So, I'm in the back of my parent's car, on my Macbook, bluetooth'd to my Treo, getting power from an inverter.
I will be documenting my momentus journey from San Francisco to San Luis Obispo, CA. It's about 3 hours when I drive, 4 when my mother is driving.
Maybe cool shit will happen, maybe it wont. Maybe you guys will degrade into cox/dix LOL.
The Passport 8500 is engaged, we're traveling 70, and let the moblogging commence...
except across the country.
visiting forumers.
including photos.
not for a lousy 3 hour drive.
Anyone remember what it was called?
Amazon Wishlist:
Poo is ment to be left on the ground, Jimmy.
But it's... longer.
Or something.
We're in traffic on interstate 880. Going to 101. Fucking Dixon Landing Road.
So uhh... your mom is taking you on car trip?
sounds exciting!
Tell me they are blue. <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
Around 23 hours in total.
18 hours in one day.
also florida to oregon
Sheri Baldwin Photography | Facebook | Twitter | Etsy Shop | BUY ME STUFF (updated for 2014!)
will wichita be en route?
t ron: no it won't
4 hours is a swing around the block
you and me brother
you and me
i do that too. i think it's because i spend the majority of drive time sleeping instead of eating or drinking
but now i could probably be some kind of road trip pee camel
Secret Satan
if that were possible i'd hit up ne canada so i could hang out with DaySleeper and Pony and Redeemer and all of them.
This is my rough plan for the route since there are folks in California and Oregon I wanna hang with that are still sort of along the way, especially if I can time it for next years SDCC
Back on track, now on 101. It's a straight shot now. Nothing new to report.
God this is boring.
Sheri Baldwin Photography | Facebook | Twitter | Etsy Shop | BUY ME STUFF (updated for 2014!)
Prepare to be bored for a while longer.
Paris Hilton is a fart in a mittin.
Id totally do that chick off to the right.
The CCST from Cleveland to Bellevue, WA in 2 days with one alternate driver, and two days back after PAX.
Thirty-six hours without sleep on a round trip from Cleveland to New Jersey with stops in Jersey City, Hoboken and down to Red Bank earlier in the day (also with a lot of getting lost).
Also back in 2001 I grabbed a couple friends and we drove from Cleveland to Indiana, up into Michigan and back to Cleveland for no reason.
Local Boy Immolated During Car Trip
Investigators believe fire came from computer
Wanna meet up this weekend sometime? I'm not a total nerd type, but I'd love to hang. Here till Monday.
Feel free to PM me and I'll exchange cell numbers.
The girls here... my god. So hot.
slutty white chicks
that's what
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh
"If you're going to play tiddly winks, play it with man hole covers."
- John McCallum