Grosse Point Blank:
Even Phalla players deserve a second shot
Produced and directed by 38thDoe
Special thanks to Ahava for checking things over.
Dear Alumni:
Can you believe it's been ten years? Where are you now...?
...Are you guiding an Outward Bound
canoe trip like Brook Stinson? Or
perhaps in charge of appearances for
the NFL like Leslie Gunther....?
...Could it be that you're like Chip
Longfellow, at the trade-relations
tank in Washington. Sandy Glasser
owns a cheese shop...!
...Looking at yearbooks and pictures
evokes so many memories...!
...Some good. Some bad. But all
...As a graduate of the class of
1986, you are someone special…
...Whenever news of you filters back,
the school is excited and proud of
your accomplishments...
...We hope Grosse Pointe High prepared
you well to lead the kind of life
that makes an impact on the world...
...Remember, "there's no where you
can go that you haven't learned how
to go in time... It's easy...
...So come on back to the old oak
tree, acorns. Signed, the reunion
What’s all this now?
This is a mini Phalla for 30 players.
General rules of Phalla can be found
here. New players are welcome as are old of course.
Specific rules can be found below:
Standard Phalla Rules/Mechanics:
You must vote each day. Vote in
bold red for whomever you think is likely to be a threat to you. The winner of the vote will be eliminated every night. Tie votes will kill both people involved.
Be careful.
In addition, everyone should make at least two posts each day. Failure to vote or contribute will lead to warning and replacement.
Do not directly quote anything from PMs with me, or take screenshots of them. It is okay to paraphrase role PMs however.
Do not add other players to PM conversations.
Do not anonymously contact anyone.
When you die you may make one ghost post which cannot contain any game information whatsoever. After that please do not discuss the game with anyone still alive.
Ask for clarifications in
Bold DarkOrange. You can always PM me with clarification requests, or post them directly in the thread. If you have questions about your role you should probably use the PM method to avoid giving away info to the other players. They are
*already* suspicious of you.
Make sure you invite me to any PMs or proboards you might form.
The Default villager role
You are...
Grosse Point Alumni
You can’t wait to party like it was 1986!
Win condition: Eliminate all threats to the town.
Order of actions: Vote > Abilities.
Signup in
bold limegreen
1 Assuran - Grosse Point Alumni - The Vote
2 kime
3 Egos
4 jdarksun
5 JPants Cythraul
6 Infidel - Kenneth McCullers - Assasinated
7 Capfalcon
8 Trust - Grosse Point Alumni - The Vote
9 Buddha73
10 ObiFett
11 Preda - Felix La PuBelle - The Vote
12 The Anonymous - Grosse Point Alumni - The Vote and shot .
13 Ringo - Grosse Point Alumni - The Vote
14 MacGuffin
15 Gizzy
16 Iron Weasel
17 MrTLicious - Grosse Point Alumni - Assasinated
18 Phyphor - Assassin - Shot
19 vagrant_winds
20 Grunt's Ghosts - Steven Lardner - The Vote
21 Sir Fabulous - Grosse Point Alumni - Assasinated
22 premium - Assassin - Shot
23 Megafrost
24 Mill - Nathaniel - Shot
25 Heffling Bedlam
26 Langly
27 Kilnaga - Grosse Point Alumni - Assasinated
28 Vertroue - Assassin - The Vote and Shot
29 Matev Mikey CTS - Jenny Slater - Assasinated
30 CesareB - Sandy Glasser - Assasinated
1 Bedlam
2 Discrider
3 Cythraul
4 Mikey CTS
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
bugger. Assuran
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
Twitch Stream
Island Name: Felinefine
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227
You can bump me to full sign up if you want. Figured someone else might want the spot though.
And probably die on day one.
I guess I can do this among 12hr shifts and the craziness of being +14-17 hours ahead of most people playing
// Switch: SW-5306-0651-6424 //
Where are you? China?
Also Sign Up
Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
Stop running your cheese shops and be assassinated!
@I needed a name to post.
@Zombie Hero
@The Dagon
3DS: 1289-8447-4695
what time is vote close? I don't see it in the OP.
- Terence McKenna
From the Desk of Darth Vertroue Diplomat to the USA.
Dammit! I was hoping to hold the record of being the one year old who graduated, instead I get beat out by some chump that didn't even exist.
Island Name: Felinefine
I was planning on a vote close at 9PM EST.
If that is terribly inconvient I'll close the vote whenever is best for the majority, but narration will be delayed until I'm awake/not putting the baby to bed/shoveling(OH GOD THE SNOW WHY DOES IT KEEP COMING?)