Background: A dear friend had a very upsetting experience a few weeks ago. We were out at a local bar, and a man approached us and began to converse. He was a bit odd, so we were not overly friendly, but he persisted. He pulled out his phone and started showing it to my friend. I could tell that she was uncomfortable and was shaking her head at him, yet he would then show me the phone and it would be a picture of NYC, or his dog, or something innocuous. This happened back and forth a few times. We finally were "chilly" enough that he left. As soon as he walked out, my friend started crying - he had been showing her pictures of his privates, and she felt very violated! (I'd have laughed at him, which is probably why he targeted her - she is a much sweeter soul than I!)
Question: Is there anything illegal in his actions? Had he shown his "stuff" physically rather than virtually, we could have involved the police on indecent exposure. Is this a case where the law has not yet caught up to technology? His actions were no less offensive to her.
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that said, if she's starting to get over it and it'd just re-agitate things, she may prefer to just move on. which is fine.
Yes, that's a crime (at least in most western countries, anyway). The police may not do anything, but it's probably worthwhile to go down to the local station and tell them what happened. If they're a good department, they'll do some sort of follow-up (and, as bsjezz says, they might already be familiar with the guy).
I spent the whole time laughing nervously, but really my friend was hero of the night. Since then I've sworn to take action sooner in these situations, but it hasn't really come up lately. I don't know if my courage would be any better these days.
So when you're in a public place and someone is giving you the creeps, being "cold" to them is often insufficient. Act first and loudly tell them to go away. If they don't then take action, either by asking the bartender, bouncer, or even a policeman to do something about it. If none of those are available, put yourself between the creep and anyone they may be targeting. Though I understand it's easier said than done.
If anything the security for the bar ought to know, that way they can keep an eye out if they see a similar situation happening, in case the person is showing his junk to chicks with his phone on a regular basis.