*still listens to Tool and wears a trenchcoat when it's cold enough* And there's nothing wrong with eating lunch in the art room. Sure, your sammich may take on the taste of turpentine a wee bit, but it just gives your peanut butter Depth. :P
KalTorakOne way or another, they all end up inthe Undercity.Registered Userregular
for some reason I'm not at all surprised that the Greek-mythology block (may have) enticed Tycho back into playing.
Metal JaredMulligan WizardRhode IslandRegistered Userregular
I played Magic for a long, long time but after freeing myself from the beast I can't imagine ever going back. It's a dark world of card protectors and getting mana screwed while searching for a deck that doesn't cost as much as a new car payment.
I played Magic for a long, long time but after freeing myself from the beast I can't imagine ever going back. It's a dark world of card protectors and getting mana screwed while searching for a deck that doesn't cost as much as a new car payment.
And the bolded is why I only play MtG casually now and instead divert my money intended for competitive card game play into the less expensive Pokemon TCG. The playerbase is just so much smaller so the prices don't get insanely high even on game-breaking cards, because chances are it'll be reprinted as a promo in 3 months anyway.
Man. I miss the days when I used to listen to a lot of Tool.
Yeah, I still listen to them on occasion. But I remember back in the day when it was non stop Tool while in the car.
I actually just went back and listened to Aenima recently.
While driving I've been listening to a lot of Alice in Chains and NIN. The only thing that keeps what I've been listening to lately updated from the 90s is that The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here is in the mix.
I remember being in 8th grade when magic became pretty popular. Even then I couldn't get into a CCG. I think I was too busy playing Myst and Doom. This is also the same time I got introduced to D&D. Now, as an adult I'm still not into Magic, but I took my son to PAX for the first time in 2012 and gave him the Magic cards from the "swag bag." He's been hooked ever since. Recently, I had some friends open a game shop down in Tacoma called Tacoma Games. So every Friday, I take my son in there to do a draft, while I play Pathfinder with my friends, which happen to be the owners.
As I watch things unfold at the game store I see that drafts seem to be the way to go. It's a way to level the playing field. While, it is a money investment I see how much fun my son has playing it.
The news post agrees. But how to the fairies know the acorn cup milk is GMO free?
I posted before the news post was up. The faeries are amused by our fumbling at genetic modification because they've been doing so to their human stock for a few millennia now.
Being married to a witch (One of the fairly normal ones, not one of the fruitloops that insist that people call them Ravenmoon Wolfblood), I can say that is has a lot to recommend it.
Dating a witch is all about dating one of the groovy laid-back ones and not one of the ones who nails a dead rodent to their ex's dorm room door. Though the latter kind is good for stories!
Want to find me on a gaming service? I'm SwashbucklerXX everywhere.
AssuranIs swinging on the SpiralRegistered Userregular
(Looks at his location on the forums).
New album hopefully this year sometime (and maybe, if I'm lucky, the go east of Austin on this mini-tour).
Being married to a witch (One of the fairly normal ones, not one of the fruitloops that insist that people call them Ravenmoon Wolfblood), I can say that is has a lot to recommend it.
AKA Fluffbunnies. I have no idea where that moniker came from.
As an outsider, it's the equivalent of Christians accusing each other of not being "real" or authentic enough.
I was referring to how new News Posts are parsed on the site, which is poor.
PSN: SoulCrusherJared
Yeah, I still listen to them on occasion. But I remember back in the day when it was non stop Tool while in the car.
I think that's everybody.
Tycho, are you going to the Spokane show or the Portland show?
The universe is aligning. There's a Born of the Gods prerelease this weekend, and Tool is visiting the Pacific Northwest again... see you there!
And the bolded is why I only play MtG casually now and instead divert my money intended for competitive card game play into the less expensive Pokemon TCG. The playerbase is just so much smaller so the prices don't get insanely high even on game-breaking cards, because chances are it'll be reprinted as a promo in 3 months anyway.
Tycho, be careful how deep you go!
I actually just went back and listened to Aenima recently.
While driving I've been listening to a lot of Alice in Chains and NIN. The only thing that keeps what I've been listening to lately updated from the 90s is that The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here is in the mix.
The news post agrees. But how to the fairies know the acorn cup milk is GMO free?
As I watch things unfold at the game store I see that drafts seem to be the way to go. It's a way to level the playing field. While, it is a money investment I see how much fun my son has playing it.
Being married to a witch (One of the fairly normal ones, not one of the fruitloops that insist that people call them Ravenmoon Wolfblood), I can say that is has a lot to recommend it.
It's not really a reference. It would appear Tycho just used to date a person who identified as a witch.
Maybe they were Wiccan.
Maybe they tried to cast spells they learned on a magic forum.
New album hopefully this year sometime (and maybe, if I'm lucky, the go east of Austin on this mini-tour).
AKA Fluffbunnies. I have no idea where that moniker came from.
As an outsider, it's the equivalent of Christians accusing each other of not being "real" or authentic enough.
Ugh... That's what I get for early morning reading. Couldn't connect the dots. Also, literally L'ed OL on the ghost.
Love, love this comic. I laughed my butt off because how true it is.
Georgia O'Keeffe
Be sure to like my Comic Book "Last Words" on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Last-Words-The-Comic-Book/458405034287767
and Magenta the Witchgirl!: http://www.drunkduck.com/Magenta_the_Witchgirl/