mp3/mp4 player just died.... recommend me a replacement
ive only ever had 2 mp3 players
First one was an archos jukebox 20 gig (really early ipod thing) lasted 5 years
Then an archos av500 and that’s done 10 years but sadly the hard drive has packed up on it
So replacement options. There doesn’t seem to be many large hard drive mp4/mp4 players about. Most of the companies make android tablets now. Im not against having a table. But I don’t really want something the size of a tablet. I want something the size of phone.
I don’t really want an ipod as I already have an iphone
I want something with 30-60 ish gig of storage. I can also use as an usb hard drive
The mp4 part is no longer essential as I no longer commute so don’t watch films on the train etc.. but I do use the player daily plugged into my car stereo via head phone jack.
Thanks for you suggestions
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In your case, the 8GB model of this with a 32GB micro SD card in it will probably be your best option.
I think it shows that hey have been in the business of portable music for a very long time.