Played 6 or 7 matches today and racked up 6 or 7 losses. Mostly landslides.
Every match had a guy on the other team who managed to score head and shoulders above the rest of the players. Like 2500-3000 in bounty.
I'm a potato, so me hitting top score occasionally for my team makes the matchmaking seem... poor.
I've found that I have done best in Attrition for some reason. I mean on the surface it and Bounty should be like 90% the same, but between me not completely having the wallrunning down and not having the maps memorized I tend to die a good bit before I can bank stuff. Attrition has proved fun though, been in the top 3 in the match several times now. Also finding a gun that you really like the feel of is a game changer.
Played 6 or 7 matches today and racked up 6 or 7 losses. Mostly landslides.
Every match had a guy on the other team who managed to score head and shoulders above the rest of the players. Like 2500-3000 in bounty.
I'm a potato, so me hitting top score occasionally for my team makes the matchmaking seem... poor.
I've found that I have done best in Attrition for some reason. I mean on the surface it and Bounty should be like 90% the same, but between me not completely having the wallrunning down and not having the maps memorized I tend to die a good bit before I can bank stuff. Attrition has proved fun though, been in the top 3 in the match several times now. Also finding a gun that you really like the feel of is a game changer.
Yeah, I spend too much time in bounty broke because I get ganked on the way to A and B... gotta learn these maps. it bad that I still haven't completed the campaign? I'm almost to the first boss fight (me thinks). Playing the first run through on master is not forgiving in the least bit. I end up playing for about 30 minutes and then I go through Bounty Hunt withdrawal, so I ditch the campaign and spend the next 3 hours in MP. I'll finish it one day.
Master being the top difficulty? I honestly wouldn't recommend playing on this difficulty because the AI is brutal in how quickly you can die. I had to play in a very un-Titanfall way to complete it in this difficulty.
The other difficulties are much better and enjoyable and there are some amazing set pieces to see.
I guess I'll have to... Tone... it down? HA HA HA HA HA I'm not really that funny, am I...
While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
Tone pisses me off to the point I just leave games.
Yeah, I'm 'That guy'. Don't want to be that guy but it really pisses me off.
I've seen a lot less Tone and a lot more Ion in this patch if that is any help. I don't know if that's because people are playing Ion because of having bought the skin, or just being put off by playing Tone because the patch notes said he was nerfed, or playing some of the other Titans because they got buffed or what.
I'm not entirely sure what they've done to Tone still; maybe he doesn't have as much health? Whatever it is, it's got to be relatively minor.
I did try the "aim and store up 3 shots" perk, but it seems to greatly increase your rate of fire even when not storing it. I think you're better off firing quicker with the critical hits perk tbh.
I used the reflectoshield pretty much exclusively in TF1 because it's so fucking awesome. Based on that I can definitely see why people would move to Ion if Tone has been nerfed to normality. It's not always easy to use, but if you can tank a few titans fire with it and hit back, you can easily wipe a couple of health bars off a titan.
Regarding Tone's nerf, the general thought from reddit is that there were minor nerfs to the 40mm ROF, damage, missile damage (whether through qty, or damage per missile is unknown) and possibly the charge time of her core.
Personally I had a wee play around with Tone last night and for me she's gone from being an unholy stomper of all titans at all ranges 1v1 to just rather good.
Tried gettin' good with Scorch a bit last night, but wasn't so successful. I find I just get chipped to death due to my low manoeuvrability. I think my problem is my choice of engagement range is pants.
Tone pisses me off to the point I just leave games.
Yeah, I'm 'That guy'. Don't want to be that guy but it really pisses me off.
I just feel like even if they nerfed the damage/health what not Tone will still be one of the highest frequency picks because he/she/it works at pretty much every range, whereas a lot of the other Titans have very specific methods and ranges you have to approach engagement.
Edit- I guess what I am saying is that they would have to nerf the effective range on the cannon, which probably then would make other Titans superior because Tone would be "middle of the pack". I think they may have designed themselves into a corner.
I think it's fine to have a jack of all ranges, so long as they don't beat out Titans designed to work in specific ones. I think they've come pretty damn close with the latest nerf.
I'm a fan of the minor changes they are doing versus major changes. Doing a tiny tweak here and there will eventually balance things out without pissing everyone off with the "OMG WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY FAVORITE MECH IN THE GAME?!?!" outrage that I'm used to see when patches come out.
While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
I'm a fan of the minor changes they are doing versus major changes. Doing a tiny tweak here and there will eventually balance things out without pissing everyone off with the "OMG WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY FAVORITE MECH IN THE GAME?!?!" outrage that I'm used to see when patches come out.
Plus it doesn't bias the players as to how the Titan/weapon/whatever now handles. Thus giving the devs more accurate feedback for the next round of changes.
On an unrelated note, man this game has it's hooks in deep. Counting down the minutes until I can get home to play.
Counting down the minutes until I can get home to play.
Or... work from home. Do some work, kill some Titans/pilots. Do some work, kill some Titans/pilots. Do some work... why can't I do this everyday? Oh, because I'd never get my work done.
While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
Tone pisses me off to the point I just leave games.
Yeah, I'm 'That guy'. Don't want to be that guy but it really pisses me off.
I've seen a lot less Tone and a lot more Ion in this patch if that is any help. I don't know if that's because people are playing Ion because of having bought the skin, or just being put off by playing Tone because the patch notes said he was nerfed, or playing some of the other Titans because they got buffed or what.
I'm not entirely sure what they've done to Tone still; maybe he doesn't have as much health? Whatever it is, it's got to be relatively minor.
I did try the "aim and store up 3 shots" perk, but it seems to greatly increase your rate of fire even when not storing it. I think you're better off firing quicker with the critical hits perk tbh.
I played a bit of tone pre and post patch.
I think the tracking on the cannon rounds vs. pilots seems a lot less generous. I also feel like the amount of dashing possible is reduced. Could just be me though.
I levelled up and unlocked Legion so I've switched over. I'm liking it a lot. Feels like Gundam Heavyarms. Massive gatling gun all day. Also managed to get my first titan execution with it which was a lot of fun.
Also I'm not sure if there is already a PS4 Network, but we made one (new?), Pax Arcadia for anyone that would like to join for shenanigans. Also if there already is one (I didn't see anything in the OP since its still from the original TF) please feel free to let me know. The Pax Arcadia one is open to Public atm to make it easy to join.
I managed to regen both the Ion and Tone mechs. Trying to decide which one I should try and regen next. I'm leaning Ronin.
Also, I can't quite figure out the weapon merit stuff. I managed to regen the R-201 by getting around 450 kills according to the stats page. I just hit lvl 18 with the EVA-8 last night and I've got nearly 700 kills with it. Clearly, kills are not the only factor when getting weapon merits.
I managed to regen both the Ion and Tone mechs. Trying to decide which one I should try and regen next. I'm leaning Ronin.
Also, I can't quite figure out the weapon merit stuff. I managed to regen the R-201 by getting around 450 kills according to the stats page. I just hit lvl 18 with the EVA-8 last night and I've got nearly 700 kills with it. Clearly, kills are not the only factor when getting weapon merits.
Don't the little weapon achievements add to the weapon xp? Like x # of assists, x # of headshot kills, x # of kill sprees etc?
Tone pisses me off to the point I just leave games.
Yeah, I'm 'That guy'. Don't want to be that guy but it really pisses me off.
I've seen a lot less Tone and a lot more Ion in this patch if that is any help. I don't know if that's because people are playing Ion because of having bought the skin, or just being put off by playing Tone because the patch notes said he was nerfed, or playing some of the other Titans because they got buffed or what.
I'm not entirely sure what they've done to Tone still; maybe he doesn't have as much health? Whatever it is, it's got to be relatively minor.
I did try the "aim and store up 3 shots" perk, but it seems to greatly increase your rate of fire even when not storing it. I think you're better off firing quicker with the critical hits perk tbh.
I played a bit of tone pre and post patch.
I think the tracking on the cannon rounds vs. pilots seems a lot less generous. I also feel like the amount of dashing possible is reduced. Could just be me though.
I levelled up and unlocked Legion so I've switched over. I'm liking it a lot. Feels like Gundam Heavyarms. Massive gatling gun all day. Also managed to get my first titan execution with it which was a lot of fun.
I'll note that I'm not complaining about how Tone is; I just couldn't definitively tell you what has changed. Still seems fine to me at any rate, I was getting about the same amount of kills as I was any other night (when I wasn't running into Ions with their Core ready).
Also I'm not sure if there is already a PS4 Network, but we made one (new?), Pax Arcadia for anyone that would like to join for shenanigans. Also if there already is one (I didn't see anything in the OP since its still from the original TF) please feel free to let me know. The Pax Arcadia one is open to Public atm to make it easy to join.
Yea, there are at least three
Please join the Penny Arcade forums one
Hm. I should probably try piloting my titan more than not at all, but when I tried it in the beta I couldn't hit shit with it. And lurking around with an amped weapons MGL assisting my titan seems pretty effective. Hmmmmm.
Hm. I should probably try piloting my titan more than not at all, but when I tried it in the beta I couldn't hit shit with it. And lurking around with an amped weapons MGL assisting my titan seems pretty effective. Hmmmmm.
Auto titan can be ok, some times, but generally, if you call it in, you better get your ass in there and pilot the thing
Auto-titans are just fodder as far as I've seen and if you're not babysitting them is a free battery for the enemy team.
Which titans have you tried ~cB557? Some are definitely harder to play than others and I don't think the game ranks them correctly in that regard.
Well, it was the open beta, which had Ion and Scorch. Scorch is hard to use, of course, but with the travel time on Ion's splitter rifle I just couldn't hit enemy pilots to save my life. Meanwhile Ion with the advanced auto-titan thing makes pilots kills pop up on my screen with some regularity.
Ah yes, I hadn't thought of the advanced auto-titan chip. I suspect that might make your particular method of play a lot more viable, which was their exact intention I imagine! The splitter cannon shreds pilots if you can get it on target, so an AI that can actually hit a barn door would be pretty great with it.
Give Tone a go, she's a very versatile Titan. Can plop down a fixed shield which is very useful while you're getting used to Titan positioning and whatnot. Her radar ability is great for newbies and experienced players alike, allowing you to know the lay of the land before you round a corner. Weapons are easy to use, though there is again a bit of travel time to the 40mm cannon.
My biggest gripe with this game is how sometimes i call in a Titan right at my fucking feet, and it throws it almost half way across the map. Seriously, man. WTF? I said right fucking here and you threw it way somewhere else. And this is not indoors, it's outside, so there is no excuse.
While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
Also I'm not sure if there is already a PS4 Network, but we made one (new?), Pax Arcadia for anyone that would like to join for shenanigans. Also if there already is one (I didn't see anything in the OP since its still from the original TF) please feel free to let me know. The Pax Arcadia one is open to Public atm to make it easy to join.
Yea, there are at least three
Please join the Penny Arcade forums one
I'm at work atm, but is it just listed as Penny Arcade Forums?
Also I have heard a couple different versions of how Happy Hour works. One was that you could get 5 bonus merits from each network that you are in's happy hour. The other was that you just got a flat 5 per day and can just choose between which happy hour to use. The game seems to back of the latter and not the former, but I'm not positive?
Also I'm not sure if there is already a PS4 Network, but we made one (new?), Pax Arcadia for anyone that would like to join for shenanigans. Also if there already is one (I didn't see anything in the OP since its still from the original TF) please feel free to let me know. The Pax Arcadia one is open to Public atm to make it easy to join.
Yea, there are at least three
Please join the Penny Arcade forums one
I'm at work atm, but is it just listed as Penny Arcade Forums?
Also I have heard a couple different versions of how Happy Hour works. One was that you could get 5 bonus merits from each network that you are in's happy hour. The other was that you just got a flat 5 per day and can just choose between which happy hour to use. The game seems to back of the latter and not the former, but I'm not positive?
Man that's nothing sweeter than driving sword art first into a pile of enemy Titans looking the other way and then once they notice that they're almost dead and turn around and kill you you nuclear eject and get like a triple Titan kill
Man that's nothing sweeter than driving sword art first into a pile of enemy Titans looking the other way and then once they notice that they're almost dead and turn around and kill you you nuclear eject and get like a triple Titan kill
Today I killed an ejecting pilot after I also ejected at the same time . I also got several gooses with Ions precision shoulder laser. I think that's cool.
BRIAN BLESSEDMaybe you aren't SPEAKING LOUDLY ENOUGHHHRegistered Userregular
Shoulder lasering some chucklefuck making off with your battery is about as satisfying as dropping a load
I.. wha- what just happened?
I wish I had hit record just a bit earlier because this cuts off them rounding that corner a first time like they do at the start of the clip and dying instantly in the same way.
Hemlock really struggles to match up vs other AR's because the TTK gained if you get the three burst isn't that big but the TTK loss if you miss is huge.
Snipers are really just there to either be long range AR's or (for the Kraber) the get good gun.
I gave this game a few goes with the free trial but obviously I should've gotten it day one if I wanted to keep up. I have no idea what's going on and I end up dead before I can figure it out. Eventually I suppose I could muddle through the frustration but I don't have time for that and there's nothing immediately gripping about the game that makes me think it'd be worth it.
It's a shame they don't have custom lobbies for the new bad people or something.
I've found that I have done best in Attrition for some reason. I mean on the surface it and Bounty should be like 90% the same, but between me not completely having the wallrunning down and not having the maps memorized I tend to die a good bit before I can bank stuff. Attrition has proved fun though, been in the top 3 in the match several times now. Also finding a gun that you really like the feel of is a game changer.
Yeah, I spend too much time in bounty broke because I get ganked on the way to A and B... gotta learn these maps.
Gamertag - Khraul
PSN - Razide6
Yeah, I'm 'That guy'. Don't want to be that guy but it really pisses me off.
I've seen a lot less Tone and a lot more Ion in this patch if that is any help. I don't know if that's because people are playing Ion because of having bought the skin, or just being put off by playing Tone because the patch notes said he was nerfed, or playing some of the other Titans because they got buffed or what.
I'm not entirely sure what they've done to Tone still; maybe he doesn't have as much health? Whatever it is, it's got to be relatively minor.
I did try the "aim and store up 3 shots" perk, but it seems to greatly increase your rate of fire even when not storing it. I think you're better off firing quicker with the critical hits perk tbh.
Regarding Tone's nerf, the general thought from reddit is that there were minor nerfs to the 40mm ROF, damage, missile damage (whether through qty, or damage per missile is unknown) and possibly the charge time of her core.
Personally I had a wee play around with Tone last night and for me she's gone from being an unholy stomper of all titans at all ranges 1v1 to just rather good.
Tried gettin' good with Scorch a bit last night, but wasn't so successful. I find I just get chipped to death due to my low manoeuvrability. I think my problem is my choice of engagement range is pants.
I just feel like even if they nerfed the damage/health what not Tone will still be one of the highest frequency picks because he/she/it works at pretty much every range, whereas a lot of the other Titans have very specific methods and ranges you have to approach engagement.
Edit- I guess what I am saying is that they would have to nerf the effective range on the cannon, which probably then would make other Titans superior because Tone would be "middle of the pack". I think they may have designed themselves into a corner.
Plus it doesn't bias the players as to how the Titan/weapon/whatever now handles. Thus giving the devs more accurate feedback for the next round of changes.
On an unrelated note, man this game has it's hooks in deep. Counting down the minutes until I can get home to play.
I played a bit of tone pre and post patch.
I think the tracking on the cannon rounds vs. pilots seems a lot less generous. I also feel like the amount of dashing possible is reduced. Could just be me though.
I levelled up and unlocked Legion so I've switched over. I'm liking it a lot. Feels like Gundam Heavyarms. Massive gatling gun all day. Also managed to get my first titan execution with it which was a lot of fun.
Also, I can't quite figure out the weapon merit stuff. I managed to regen the R-201 by getting around 450 kills according to the stats page. I just hit lvl 18 with the EVA-8 last night and I've got nearly 700 kills with it. Clearly, kills are not the only factor when getting weapon merits.
Mixer: Kestrel1 | Twitch: KestrelTV
Don't the little weapon achievements add to the weapon xp? Like x # of assists, x # of headshot kills, x # of kill sprees etc?
I'll note that I'm not complaining about how Tone is; I just couldn't definitively tell you what has changed. Still seems fine to me at any rate, I was getting about the same amount of kills as I was any other night (when I wasn't running into Ions with their Core ready).
Yea, there are at least three
Please join the Penny Arcade forums one
Auto titan can be ok, some times, but generally, if you call it in, you better get your ass in there and pilot the thing
You're a pilot, after all
Which titans have you tried @cB557? Some are definitely harder to play than others and I don't think the game ranks them correctly in that regard.
Give Tone a go, she's a very versatile Titan. Can plop down a fixed shield which is very useful while you're getting used to Titan positioning and whatnot. Her radar ability is great for newbies and experienced players alike, allowing you to know the lay of the land before you round a corner. Weapons are easy to use, though there is again a bit of travel time to the 40mm cannon.
I'm at work atm, but is it just listed as Penny Arcade Forums?
Also I have heard a couple different versions of how Happy Hour works. One was that you could get 5 bonus merits from each network that you are in's happy hour. The other was that you just got a flat 5 per day and can just choose between which happy hour to use. The game seems to back of the latter and not the former, but I'm not positive?
It's the latter, one bonus per day
PSN- AHermano
I still think the multiplayer in this game is kinda worse than TF1 in most ways but the added weapon variety has certainly made playing casually fun.
Hell yeah
One of the highlights of my life
I.. wha- what just happened?
I wish I had hit record just a bit earlier because this cuts off them rounding that corner a first time like they do at the start of the clip and dying instantly in the same way.
All sniper rifles
The hemlock
List to be extended as I try to use weapons other than the CAR and the EVA-8.
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
Hemlock is like a one burst/trigger pull kill if you land all 3 shots in its effective range.
Perhaps it is a case of gitin' gud.
Snipers are really just there to either be long range AR's or (for the Kraber) the get good gun.
It's a shame they don't have custom lobbies for the new bad people or something.