I've been in and out of this thread for years, alternating between p90x for weightloss and 5x5 for actually getting stronger. Total weight loss since May 2012 has been 59 pounds - and I've kept it off!
Now, I got engaged and we picked out our venue three weeks ago. That gave me around 120 days until the wedding. The interest of slimming down I've committed myself to doing 15 weeks of p90x with absolutely no garbage (no fast food, no junk food, no eating out unless it's just a steak and vegetable sort of thing). I'm in my third week and I've lost 6 more pounds.
God help me, wanting to look fit in my wedding photos will sustain me, yes?
I am in the business of saving lives.
Donovan PuppyfuckerA dagger in the dark isworth a thousand swords in the morningRegistered Userregular
I promised myself the last time that I committed to losing that if I went up again, I'd use the nuclear option.
I goofed and gained again, so the time has come--I'm going to treat 'eating enjoyable food' as an addiction. I'll be feeding myself exclusively on this junk for a month.
Should be...interesting.
The fucking cojones on those motherfuckers, selling people 21 shakes worth of protein powder and some Centrum tablets for $65/week.
I promised myself the last time that I committed to losing that if I went up again, I'd use the nuclear option.
I goofed and gained again, so the time has come--I'm going to treat 'eating enjoyable food' as an addiction. I'll be feeding myself exclusively on this junk for a month.
Should be...interesting.
The fucking cojones on those motherfuckers, selling people 21 shakes worth of protein powder and some Centrum tablets for $65/week.
That's not quite accurate--the creator posts his recipe on the DIY soylent site and it includes quite a few other things. I'll probably make my own, actually, since I want more protein than his basic version includes.
(and if anyone notes the low calorie total, you're supposed to tweak cream/oil amounts to what you need.)
I mean I'm sure you can make it work and see results, but it's probably going to suck a lot of the time, and you'll be relieved when it's over. Which isn't really condusive to making what should amount to a long-term lifestyle change.
And I don't care what any paleo/keto/whatever person says, that is too much saturated fat.
Eh. The healthiest I ever am is when I'm getting the majority of my calories from bacon and hamburger, all the typical warnings aside. My vitals go from 'oh god' to 'perfectly healthy' for as long as I can keep it up--even when I overeat on that diet, I just gain weight, my other vitals stay fine.
Long term, maybe there's a saturated-fat-induced problem waiting to pounce. But I think the high blood pressure and obesity the diet solves are a more pressing concern.
If drinking goop for a while will kill off some of your brain spiders and let you establish a more normal relationship with food then I guess that's cool but I think the concern is that self-medicating in all forms can be dicey and this seems difficult to sustain and how are you going to feel if you can't keep it up?
I weighed myself this morning and I am finally back up over 140
I've been a tad lax on my diet, and yesterday was a big cheat day (noodles with wontons, pork buns, cotton candy, popcorn, San pelligrino soda, shake shack burger, cheese fries and concrete, 2 doughnuts, hot cocoa, pineapple cottage cheese) so prob a good bit of water retention this morning
But basically I'd cut down to almost 130 and have been trying to gain weight slowly
The laxness of my diet the last few weeks probably means I gained a bit more fat than intended, but based on calipers and waist measurements, not much... thus I've definitely put on muscle mass
brown rice is definitely healthier. Has a lot more proteins and nutrients and fibre. Also a lower glycaemic index (if that's the kind of thing you need to worry about). White rice historically was a treat or rarity; like sugar it's now become ubiquitous, but it's not necessarily the best way of getting some carbs.
I'm actually surprised that 'eating the same nutritionally complete, long-prep-time meal for every meal' is as contentious as it is.
If I did it with 'normal' food would you guys be less weirded out? I might do that if anyone knows something bad about this sort of meal substitution scheme beyond 'it's weird'.
The goal's to make binging unfeasible and undesirable. Reduce the 'reward' of overeating and up the 'effort'.
Basically, I eat for pleasure as an addiction--it feels exactly like other addictions I have and have had.
The ones I've kicked, I kicked basically like this; either going cold turkey, or substituting something healthier even if it were shittier in terms of enjoyment.
'Low effort' and 'impossible to subvert' are key factors in this.
The problem with 'nuclear options' like that, is that it's fine when you're doing it to lose weight, but you don't want to have to eat that stuff forever, and if you don't develop habits that make a balanced diet feasible, the moment you stop, you stand a huge chance at falling into old patterns.
Well, I'm also hoping that my ever-present hunger (and various food-specific cravings) will fade from screams to a low rumble as my weight, insulin resistance, etc. improve courtesy of a nice long period of no-fuckups ketosis.
I'll also be moving from the middle of nowhere to a real city in June, where I can do physical activities I enjoy (BJJ, indoor climbing) and thus can sustain, which will certainly help.
Weight and insulin sensitivity typically change with physical activity. And if you're out in BFE, Middle of Nowhere, probably got plenty of space to do something
diablo III - beardsnbeer#1508 Mechwarrior Online - Rusty Bock
When I eat rice, which is very rarely, I eat white rice. I'm not relying on rice for its nutrients (that's what vegetables and meat are for), and white rice tastes better and is basically straight starch, without anything extra that might bother my system. (Shaz, maybe this is worth a read?)
Got my ego stroked today. A dude I lifted with a few months ago came up to me in the locker room and straight told me I have lost weight. It felt good but my body was too tired for outward signs of enthusiasm. Also I weigh the same. My body just has more muscle now.
I'm having to track my eating for 3 days for a class assignment using this site. I really don't like the site itself but it is pretty cool to see detailed counts for vitamins and minerals and things. I knew going in that it would bark at me for going over on protein portions and not enough dairy or grains. It's been pretty cool overall though, may go back to using myfitnesspal after the assignment just because I had forgotten how much help it is to detail your diet when you're trying to limit intake.
Four days ago I decided I want to ease up on running for a while and give weights another shot.
I signed up for a gym membership, and jumped into one of the classes, because I thought it might be a way to ease myself back into lifting. That was a big mistake, because after not having done any strength training for about a year, it completely destroyed me. I'm still feeling the DOMS today.
So question: I really want to work out again, but I probably won't lift again until I feel fully recovered. Normally it should be okay to run while your muscles are still a bit sore, but what about in this case where my body is going through a massive readjustment? I actually went for a run yesterday anyway, but my legs were so tight any downwards slope reduced me to a walk.
Four days ago I decided I want to ease up on running for a while and give weights another shot.
I signed up for a gym membership, and jumped into one of the classes, because I thought it might be a way to ease myself back into lifting. That was a big mistake, because after not having done any strength training for about a year, it completely destroyed me. I'm still feeling the DOMS today.
So question: I really want to work out again, but I probably won't lift again until I feel fully recovered. Normally it should be okay to run while your muscles are still a bit sore, but what about in this case where my body is going through a massive readjustment? I actually went for a run yesterday anyway, but my legs were so tight any downwards slope reduced me to a walk.
Drink lots of water, warm-up, stretch, workout at lighter intensities, cool-down, stretch again eat protein and drink more water.
No way around DOMS just gotta get around it best you can.
Which isn't to say full steam ahead, be smart.
diablo III - beardsnbeer#1508 Mechwarrior Online - Rusty Bock
Whew, the last two days were my weekend and it was beautiful outside AND my knee finally felt back at 100%.
So I jogged 5.6 miles straight yesterday for a personal best, and then today walked 2.4, did a mile run, and then later in the day went for about an easy hour bike ride.
I used to always be a fan of lifting first, cardio later, but boy I've been getting way way better gains this time than when I tried to start cardio carrying around a bunch of oxygen-hungry muscles already.
My mood is doing great, and the long exercise sessions have been really helping to break up those mid-afternoon snack cravings.
A trap is for fish: when you've got the fish, you can forget the trap. A snare is for rabbits: when you've got the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words are for meaning: when you've got the meaning, you can forget the words.
Welp I signed up for this 2 hour pro wrestling seminar type thing in a month.
I should probably at least try to get in better shape for that, right? They probably won't have us lifting people or anything like that, but I should work on stamina or something. Couldn't hurt.
AJRSome guy who wrestlesNorwichRegistered Userregular
I can't speak specifically to how Chikara trains people for a tryout session, but I imagine it will be a bunch of drills to test general fitness, the basics of bumping, and maybe learning rolls and/or running ropes. You'll be amongst a big class of people of all fitness levels, so don't worry about it too much. You definitely won't be doing any moves to each other at a tryout.
ran 25km this week for the first time since .. I don't even know. Gotta be at least 8 months.
Gonna try 14-15 on sunday and work towards a half marathon distance by summer.
God bless people who can run distances. I like to go fast, so when I try to tell my brain that I'm just going to go slow for a while, it's all "nah peace out, go do something fun" and then I stop. I just can't get into it.
Blake TDo you have enemies then?Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.Registered Userregular
Yeah, that's like me on my bike.
I exhaust myself going up a hill and as opposed to thinking, lets coast down and regain my breath, I think, fantastic! Time to see how fast I can go!
God bless people who can run distances. I like to go fast, so when I try to tell my brain that I'm just going to go slow for a while, it's all "nah peace out, go do something fun" and then I stop. I just can't get into it.
that's why my only goal is 1 mile
i don't really have interest in running for a long bit of time / distances
but i figure like, 1 mile is a good reasonable amount for a person to be capable of running
so I heard that conditioning, or the ability to tolerate higher work loads in exchange for higher oxygen consumption, is not very much due to the increased ability of the heart to pump out blood, but the increased vascularity of the peripheral circulatory system. Blood reaching more parts of the body trades more of its oxygen off, and really makes work with the oxygen surplus the lungs give the blood. Peripheral vessel growth, known as angiogenesis, is stimulated more by endurance (aerobic) exercise than resistance exercise.
so that's interesting
Marty: The future, it's where you're going? Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
Now, I got engaged and we picked out our venue three weeks ago. That gave me around 120 days until the wedding. The interest of slimming down I've committed myself to doing 15 weeks of p90x with absolutely no garbage (no fast food, no junk food, no eating out unless it's just a steak and vegetable sort of thing). I'm in my third week and I've lost 6 more pounds.
God help me, wanting to look fit in my wedding photos will sustain me, yes?
The fucking cojones on those motherfuckers, selling people 21 shakes worth of protein powder and some Centrum tablets for $65/week.
You could buy the same thing from Amazon in it's original packaging for WAY less: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000QSNYGI/ and http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0028AD6X8/
That's not quite accurate--the creator posts his recipe on the DIY soylent site and it includes quite a few other things. I'll probably make my own, actually, since I want more protein than his basic version includes.
(and if anyone notes the low calorie total, you're supposed to tweak cream/oil amounts to what you need.)
Eh. The healthiest I ever am is when I'm getting the majority of my calories from bacon and hamburger, all the typical warnings aside. My vitals go from 'oh god' to 'perfectly healthy' for as long as I can keep it up--even when I overeat on that diet, I just gain weight, my other vitals stay fine.
Long term, maybe there's a saturated-fat-induced problem waiting to pounce. But I think the high blood pressure and obesity the diet solves are a more pressing concern.
Maybe throw a bouillon cube in the rice cooker.
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
Brown rice is alright, I'll eat it, but... Why bother I guess?
I've been a tad lax on my diet, and yesterday was a big cheat day (noodles with wontons, pork buns, cotton candy, popcorn, San pelligrino soda, shake shack burger, cheese fries and concrete, 2 doughnuts, hot cocoa, pineapple cottage cheese) so prob a good bit of water retention this morning
But basically I'd cut down to almost 130 and have been trying to gain weight slowly
The laxness of my diet the last few weeks probably means I gained a bit more fat than intended, but based on calipers and waist measurements, not much... thus I've definitely put on muscle mass
Which is good!!!
Wholewheat everything is always significantly healthier.
Egg-frying makes brown rice edible for me.
Someone on here wisely said the secret is to not think of it as a kind of rice, but just as a totally different food.
i should pay more attention to that
Weight and insulin sensitivity typically change with physical activity. And if you're out in BFE, Middle of Nowhere, probably got plenty of space to do something
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
I signed up for a gym membership, and jumped into one of the classes, because I thought it might be a way to ease myself back into lifting. That was a big mistake, because after not having done any strength training for about a year, it completely destroyed me. I'm still feeling the DOMS today.
So question: I really want to work out again, but I probably won't lift again until I feel fully recovered. Normally it should be okay to run while your muscles are still a bit sore, but what about in this case where my body is going through a massive readjustment? I actually went for a run yesterday anyway, but my legs were so tight any downwards slope reduced me to a walk.
Drink lots of water, warm-up, stretch, workout at lighter intensities, cool-down, stretch again eat protein and drink more water.
No way around DOMS just gotta get around it best you can.
Which isn't to say full steam ahead, be smart.
So I jogged 5.6 miles straight yesterday for a personal best, and then today walked 2.4, did a mile run, and then later in the day went for about an easy hour bike ride.
I used to always be a fan of lifting first, cardio later, but boy I've been getting way way better gains this time than when I tried to start cardio carrying around a bunch of oxygen-hungry muscles already.
My mood is doing great, and the long exercise sessions have been really helping to break up those mid-afternoon snack cravings.
It hurts, but afterwards I find it feels great.
Satans..... hints.....
I should probably at least try to get in better shape for that, right? They probably won't have us lifting people or anything like that, but I should work on stamina or something. Couldn't hurt.
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
I don't know what fitness level you are at the moment, but I think body weight workouts like the nerd fitness one could definitely benefit you.
Gonna try 14-15 on sunday and work towards a half marathon distance by summer.
we'll see
i have bad knees/weird muscle imbalances and bad lungs
last time i ran a mile was... i have no idea
middle school?
i am gonna start reallllll slow to get myself used to it
I exhaust myself going up a hill and as opposed to thinking, lets coast down and regain my breath, I think, fantastic! Time to see how fast I can go!
Satans..... hints.....
that's why my only goal is 1 mile
i don't really have interest in running for a long bit of time / distances
but i figure like, 1 mile is a good reasonable amount for a person to be capable of running
so that's interesting
Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.