Hey All,
This is the usual rules post for Console Tournaments.
First: Signups for a given tournament starts on the day of the tournament.
Second: Signups start at 10am each day.
Third: All tournaments are single-elimination.
- We know this is rough, but we only have so much time.
That said, we’ll get into the games (ordered by day):
11am - Geometry Wars 2
4-way Free for all
Mode: Deadline
12pm - Marvel Vs. Capcom 3: Ultimate (360)
Bring Your Own Fight Stick (If you want one)
Unusual controllers subject to community review.
1pm - Super Puzzle Fighter
X’ Mode
2pm - Halo 4
4-way Free for all
Basic MLG rules
Single map
3pm - Towerfall Ascension
4-way Free for all
5pm - Burnout Crash!
Mode: Rush Hour
No Elite Vehicles
6pm - Double Dash
2v2, 100cc
7pm - Tetris Attack
Level 7 start
8pm - Smash Bros Brawl
3 stock, 8 mins
No Items
This tournament has two parts, the second part starts at 10pm. The winners of each part will play Grand Finals at the end of the second part.
9pm - Fifa 14
Short games (need to be sub 10 mins).
Help me out here guys, what are good Fifa rules?
10pm - Brawl part 2
11am - Goldeneye (N64)
4-way Free for all
12pm - Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition (360)
Bring Your Own Fight Stick (If you want one)
Unusual controllers subject to community review.
1pm - Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 (PS)
Graffiti Mode, High score, Base stats.
2pm - Blur
Class B cars and below.
3pm - Halo CE: Anniversary
8-way Classic Slayer
5pm - Puzzle Bobble
6pm - Persona 4 Arena (PS3)
Bring Your Own Stick
7pm - You Don’t Know Jack (360)
Random Episodes
8pm - Divekick
128 players
9pm - NBA Jam: On Fire
11am - Saturn Bomberman
10-way Free for all (It’s crazy!)
12pm - Diddy Kong Racing (Community selected)
4-way Free for all
T.T. banned.
1pm - Soul Calibur V (360)
Bring Your Own Fight Stick (If you want one)
2pm - Killer Instinct (XBOne) (Community selected)
Bring Your Own Fight Stick (If you want one)
3pm - Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz (Wii)
1v1 first to finish
4pm - Call of Duty: Ghosts (360) (Community selected)
8-way Free for all
No loadout bans
Did I forget anything?
Questions and comments are welcome!
If you want to use a fight stick in a tournament, your best bet is to bring your own.
Tournament sign-ups for console tournaments listed above will be held in the Console Tournament registration room, 153B.
Since I'm bringing the stick along, will there be any places for free play stations? I didn't see anything on the schedule last I checked. Definitely entering SC5, possibly Persona 4 if I find time to practice up a bit.
EDIT: Oh that was my other question, some of these tournaments are only 32 man tournies. Are you fitting all signups into 32 man brackets? Or is there really that small of a player cap? I can imagine some of them would draw more interest than that.
DOUBLE EDIT: And by some of them I do of course mean SATURN BOMBERMAN.
We're also going to try to have a practice hour for all of the games for each day from 10am-11am.
Saturn Bomberman has a 40 player cap (mostly for time reasons). Also it's 10-way. If that's wrong somewhere on the site, it's likely my fault.
WoW: BanAnnaPi#1341
Steam: BanAnnaPie
Origin: BanAnnaPie
3DS Friend Code: 3840 - 6540 - 5643
So do all of the tournies have similar caps? Or would they fill out a second 32 man bracket for a particular game if there was interest? Just would hate to come along to sign up and be the 33rd guy in line, lol.
We add a few spots to each tourney as a waiting list, because it's common for a few people to drop out (or forget to show up).
I agree with default 12-minute games and 4 star team limit. I don't think there needs to be any other rules.
Prizes: Medals.
That's a question for Handheld, and I can't find the handheld thread
Thanks guys! I think we're going to drop it to 10-minute games, because we'll run out of time otherwise.
Also, I remember last year there was some commotion about defensive style (legacy vs. tactical). Any opinions there?