hello, america.
i endure great pain by telling you this isnt about america.
today, google tells me its international womens day
in 1909 the very first international womens day happened as a result of a strike that marked the anniversary of the new york garment workers strike. they were paid shit, and were maimed all the fuckin time. as a great deal of women are want to do when fucked over repeatedly, they scared the shit out of all those turds. soon after, the day was used for suffrage, and protesting violence and the like
1975 the UN officially recognized it. the next year began The Decade Of Women.
women worldwide have slowly been waiting, sometimes in our caves, or in our desert garrisons. ready to take arms and thus begin The Final Assault-i mean uh, to make more inroads and provide a better future for the young ones.
who are women the world over you should celebrate *sigh* people not necessarily exclusive to america?
outside of america, we got that Gulabi Gang.
you've seen the dope jedi robes and the canes. aside from beating the shit out of abusive husbands, rapists and other sexual assaulting turds in India they also do the following:
Stop child marriages
Persuade families to educate girl-child
Train women in self-defense
Oppose corruption in administration
Create awareness about the evils of dowry
Register FIRs against sex-offenders and abusive husbands
Publicly shame molesters
Encourage women to become financially independent
My girlfriend's mom is pretty rad too, even though I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm not right for her daughter.
And, since I'm a weeaboo,
One of the first women elected to the Japanese Diet (1946-1974), Katou Shizue worked diligently for pretty much her entire adult life to change cultural perceptions and political realities for women in Japan. Frankly, I wish there were more people like her in Japan today.
she is my top female
*cough* *cough* ho boy. nobodies got anything? really? really!!?
....oh right. Initiated a species wide genocide that'd destroyed the ecology of an entire planet.
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
you tell me
I heard you were all woman
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
my left foot is 100% lizard.
Corazon Aquino led the Philippines out of the shadow of Ferdinand Marcos's dictatorship (and in a way snubbed Ronald Reagan, who inexplicably supported Marcos's anti-democratic autocratic rule). starting as a housewife and someone in the background of her then more famous husband, Cory became one of the most effective presidents the Philippines has had.
granted, that's not saying much with the insane corruption there, but she did a damn good job.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
Yeah think so, I spotted her too!
Fuck that, this woman's hilarious.
Edit: Holy shit, she has fucking nanoseconds in her purse, that is awesome.
The scientific community gave her something resembling due credit, but her work remains sorely underrated.
I just read something with which I agree completely.I want to say something more.I want to state that man woman difference is an illusion . its more dangerous and socially unhealthy. Woman's day should not be celebrated.
Since, previously, all 365 days belonged to men, this is actually a step in the right direction.
Look, we'll even give y'all a second day. Just, you know, cut this shit out
It doesn't hurt to try and get some culture for a small fraction of the year
Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
Like, obviously the goal here is to have this type of shit front and center all the time so that we know and understand contributions women have made as a matter of course, but I don't really see a problem with setting aside a day to make absofuckinglutely sure that we take some time to learn something new about important female figures in human history.
I do not think it is fair to call her the world's best female pirate. As it has the word female in it. I am pretty sure she was the most bad ass pirate of all time.
It was estimated she commanded 20 to 40 thousand pirates and was one of the few pirates ever to successfully retire from pirating.
Satans..... hints.....
Remember that name there, Eleanor Roosevelt is worth a thread of her own.
Also I don't necessarily have to mention Frances Perkins here, she has her own feast day already
Well yeah, but it's a female lizard.
At the age of 11, she was giving interviews and blog reports to news organizations about what it was like growing up under Taliban rule while wanting desperately to attend school. To try and silence her, a gunman boarded her bus, asked for her by name and shot her.
But that didn't stop her. She went to England to recover and has since become a major education activist. At 16 she was nominated for the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize and has won several other awards for her work towards education for children everywhere. She is so fucking cool guys
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I thought she was pretty rad.
Her book is great!
The object of a sentence is the thing that is being acted upon, while the subject is the thing acting. So it's a grammar geek version of "sisters are doing it for themselves".