Was talked about in the community thread awhile back. It isn't going out until after East (at the earliest). Between East and Prime is the estimate. You will surely get an email asking for an address. So, until that email happens, just sit tight.
The comic we were attempting to make about Project Spark never materialized, and instead, this comic managed to peck its way out the of the shell. Kiko asked me if we had a podcast of this writing process, presumably because it would have been “interesting,” but we didn’t. And when I think about it, there is no causal chain that results in the strip. The strip is like something we found half-submerged in sand, complete and entire.
With Titanfall hitting on the 11th, I’m trying to crush a backlog that wants instead to grow.
I got it into my head that I wanted to wrap up Ironclad Tactics finally after a brutal stall, connected with the game’s difficulty and my own sloth and ineptitude. My subconscious had been hard at work though, and upon my return I was able to crack it - but they just dropped a rad campaign DLC for it, expanding the load somewhat beyond my original spec. The new Walking Dead episode is out, downloaded but with the seal still on, not even installed.
I have a sneaking suspicion, though, that the time up to the 11th is going to be taken up with Shadowrun: Dragonfall.
I liked the original Shadowrun campaign, I like Shadowrun basically. I’m from Seattle, you know? But I encountered various levels of paralysis connected with the inability to save when you wanted, and also to make different characters to accomplish increasingly granular, one-off objectives when I should have just committed myself to playing it twice. Dragonfall (which I got from backing it, anyhow) was a chance to just go with it - to go again, for the first time as they say. One of my favorite CRPG stories of all time, Shadows of Undrentide, was itself an expansion. You can feel stable development tools, even as a player: both of these are ambitious, second cracks at it that are enabled by experience. They’re Journeyman projects.
It’s nice to have Club PA rolling again; early access to things is essentially the touchstone, but it’s the early strips specifically that I think are the most interesting bit. For the Club PA stalwart, Penny Arcade now updates on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday - probably the biggest material change since the site’s inception. We are trying to figure out other ways to spoil that cadre, but in the meantime we’re collecting addresses so we know where to send the exclusivo Pinny Arcade pins for the $30+ crowd. Thanks for taking us up on it, it’s nice to know you are out there.
(CW)TB out.
So, has anyone been contacted about their Club PA pin? The newspost implies they're getting addresses, but I haven't seen or heard anything about it.
PedroAsaniBrotherhood of the Squirrel[Prime]Registered Userregular
I imagine that given they didn't get everything for the launch sorted in time, this will be a largely manual process a la Killer Instinct Pin Challenges. I'm sure people will start posting when they have been contacted, so if you don't hear anything a week or so after the first post about it that is the time to be concerned. For now, patience is key. Of course, we are also waiting on PAX East so there is that.
Hey all! The address collection hasn't begun quite yet, but we haven't forgotten about it - just getting everything set up so it goes smoothly. Make sure your Club PA email address stays up to date (and doesn't filter to spam or something) and you'll hear from us there.
Hey all! The address collection hasn't begun quite yet, but we haven't forgotten about it - just getting everything set up so it goes smoothly. Make sure your Club PA email address stays up to date (and doesn't filter to spam or something) and you'll hear from us there.
Hmm..almost considering signing up 3 more times to Club PA for mooorrrrre pinnnss..... *twitch*
Well from what I gathered, anyone who subscribes for a full year will get 2 of the same Pin, since the subscription runs in 6 month intervals. One to keep, one to trade.
I'm hoping that the next ClubPA meet-up has wearing the Pin as a requirement to get in, secret society style. Password is Mork Krahollow.
Hmm..almost considering signing up 3 more times to Club PA for mooorrrrre pinnnss..... *twitch*
Well from what I gathered, anyone who subscribes for a full year will get 2 of the same Pin, since the subscription runs in 6 month intervals. One to keep, one to trade.
I'm hoping that the next ClubPA meet-up has wearing the Pin as a requirement to get in, secret society style. Password is Mork Krahollow.
That kind of defeats the purpose of the $10 crew
Secret pin crew within the regular crew sounds fine by me though!
Hmm..almost considering signing up 3 more times to Club PA for mooorrrrre pinnnss..... *twitch*
Well from what I gathered, anyone who subscribes for a full year will get 2 of the same Pin, since the subscription runs in 6 month intervals. One to keep, one to trade.
I'm hoping that the next ClubPA meet-up has wearing the Pin as a requirement to get in, secret society style. Password is Mork Krahollow.
That kind of defeats the purpose of the $10 crew
Secret pin crew within the regular crew sounds fine by me though!
Bah, I forgot about them. Maybe the Pin just eliminates the need for the Secret Handshake.
Hmm..almost considering signing up 3 more times to Club PA for mooorrrrre pinnnss..... *twitch*
Well from what I gathered, anyone who subscribes for a full year will get 2 of the same Pin, since the subscription runs in 6 month intervals. One to keep, one to trade.
I'm hoping that the next ClubPA meet-up has wearing the Pin as a requirement to get in, secret society style. Password is Mork Krahollow.
That kind of defeats the purpose of the $10 crew
Secret pin crew within the regular crew sounds fine by me though!
Bah, I forgot about them. Maybe the Pin just eliminates the need for the Secret Handshake.
10$ crew can go to pizza parties
Secret pin crew gets warehouse access!
mightyh0bbes on
PedroAsaniBrotherhood of the Squirrel[Prime]Registered Userregular
Hmm..almost considering signing up 3 more times to Club PA for mooorrrrre pinnnss..... *twitch*
Well from what I gathered, anyone who subscribes for a full year will get 2 of the same Pin, since the subscription runs in 6 month intervals. One to keep, one to trade.
I'm hoping that the next ClubPA meet-up has wearing the Pin as a requirement to get in, secret society style. Password is Mork Krahollow.
That kind of defeats the purpose of the $10 crew
Secret pin crew within the regular crew sounds fine by me though!
Bah, I forgot about them. Maybe the Pin just eliminates the need for the Secret Handshake.
10$ crew can go to pizza parties
Secret pin crew gets warehouse access!
That's so we can gaze in awe at the Pinitentiary, right?
so odd question...but if I sign up now (or this weekend or whatever) will I still be eligible to get in on this pin since the form hasn't gone out yet? Been meaning to join up since it went live and it's just slipped my mind Thanks in advanced
so odd question...but if I sign up now (or this weekend or whatever) will I still be eligible to get in on this pin since the form hasn't gone out yet? Been meaning to join up since it went live and it's just slipped my mind Thanks in advanced
No idea, but the six month cycle began around February. If they are doing it in set periods, you likely have a month or two. I'll add it to the FAQ I'm sending over soon.
Thanks @PedroAsani . I plan on subscribing tonight or tomorrow morning (depending on when I get home) so I can let you know if I get the form whenever it gets out if that helps. A more official word would be great though
When is the cutoff date for this first ClubPA pin then? I hadn't seen it posted anywhere (since you said that the person will be fine). I know that the same pin will go out a second time later this year, but I assume Suprshin was talking about this first wave.
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
(What @redfield85 said)
Excited to get it! My favourite pins are the ones that mark significant moments in Penny Arcade history (i.e. 15th anniversary, 10 years of PAX).
I'm ready for the next PAX already!
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Now all I can do is comment about this.
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Looking for Pins: DLC
There has been an awakening. Have you felt it?
Well from what I gathered, anyone who subscribes for a full year will get 2 of the same Pin, since the subscription runs in 6 month intervals. One to keep, one to trade.
I'm hoping that the next ClubPA meet-up has wearing the Pin as a requirement to get in, secret society style. Password is Mork Krahollow.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
That kind of defeats the purpose of the $10 crew
Secret pin crew within the regular crew sounds fine by me though!
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig
Bah, I forgot about them. Maybe the Pin just eliminates the need for the Secret Handshake.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
10$ crew can go to pizza parties
Secret pin crew gets warehouse access!
That's so we can gaze in awe at the Pinitentiary, right?
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
Steam - Miker525 | Xbox Live - Miker525| PSN - MikeRosenberg
Websites - Gamerations - MikeRosenberger.com
Pinny Pals - Miker525
No idea, but the six month cycle began around February. If they are doing it in set periods, you likely have a month or two. I'll add it to the FAQ I'm sending over soon.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
Steam - Miker525 | Xbox Live - Miker525| PSN - MikeRosenberg
Websites - Gamerations - MikeRosenberger.com
Pinny Pals - Miker525
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
My Pinny Pal's Lanyard
"Players are artists who create their own reality within the game." - Shigeru Miyamoto
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Second, check your email. Address requests have been sent. Pins will ship within 1-2 weeks.
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Check 'em: My Pins!
As long as you subscribed to the $30 tier, you'll be fine.