With no further ado... IT'S TIME FOR PAX PRIME!
@Moe Fwacky and I have done in the past, I have set up a map for us to put our points on and discuss where we are from.
http://www.maptive.com/ver3/paxprime2014For checking in your area: If people are in the same place very close to one another they sometimes get put on top of one another. Click on your own placemark and see if there is a "1 of X" with an arrow in the bottom right corner of the popup. This means there is more than one placemark on top of each other in that spot. Click the arrow to cycle through them to find people REALLY close to you!
To get a placemark added to the map
0) Check the map to make sure you aren't already on there! Many people submit early and then forget about it.. then they submit again closer to the show
http://www.latlong.net/ and get the decimal latitude and longitude of where you want your marker to go. You do this by dragging the map around and clicking to move the marker. You don't need to make this your actual residence or anything
that close to where you live, this is just to get a general idea of who is near who. I personally put in the center of the suburb in which I live.
Note: There are other places to get your lat/long, this one is just super easy and straightforward.
Copy the decimal Lat/Long somewhere, or write it down. Make sure you include any minus signs that may be present... this matters A LOT.
3) please submit this handy dandy
google form.
I'll be compiling the submissions about once per week... ish... into the map itself.
I, for one, am currently residing in the Pittsburgh, PA area. We love fries on our sandwiches, salads, and just about anything else. Yuengling beer is available at my house almost 100% of the time. I really should just put a tap into my kitchen for it, next to the sink.
Driving up on Thursday morning around 4 AM and will arrive 13-14 hours later in Seattle!
color=green][b]✓[/b][/color Tickets
[ ] Find a room
color=green][b]✓[/b][/color Crying to go already
[ ] Bar Party
PAX East: 2013
PAX East 2016:
[ X ] Badge [ X ] Hotel [ X ] Plane Ticket
(Or well, I will be when I move back up there July 1st... I'm in Vancouver, WA right now.)
PAX East: 2013
PAX East 2016:
[ X ] Badge [ X ] Hotel [ X ] Plane Ticket
Holy shit, Zerzhul. Do you really live in the north hills? I live in millvale. I drive past your mark every day.
Let's hope I don't have to drive back and forth this year!
"Fantasy football still counts as fantasy." -DnD Greg
Prime 2012- Melisandre (GoT)
Prime 2013- Regular nerd attire
Prime 2014- Aurin Esper from WIldstar + Vintage Chell
Prime 2015- Splatoon Inkling + Dream Sequence Bee + Aurin Esper + Vintage Chell
Prime2016- Handmade nerdy dresses (cosplay break)
Myself, my boyfriend and three of our friends will be taking the train down from Vancouver on Thursday morning.
I'm in Palm Desert, CA and I couldn't agree more!
Fellow Iowan here! Cedar Rapids area for me and my friends who are attending, what area are you originally from?
We're flying out of Iowa at 7:00am through Minneapolis, so with the 2 time zones we'll pick up and short layover, we'll be in Seattle at 10:30am Thursday! Pretty pumped to have most of the day Thursday to see the sites of Seattle before PAX begins.
Oh my Dayum
Oh my goodness
They goin' Ham
You sir are forgetting Intel, and NVIDIA.