Hi, New to the forums and so far liking it.
My problem is that my computer is making a very annoying clicking sound at random.
So far I'm unable to figure out if it's the PSU or the Processor fan.
When I first start the computer, it makes a roaring chainsaw like sound, the sound winds down slowly until the sound stops and acts normal.
Then when I start up Firefox, something starts clicking for long periods and sometimes stopping for a bit.
As I open Skype or a game it becomes louder and never stops clicking.
The sound, "appears" to be coming from the back of the computer, where the PSU, a LED fan, and the Processor fan is located.
Gotta love that horrible noise when a bearing starts to go out and from your description, that's what it sounds like. I'm not sure how good your ears are but the best way I've found to figure it out is to pop the door off your case, start up something that winds the fan up, get your head in there and then listen really carefully to see which direction it's coming from. You mention an LED fan back there, are you sure it couldn't be that one? If there's a possibility of it then unhook it and see if the sound persists, otherwise you'll just need to stick your head in there and listen. Someone else may have a better method but this is how I've always done it (just diagnosed a busted CPU fan at work this way actually).
In the future, the fine people in our Technology forum will be able to help you out and that's generally where tech support questions go. That sub-forum is packed full of gearheads that love figuring this kinda thing out.
Thanks man, and ill remember the sub forums next time.
Can a Mod move this thread?
Is it safe to pop the door off while the computer is running?
I tried getting it to click while it was off and unplugged, but it didn't work.
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