List of Games/Hardware/Vendors attending Prime?

BluemeaneBluemeane Registered User regular
Is there a thread or source of info on these questions? When/How do we find out about all the cool games/things we will see/buy at Prime??




  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    Until the program comes out roughly a month before the show, the best way to find this stuff out is to ask companies directly.

    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
  • embraceternityembraceternity Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    While companies might come out at some point before the event saying that they'll be at PAX (and gaming sites as well as a forum on this site will start compiling a list, I'm sure), the official list of company panels and booths will appear on the main PAX Prime website, more or less about a month before PAX Prime begins.

  • gstaffgstaff Registered User regular
    As an FYI, we put up a post on our Bethesda activities for BATTLECRY, The Evil Within, and ESO.

    Ron says war never changes. Snake says it does. What gives?
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