Ah, so, the new office is revealed. All that seems to have changed is the location of the door, really, though we had very limited angles by which to see their new office. Definitely looking forward to seeing more of the place.
You're also welcome to email me if you have concerns that weren't covered in the original thread. jdillion@penny-arcade.com
Thanks for the response and for not deleting my post, but I'm more interested in open public discourse. Sending my thoughts to you privately where others can't read them reminds me of the recent PA strip on how Dungeon Keeper filters reviews. To summarize what Tycho said in that post: Taking criticism out of the public eye can look like a deliberate effort to create the impression there is none.
Dragging your issue with a forum thread closure into the comments section on a PATV episode is not the right way to go about re-opening the discussion. If you have an issue with a decision on a particular thread, you should privately contact the administrator, @Tube, or the staff member who made the decision.
Now back to our regularly scheduled thread on "What You Wish For"
Wait a sec... I missed this the first time the comic came through... is that not Hanna in the desktop wallpaper? Was a larger version of that image ever made? If not, can it be?
I'm off to pirate more music, steal software, and knock down little old ladies, then later I'm going to cover my self in Yak's blood, and lay in a pentagram, while reading some Marxist literature and praying to a heathen god.
Wait a sec... I missed this the first time the comic came through... is that not Hanna in the desktop wallpaper? Was a larger version of that image ever made? If not, can it be?
Hah, it sure looks like it could be Hanna, maybe an early version. That's an awesome find! I feel like I remember that wallpaper though.
I'm off to pirate more music, steal software, and knock down little old ladies, then later I'm going to cover my self in Yak's blood, and lay in a pentagram, while reading some Marxist literature and praying to a heathen god.
Ah, so, the new office is revealed. All that seems to have changed is the location of the door, really, though we had very limited angles by which to see their new office. Definitely looking forward to seeing more of the place.
Looks like the office is dramatically bigger, the old walls used to be pretty much right behind mike and jerry's chairs
Psykoma on
KoopahTroopahThe koopas, the troopas.Philadelphia, PARegistered Userregular
you and I have to wait until next week to see it. Or you can join the ClubPA and get to see it as soon as it is posted, along with the podcasts. I won't lie, I love PA, but I'm just cheap, so I'll be waiting the week for it to become available to everyone.
KoopahTroopahThe koopas, the troopas.Philadelphia, PARegistered Userregular
you and I have to wait until next week to see it. Or you can join the ClubPA and get to see it as soon as it is posted, along with the podcasts. I won't lie, I love PA, but I'm just cheap, so I'll be waiting the week for it to become available to everyone.
Oh. Boo. I didn't realize that was an incentive to Club PA.
you and I have to wait until next week to see it. Or you can join the ClubPA and get to see it as soon as it is posted, along with the podcasts. I won't lie, I love PA, but I'm just cheap, so I'll be waiting the week for it to become available to everyone.
Oh. Boo. I didn't realize that was an incentive to Club PA.
It's a very good incentive and so far, I'm enjoying what I get out of my $10. Delicious.
Mike is in shorts and a T-shirt in this comic and there is sun outside their window...and I am just sitting here where it's 14 degrees. Too many more episodes filmed during summer are going to be tough to take!
Maybe it's the setting, or the lighting, or some other factor, but did it seem to anyone else like Mike and Jerry have aged like a decade since last season? There's that, and the fact that they seem to have a lot less energy than they used to.
I was a little confused why Mike liked Metro, but then I remembered he had a surface and Metro is completely designed around a touch interface.
Most people who don't like Metro don't like it because they're using a mouse and it's clunky as hell to operate with a mouse. God forbid the user has a laptop with a traditional touchpad - my old roommate would constantly have Metro pop up over whatever else he was doing because his palm hit the touchpad in the wrong way.
That's why when I advise people on new computers, I tell them "if you're going to get Windows 8 (and you've not really much for choice unless you're building your own), you're going to want one with a touch screen. That's what it was designed for."
QuackersCollege Student and Code MonkeyOrlando FloridaRegistered Userregular
well if you don't have a touch screen getting to the start menu/ tiles area is a pain in the fucking ass. however, having the start button back just makes everything well.....pretty much what it used to be. i mean it is still the tiles but not having to work my ass of to get there makes things fine again.
I'm glad to hear at least one other person on the planet thought 8 was okay. I have no problems with 8. Considering the scores of people who get fidgety about the "learning curve" involved in using a traditional PC interface, the widespread hate for a simple interface on a smoothly running OS is beyond me. I think its some social phenomenon, where like one person someone thinks of as knowledgeable regarding interfaces didn't like it, so they "decided" they didn't like it, and then all their friends decided the same thing, and so on...but few actually are self-aware enough to make that call for themselves.
The one thing I did hate about win8 is their cheesy default backgrounds/lock screens, which actually only became worse in 8.1. The only scrolling background I liked was the concentric circles and they fucking stole it from me. That just seems malicious to me, why take that out...
When I built my new machine and installed 8.1 on it, one of the very first things I did was put Classic Shell on there, and now it looks like Windows 2000. Beyond that it's fine as an OS, I don't have any major gripes about it.
I think I project the opposing field as Gabe, though... I make things work properly. My last machine ran Vista for years without issue, and when I gave it to a friend it started having problems almost immediately, even after I had reformatted it.
(You just say the letters)
You're also welcome to email me if you have concerns that weren't covered in the original thread. jdillion@penny-arcade.com
Thanks for the response and for not deleting my post, but I'm more interested in open public discourse. Sending my thoughts to you privately where others can't read them reminds me of the recent PA strip on how Dungeon Keeper filters reviews. To summarize what Tycho said in that post: Taking criticism out of the public eye can look like a deliberate effort to create the impression there is none.
Now back to our regularly scheduled thread on "What You Wish For"
Edit: yup, here it is. It was from this post by Gabe.
Looks like the office is dramatically bigger, the old walls used to be pretty much right behind mike and jerry's chairs
Edit - So wait... where'd this episode go?
Oh. Boo. I didn't realize that was an incentive to Club PA.
It's a very good incentive and so far, I'm enjoying what I get out of my $10. Delicious.
When Mike was showing off 8.1 I really dug the wallpaper on his Surface. Anyone recognise it/know where to find it?
And, while I do like the new site design... I don't know if I missed something, but I only heard about PATV being back thru Facebook.
Promote it more on the homepage!
best web series
Most people who don't like Metro don't like it because they're using a mouse and it's clunky as hell to operate with a mouse. God forbid the user has a laptop with a traditional touchpad - my old roommate would constantly have Metro pop up over whatever else he was doing because his palm hit the touchpad in the wrong way.
That's why when I advise people on new computers, I tell them "if you're going to get Windows 8 (and you've not really much for choice unless you're building your own), you're going to want one with a touch screen. That's what it was designed for."
The one thing I did hate about win8 is their cheesy default backgrounds/lock screens, which actually only became worse in 8.1. The only scrolling background I liked was the concentric circles and they fucking stole it from me. That just seems malicious to me, why take that out...
I think I project the opposing field as Gabe, though... I make things work properly. My last machine ran Vista for years without issue, and when I gave it to a friend it started having problems almost immediately, even after I had reformatted it.