As I managed to be one of the lucky ones this year, snagging 4 singles days for me and my wife, it means this will be my 11th straight PAX Prime.
Yup, that means I've been to them all.
And I find myself wondering how many other of those original approximately 3,300 have managed the same feat. I'm sure there are quite a few that have missed at least one along the way, leaving me in fairly rare company.
I'm just curious how rare that company is. Anybody else made it to every single PAX Prime?
"Oh what a day, what a LOVELY DAY!"
Trade me pins, yo:
(I took that before this past East, so mentally add that badge)
Wow, some of those designs have really changed!
Hah, nice.
But where's your '04, bro?
Took this pic last year before I got my 2013 badges. Had to settle for 4 singles that year too.
Guess I didn't remember the hand stamps because I had my media pass for 04.
All hail ball.
PAX was only two days in 2004, Saturday and Sunday.
Glad to see that we were "Immune" brothers in 2010
I want that to come back
Attending: PAX Prime 2016
Twitter @Pogoplay
I have my badges saved from 09, 10, 12, and my only Monday one for this year will also be saved.
I'm originally from Indiana, but remember this site's origins from the mid 90's. I've always wanted to be a part of PAX, and even though I missed out on a four day pass, and had to settle for a Monday one, I'm honored and feel fortunate to have attended past ones.
I just hope that people, who have never been to a PAX, have the fortunes turned on them to get passes in the future.
cool story bro
cool story bro
I still have my 04 enforcer shirt somewhere... I think.
Don't support scalpers, good sir or madam.
"Fantasy football still counts as fantasy." -DnD Greg