)
  • Light - Unicorn, Sage Mimir (light healer)
  • Dark - Medusa
Morgan - Map 2 *The previously available units will also be available here and will be easier to capture if you had trouble before.
  • Fire - Orthos
  • Water - Ramia
  • Earth - Fairy(excellent healer with status ailment clearing, good for any team)
  • Thunder - Minotaur
  • Light - nothing new here, but the other new element monsters are farmable in the light stage.
  • Dark - The random chest monster, Mimic has decent stats for a budget team in Morgan, I would say that Bat Mimic is also a decent add on, but if you can beat one you definitely don't need it in your line-up.
*I'm separating Lamia into two lists one for the common drops and the other for the rares
St. Lamia - Map 3 fodder
  • Fire - Salamander - Boost all allies' ATK for 3 turns
  • Water - Rantoul - Heal over 3 turns
  • Earth - Trent
  • Thunder - Sylph - Boost all allie's critical chance for 3 turns
  • Light - Priestess Maria - healer
  • Dark - Lilin - Boost all allies' ATK for 3 turns
St. Lamia - Map 3 Rares - These units can hit 4* and are uncommon-rare to spot and rare to capture(low rate). Found on stages 3 and 5 of each elemental area. They can also be summoned in both Rare and Honor Summons.
  • Fire - Zegar
  • Water - Zephu
  • Earth - Lario
  • Thunder - Weiss
  • Light - Luna
  • Dark - Mifune

Marvel Future Fight: dElementalor
FFBE: 898,311,440
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/dElementalor
Elementalor on


  • ElementalorElementalor Registered User regular
    edited October 2014
    Tips and Tricks
    • You can guard by swiping down. Recommended to do so on healers when your team faces a tough dungeon.
    • You don't actually need to hold down the character portrait when guarding or using BB. Just swiping starting from the portrait will work. This helps quite a bit with chaining BB's and getting sparks.
    • When you're in a unit's character sheet you can swipe left and right to go to the previous or next unit in your collection. Does not work in Manage Squad.
    • If you have a unit on final evolution, the best way to level up their BB is to farm large amounts of slimes from the first area for attack types. For healers, farm fairies in the second map's Earth dungeons.
    • In Menu -> Tips & Info -> Video Tutorials, watching the videos there will reward you with a Metal King(make sure you watch all the way to the end).
    • You can use bluestacks(android emulator) to complete your Metal God referrals(Social Tab -> Special) by playing the tutorial there and un/reinstalling bluestacks.
    • If you want to change who you see as a selectable friend leader for a mission you can restart the game.
      So I didn't see this in the OP, but this is something I think a lot of you would benefit from:
      This is a guide on using the AmazonApps link you see on the Brave Frontier facebook, to get a HUGE bonus when buying gems:

      And here is a special promotion using that same Amazon Coins to get free gems:

      From what I understand, you need to be on an Android and in the USA. (Bluestacks through a VPN may also work).
    Farming for Cures
    In general it's best to use units that hit multiple times per attack as well as to overkill each enemy you're farming from. This is done by manually select a target at the start of each round so that the crosshairs are always on an enemy(this only needs to be done once per round).
    • Cures
      To farm for Green Drops and Green Grass, run the first level, Adventurer's Prairie - Start of Adventure. Should probably net you around 15-20 of each per run.
    • High Cures
      Red drops can be frequently found in Morgan - Map 2 - Destroyed Cathedral - The Lusting Snake and The Peculiar Black Knight.
      Blue grass are best farmed from Morgan - Map 2 - Shrine of Lystia - Sword of Lightning Speed
      They can also be farmed a bit from the stages in Tower of Morgan - Dance of Lightning Flames.
    • Divine Light[i/]
      Can be farmed from the bosses in St. Lamia - St. Lamia Palace in their complete form.
    Why do you want them?
    With their 50%ATK boost for the first two attacks each round they're pretty strong in PvE, except for very long boss fights where they get edged out a bit by Beast Blade the longer a fight goes.
    But they really shine in Arena and will help you climb the ranks for the better prizes much faster. A few of these on your team more or less ensures that you'll down at least one opponent in the first round, greatly increasing your chances.

    There are two rare ingredients that you will probably need to go out of your way for to complete these.

    You will probably need a friend with a Thief Bracer equipped as they are low percentage drops without one. They can drop randomly in a chest from a creature in the early rounds and from the boss of each stage. With the Thief Bracer they are guaranteed.
    If you have a friend with a Thief Bracer the tactic is to get to the boss round(kill the add if there is one) then guard with all 5 units without Thief Bracer until it drops.

    If you do not, you can also try to farm them the standard way by overkill. Bring a unit that isn't the strong element against the boss and does as many hits per attack and lowest attack value that you can find. Lower leveled is better, the unit just needs to be tanky enough to withstand the boss hits with a bit of healing(the same as the rest of your team). Same as the other strat, the rest of your team guards. Overkill the boss as much as possible when they will die to the next attack.
    • Guardian Eye -
      Morgan - Map 2
      - Nocturnal Forest - Hunter of Time (Lario)
      - Asekutt Wastelands - The Bewitching Tactician (Weiss)
      - Greskya Caves - Inferno Gate (Weiss)
      - Ignia Falls - The Foot of the Rainbow (Lario)
    • Blood Pelt -
      Morgan - Map 2
      - Shrine of Lystia - The Sword of Lightning Speed (Atro)
      - Destroyed Cathedral - The Peculiar Black Knight (Magress)
      - Greskya Caves - Cave-Dwelling Assasins (Shida)
      - Ignia Falls - Beneath the Cascade (Heidt)
    The PA Friend List: Post up your ID numbers and I'll throw them on the list
    Leaders list by Schide. Make a page for yourself and add your leaders.
    If your BF name is different from your PA one you might want to mention that in your Player Info comment to help people sort through invites.
      Elementalor 33068722 (SorcTim) (don't send me referral) Urahonky 408902079 Talith 893121988 TheKoolEagle 542560222 (Keagle) Madpanda 46821899 El Fantastico 55922344 (Berengar) Kiz 743221042 Spiritfire 34461765 Takel 525799015 (Mysteana) Darkewolfe 81123930 (Lonenut) Man of the Waves 87888609 Magic Pink 71014285 Banzai5150 371614400 (Banzai51) Thor1590 454668983 DrCongo 468455466 Verbose 92000061(Masteren) Extreaminatus 783719632 Dalantia 69836326 (Pyridae) Lanrutcon 996799131(Noc) Spico 22663125 aethermadness 223750129 (Aether) Gnome-Interruptus 48107756 Imperfect 82310079 Giken 5246438136 Lucc 812 9222 134 Caedwyr 1398813712 crossingstyx 6153798805(Crossing) ArcSyn 3255036716 Schide 8128625990 TeaSpoon 4442651752 ObiFett 121748207 Kick_04 7799936358 Andrmeda 5858872877 Lucedes 5929511536(Ceres) Evil Monkey 15180215 (quinne) jdarksun 486844827 Jakarrd 8170337973 2sang - 6035592813 Mushin 848666929 (Wandering Hero) Skeld 5534011285 Isro Zanshinretsu 4434796705 Zan@PA Lubony 341094041

    Quick Links:
    Brave Frontier Facebook page
    Global server wiki
    Brave Frontier JP Wiki
    GamerDB Wiki Better for looking up Unit stats, generally doesn't overload like the JP wiki.
    App Invasion Unofficial BF Forums

    Elementalor on
    Marvel Future Fight: dElementalor
    FFBE: 898,311,440
    Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/dElementalor
  • urahonkyurahonky Cynical Old Man Registered User regular
    Hey guys.

    Name: Urahonky
    ID: 408902079

  • Magic PinkMagic Pink Tur-Boner-Fed Registered User regular
    What the hell am I supposed to do with all these Metal Gods/Ghosts and Jewel Ghosts? Are they just fusing fodder?

  • urahonkyurahonky Cynical Old Man Registered User regular
    I've been using them to fuse my heavy hitters.

  • LanrutconLanrutcon The LabyrinthRegistered User regular
    Energy system? Monster storage?

    Explain more. The pictures are pretty though.

    Currently playing: GW2 and TSW
  • urahonkyurahonky Cynical Old Man Registered User regular
    Energy system -- You get x amount of energy. Each battle costs y amount of energy. When you don't have enough energy you can't do a battle. You can: wait, level, or use a magic stone to get energy.

    Monster storage -- You collect monsters when you kill them (random chance). You start out with a max space of 50 monsters. At 51+ then you have to either sell some, fuse them together to get them stronger, or evolve them.

  • LanrutconLanrutcon The LabyrinthRegistered User regular
    How strict is the energy system? I know that's a pretty vague thing to ask, just want to get a sense of whether this is a 'Play 30 minutes a day' or a 'Play for a few hours if you want' game.

    Currently playing: GW2 and TSW
  • urahonkyurahonky Cynical Old Man Registered User regular
    In the beginning it's pretty easy going because you gain levels by the time you run out of energy.

    I'm not very high level at the moment so maybe someone else can answer, but right now I can get about 30 minutes of play time in the morning then come back to do another 30 minutes after work and then another 30 minutes before going to bed. I'm guessing it really depends on what levels you are doing. I can go back and play the first levels again for an hour or so since they use up less energy.

  • Man of the WavesMan of the Waves Registered User regular
    Metal ghosts are for XP, jewel ghosts are for selling.

  • Magic PinkMagic Pink Tur-Boner-Fed Registered User regular
    Ah, thankee.

  • urahonkyurahonky Cynical Old Man Registered User regular
    Metal ghosts are for XP, jewel ghosts are for selling.

    Damn. Wish I had known that, but I suppose it makes sense since the Weekend dungeon was about the Jewel Ghosts.

  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    Just started this. So I'm Talith with the goddess Tilith as my guide.

  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    So my ID is 893121988

    Is there any kind of events that I should know about? Like how PAD has the godfests and you should never roll outside of it?

  • urahonkyurahonky Cynical Old Man Registered User regular
    It does look like they have events. So I'd probably hold on to your Stones. Check out their Facebook page... I think it has a list of them.

  • TheKoolEagleTheKoolEagle Registered User regular
    edited February 2014
    my ID is 542560222 name is Keagle

    I just tried to add you guys... I can only input 8 characters and cannot find anyones id. what am I doing wrong?

    TheKoolEagle on
    uNMAGLm.png Mon-Fri 8:30 PM CST - 11:30 PM CST
  • urahonkyurahonky Cynical Old Man Registered User regular
    They are in the progress of migrating everyone to the longer format. Those created before a few weeks ago will be 8, and newer ones will be 9. I think that you can't search for 9 yet.

  • MadpandaMadpanda suburbs west of chicagoRegistered User regular
    edited February 2014
    Add me 46821899

    Stuck at the second tower on the next to last fight, they start throwing mini bosses at you and my team just isn't strong enough. I'm 10 points down from my max team size so that's not helping.

    Main team is Burning Vargas (maxed, need the evo mat) Fire Knight Lava (team lead), Warlock Liza (think im going to replace with a diff color but higher potential), Phoenix, Wyvern.

    They have daily events in the vortex section just like puzzles and dragons, this is the best place to get cash/karma. The wiki has a list of them.

    Madpanda on
    Steam/PSN/XBL/Minecraft / LoL / - Benevicious | WoW - Duckwood - Rajhek
  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    This game is crashing constantly now. :( I can't get through a dungeon without it crashing twice.

  • Magic PinkMagic Pink Tur-Boner-Fed Registered User regular
    I wish they'd show you the monsters you need to evolve stuff. That's really annoying.

  • ElementalorElementalor Registered User regular
    Talith wrote: »
    So my ID is 893121988

    Is there any kind of events that I should know about? Like how PAD has the godfests and you should never roll outside of it?

    There aren't really godfests, just the Gala type stuff. Lately they've run a gala for the opposing element so there's a higher chance for that element, but that doesn't affect the rarity roll.

    That said there's an update coming soon that adds a new set of healers, so it could be a good idea to have a few gems on hand for that.
    jdarksun wrote: »
    This game is crashing constantly now. :( I can't get through a dungeon without it crashing twice.

    They just did a huge hardware update last night, hopefully there are just kinks in the system and they can get it straightened out. The game is starting to explode popularity-wise.

    Marvel Future Fight: dElementalor
    FFBE: 898,311,440
    Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/dElementalor
  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    Looks like I'll just sit on my gems until something pops up then.

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    Talith wrote: »
    Looks like I'll just sit on my gems until something pops up then.
    I don't think so. At least, I haven't found any.

    All I've gotten from my Honor pulls are Metal and Jewel ghosts, anyhow.

  • El FantasticoEl Fantastico Toronto, ONRegistered User regular
    edited February 2014
    My Brave Frontier ID is in my sig: 55922344. Name is Berengar.

    Current Leader unit is a Fire 5* God Phoenix (got lucky on a gem pull last week) and it's Friend ability is "Greatly increased Heart Crystal effect." To be honest, it doesn't seem to do all that much, but I suppose every little bit helps. It's a pretty beefy unit, great for any team and it's BB effect is roughly 700-800 HP healed every turn for 3 turns.

    On the topic of BB effects, does fusing a creature with a similar BB help to level it up any time, or does the base creature HAVE to level with the fused one to have a chance to level the BB?

    El Fantastico on
    PSN: TheArcadeBear
    Steam: TheArcadeBear

  • KizKiz Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    My ID is 743221042, just picked up the game. I'd love it if in the OP if there was a bit of a newbie's guide. A couple of things that would help:
    - Recommendations for starting unit
    - Guidance around upgrading/evolving (eg: do levels reset when you evolve, or should I be maxing something out before evolving it)
    - Crafted items that we shouldn't be bothering with
    - Units whose sole purpose is some form of currency (eg: the XP/cash ones mentioned above)

    PSN: Kiz-ziK | Gamertag: KizziK | Steam: Kizzik
  • Romantic UndeadRomantic Undead Registered User regular
    Just downloaded this, will be trying it on the bus. Now the questionis, which friend code to use?

    (I'm presuming there's a bonus if I use a friend code before starting, right?)

    3DS FC: 1547-5210-6531
  • ElementalorElementalor Registered User regular
    Use whichever you like, the bonus is a Metal god for each of you, which give a ton of xp.
    Kiz wrote: »
    My ID is 743221042, just picked up the game. I'd love it if in the OP if there was a bit of a newbie's guide. A couple of things that would help:
    - Recommendations for starting unit
    - Guidance around upgrading/evolving (eg: do levels reset when you evolve, or should I be maxing something out before evolving it)
    - Crafted items that we shouldn't be bothering with
    - Units whose sole purpose is some form of currency (eg: the XP/cash ones mentioned above)

    There's not much of a reason to prefer one starter to another IMO so it's pretty much just up to preference.
    I'll keep the other stuff in mind though when I do some more work on the OP tonight.

    Marvel Future Fight: dElementalor
    FFBE: 898,311,440
    Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/dElementalor
  • SpiritfireSpiritfire Brookfield, WIRegistered User regular
    ID: 34461765

    Having terrible luck on my honor summons, currently. Hope the almighty rng turns favorably upon me soon.

  • El FantasticoEl Fantastico Toronto, ONRegistered User regular
    Probably what might also be useful is the weekly event chart. Like today is the Karma dungeon, the weekend is the 48 hours of easy money dungeon, etc.

    PSN: TheArcadeBear
    Steam: TheArcadeBear

  • SpiritfireSpiritfire Brookfield, WIRegistered User regular
    As you add friends, don't forget to set up your gifting wish list and to also gift daily. It's not a lot but it's also totally free.

  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    How do I get it to stop asking me to post every little thing on facebook?

  • ElementalorElementalor Registered User regular
    I think it only asks you to connect your account to facebook after you clear an area? I don't think it makes any posts at all. But I also don't think you can stop it from asking you to connect.

    Marvel Future Fight: dElementalor
    FFBE: 898,311,440
    Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/dElementalor
  • KizKiz Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Spiritfire wrote: »
    As you add friends, don't forget to set up your gifting wish list and to also gift daily. It's not a lot but it's also totally free.

    As a newbie, what items are good to start stocking up on? I don't really know what I want yet.

    PSN: Kiz-ziK | Gamertag: KizziK | Steam: Kizzik
  • El FantasticoEl Fantastico Toronto, ONRegistered User regular
    Once you open up the Sphere shop in the Upgrades, you should consider at least boosting your immediate team with some 5% orbs of whatever stat you'd like them to improve on.

    It IS worth noting though that you can do the Arena and get a Mech Sword for earning the second rank. Mech Sword provides a 5% bonus to HP, DEF, REC and STR.

    Your Item shop is worth upgrading as well. It has 18 ranks, but in general costs less to upgrade each level than the other things. You want to get to Revives and High Cures before the second world, and Divine Lights (cure entire party) sometime before the third world.

    On that note, boost your Forest and River first. They'll provide more green grass and drops which help you make Cures because you will probably run out of those eventually. Mountain and Farm help make higher level items and spheres, but the best stuff requires a lot of Honor Skins and Claws, which you can only get from friends gifting you.

    PSN: TheArcadeBear
    Steam: TheArcadeBear

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    Talith wrote: »
    How do I get it to stop asking me to post every little thing on facebook?
    I just changed Brave Frontier's permissions so that anything it posted "Only Me" could see.

  • urahonkyurahonky Cynical Old Man Registered User regular
    The Arena... Is that real time combat?

  • El FantasticoEl Fantastico Toronto, ONRegistered User regular
    Not at all. It's completely out of your control. Very random and frustrating at times. Your characters will often sit on Brave Bursts which could be the deciding factor between a win or loss. That said, you can't seem to rank down once you achieve one. If you get 500 points to rank up, you can't go below 500 points.

    PSN: TheArcadeBear
    Steam: TheArcadeBear

  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    Do the final bosses for the first areas ever drop?

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    Talith wrote: »
    Do the final bosses for the first areas ever drop?

    I mean, theoretically. I wouldn't know, because the game currently crashes every time i try to attack.

  • ElementalorElementalor Registered User regular
    The more common bosses can drop, but the rare 5 will only drop in the 3rd area.

    @jdarksun It's weird that you're still having issues, I've been playing smoothly here and there during the day. Try to restart your device?

    Marvel Future Fight: dElementalor
    FFBE: 898,311,440
    Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/dElementalor
  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    Hmm, let's rephrase this. In the starting area, do the bosses you encounter on the final level of each dungeon drop? For example the dragoon looking dude in the water area.

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