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[PATV] Monday, May 5, 2014 - Penny Arcade: The Series Season 4, Ep. 12: Parenting

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited 2014 05 in The Penny Arcade Hub

image[PATV] Monday, May 5, 2014 - Penny Arcade: The Series Season 4, Ep. 12: Parenting

  • This week we delve into what it's like to be both a parent and a gamer.

Read the full story here

Unknown User on


  • InitiativeInitiative Registered User new member
    Jane McGonigal is a great resource for both gamer & non-gamer parents about how to manage your child's game time.

  • LorahaloLorahalo Registered User regular
    edited 2014 06
    Jesus, Gabe is old now. When did that happen?

    Lorahalo on
    I have a podcast about Digimon called the Digital Moncast, on Audio Entropy.
  • countermonkeycountermonkey Registered User new member
    It's adorable how Fehlauer intrinsically turns to his wife when he says "rescue the princess."

  • DrSteveMcNaultyDrSteveMcNaulty Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    I'm scared shitless of having children and being a gamer. This definitely made me feel better about it though.

    Still scared shitless, just, ya know, LESS scared.

    XBOX GamerTag: The Triple Hat
    3DS Friend Code: 5215-0088-7445
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