Sorry for dated pop culture reference -_-; So yeah, I used to come here a long while ago, was never super active, then I stopped coming for a bit, then it was intimidating to make a post, but now I am so... ARTTTTTTTTTTT (I am going to be attaching images, hope that's what I am supposed to do, I didn't see it specified in rules...)
Criticism will be gratefully accepted
EDIT: AAAAAAAAAAhhh images too big, putting them in spoiler.
Thanks alot for the feedback brohan! Yeah colours can be a problem for me. Also when I do the method where I paint in black+white only and then add colour over it I tend to have worse colours Also, I just finished this now! Any Mass Effect 2 fans in da house?
Upload your images smaller. Really they don't need to be over 1000 pixels in any given direction.
For some reason the idea of resizing them never crossed my mind. I feel super dumb -_-