Hey everyone!
Yeah,it's one of those beloved "omg girl problem" threads.Fasten your seatbelt and hang on tight, we're going in:
So I already have experience with women, be it flirting,dating or more "private things".
The one thing I never really get though, is the signals that women send me.
You see I'm one of those guys who is so blind he doesn't know if the woman he's currently talking too is sending him "You're awesome, I want you" or "You're awesome, I'd like you to be a friend of mine and just hang out from time to time but don't you EVER tell me that you like me more than that or else".
My current situation is like this.
There's a girl I met for the first time about a year ago. A friend introduced me and we started talking.
Note that she had a boyfriend at that time so I never took the chat further than "I'm a nice guy and I like you, but you're in a relationship and I respect that".
Now I only saw her one other time and then didn't see her for almost the entire last year until about 3 weeks ago.
She has broken up with her boyfriend about 3 months ago and we met again through the same friend (that friend is a woman too) one night and we talked and danced and had a REALLY great time. Lots of flirting too, she constantly looking into my eyes, always smiling and stuff (and I mean a REAL smile not "oh god stop talking"-smile).I got her cellphone number and her homenumber that night. I called her a few days later.
We met 3 more times, always at her place and once in a bar and always had about 2 hours to talk alone as we waited for our friends to head out.
Now since I'm kinda in the know about computers and stuff she wanted me to "hook up her internet" for her,since she moved into a new apartment. The first night we met she told me that at first she had "someone else she wanted to ask to do it" but then told him he doesn't have to and now I should do it.
We're constantly joking about the fact that I' just going to put in errors so I can come back to her all the time.
TLDR: She's constantly smiling at me, we have our eyes locked all the time and we're flirting like crazy.
I have no idea if she just wants to be friends or wants "more" though, especially with her being out of a relationship for only 3 months.
How can a blind man like me tell?
Oh, that shared friend (she's kinda her best friend) told me two times that she's not interested in me as anything more than a friend. Should one believe that or just put it into the "best friend would never say anything else" drawer?
of doom
The same way regular blind men tell -- they get a hunch, they like the person, they ask them out.
There are no hard and fast rules here, but my general experience has been that when people are interested in one another they touch a lot (more than their average) and in different places than they would other people. Thighs and the face are two "affectionate touching" zones. If she's ever touched you in either intentionally, or let you touch her in the same, there's a good chance she's at least receptive to further physical contact.
Of course, different people have different levels of normal physicality. Some people are just by nature very "touchy" while others can be quite sensitive about personal space. Consider what this girl's average "touchiness" is, and if she goes past that with you, consider it a good sign, but not a done deal.
Also, there's little harm in just asking. Better to know for sure one way or the other.
Go dammit, go! And carry the forum's blessing with you!
She just shot a signal flare up with the words "I WANT YOU" attached to it. Go hook up her internet for godsakes.
It's not absolute, it doesn't always work, but it's a useful sign. But the eye contact is probably a stronger sign.
I'm probably trying to make things too complicated though. It sure sounds like she digs you. Make a move.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
as a side note, what would the best way be to ask a friend out, like in this type of situation. something so it's taken as more than "we're just two friends going to have a wonderful evening out" when you ask about doing yyy at zzz time.
The British way would be for the two of you to get a bit drunk, then get the courage to flirt outrageously and give her a kiss. That way if it's not meant to be you can put it behind you as a "drunk" accident.
American culture is so massively different that I won't recommend this though.
You've nothing to lose. But spend too long procrastinating over it and it could cool off. So act!
Scholar and a Gentleman? Critical of bad science and religion? Skeptobot - Is for you!!
I think you should just go for it and ask her out. And you better hurry too, because every girl always has at least five guys panting after her, and you're just one of them.
Hurry up before she begins to think you are clueless and she moves to something else.
If she's giving all these signals she totally has to like you, if not, she's just trying to yank your chain and isn't worth your time anyways.
just ask.
dream a little dream or you could live a little dream
sleep forever if you wish to be a dreamer
Accept it will end in heartbreak. Focus your pain and rage toward improving your body. Fight in underground cage matches. Soon you'll realise that killing men here and there with your bare hands isn't enough. No, you'll realise you have to kill EVERYONE to end your pain. Study advanced physics under a brilliant but eccentric old scientist. Gain his trust. When he shows you his secret life's work - workable cold fusion - that's when you KILL HIM. Modify his invention to be the most powerful weapon the world has ever seen. Don a mask (no capes!) and threaten the world. use their self-centered panic and their attempts to stop you as proof they all deserve to die. Slaughter every man, woman and child on the face of the earth.
Then you should sit inside a blasted out castle looking over a barren lifeless world. Give a monologue about how you should have learned to love instead of to hate. Start the self destruct sequence in your lab while you listed to some opera or something.
p.s. watch out for the scientists beautiful daughter and her ruggedly hansom boyfriend.
Ignore the mutual friend and just go in with a "faint heart ne'er won fair maiden" mindset.
Why do you insist on posting absolute crap like this?
OP: Ask her out dude. You have nothing to lose. If she says no, move on. If she says yes, there you go. Seriously, the more you think about it the more confused and indecisive you'll get.
dream a little dream or you could live a little dream
sleep forever if you wish to be a dreamer
Agreed. The op should fully well know that there can be risks with this. And he could end up completely broken because of it.
Unless everything you described was exaggerated, it seems very likely that you have a good shot. Definitely worth a try.
This is what I would do.
She got a new apartment. Bring her a bottle of vodka and some mixers, tell her it is a housewarming present. Maybe play a game, have a chat and see where the night takes you...
What if he doesn't drink? Or she doesn't?
He doesn't seem that boring.
I wouldn't bring alcohol to her house when you go to hook up her computer, that'd just be awkward and look like you were expecting something. Do go to her house though, get her all set up, and bring a condom just in case.
Don't let her turn you into just her nice guy friend that does stuff for her, though. It's not a bad thing to expect something in return for your work like, say, a date.
It would be akward if he brought glasses and a wine key. If he just brings the wine in a gift box of some sort says it's a housewarming present and sets to work setting up the computer, there's nothing to feel akward about. If she goes and opens the bottle and offers him some, all the better.
What the hell? If you don't drink now your boring as fuck? What if it's against your religion? Or you just don't drink? what the FUCK are you supposed to DO? Roam around killing men in cage matches because you will never be interesting enough without alcohol?
Go for it and find out. If you're right, then hey woo woo. If you're wrong, then it's not a big deal. Asking a friend out just makes things awkward for a little bit of time and then you're good.
To put it in economic terms, you have the chance to gain $100, at the risk of about $10. Go for it dude. There will never be a 100% certainty that someone likes you, so just stop trying to figure it out with logic (the antithesis of affection), and ask the girl.
edit: Oh, and yeah. Sorry but even if you have a perfectly valid reason to not drink it generally makes you more boring. Saying "what if it is against your religion" is like saying "what if hanging out with people is against your religion". It's legitimate, but still makes you more boring.
Ah, that's a good idea, I hadn't thought of that. In my head it was more of a "walking up to the house with a fifth of jack in one hand and flowers in the other" thing. :P
You seem a bit tense. Would you like a drink? It's on me.
How do we know she is fit to live in this society if she hasn't been forced to complete basic, though?
Plus it's funnier than anything ege has ever posted.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
I say go for it.
If she does say no she is going to feel really guilty, especially if she needs a bit of space and has to kick you out.
Sadly, without previous intervention there is no good way. A year from now she could still wind up outside of his window at 3 am, disassembling his mountain bike with a wrench and sledgehammer while decrying her love in tears and expletives with a Tourette-like grace.
Also, if it turns out she doesn't feel the same way. Don't let it get all weird and awkward. Just act like she's one of the buds, or just act like you always do.
I called her today and we'll meet Thursday at her place. I told her I'd hook her net up and then we can do something fun. Whatever it's going to be that we're doing.
Oh and she's ALWAYS laughing when we talk. I think she just stopped laughing because she had to breathe when we talked on the phone. I take that as an awesome sign. I really dig that though, she's making me smile too and I need that at the moment (stuck at work a lot which sucks ass and customers annoy me)
Btw, I actually don't drink. Maybe a glass but never much because a) I don't like it that much and b) I always have to drive long distances. Don't drink and drive! STAY IN SCHOOL! :P
Oh and regarding the "British culture" trick: We're actually living in Germany, so it's not American culture.
I have no idea how the German culture works in my situation.
I only drink water, so what the fuck should I do? Fake like it's really vodka or some other clear drink? Fuck that. Please, if the op can only ever seem to come up with drinking as an excuse to come over this girls apartment he's gonna sound like a creepy alcoholic. He should be upfront with what he wants.
dood, stop being such a peer pressurer, damn.