Hi guys,
I'm creating a reviews website, reviewing movies, TV, games and books. The main aim of the website is for me and my friends (and anyone else who wants to) to have someplace to publish our work, as it's so damned hard to get into journalism without having had stuff published. Rather than spamming all the currently available websites, I decided to just knock together one of my own, with a little twist I might reveal later.
Thing is, even though I've designed, moderated, maintained and edited websites before, I've never had to actually SET ONE UP from the start. I'm a little uncertain as to how to proceed. I know i need a domain name, and thankfully the .co.uk for the site name i want is available (as is the .com, but thats a bit more expensive). I also know I need hosting. What I don't know, is where is good and where is not for this kind of thing.
Theres a pipex site with the hoff sprawled over it that offers domains and hosting, but you have to pay for a year of hosting up front, and i don't want to do that if they're rubbish, even if it's just £1.59 a month.
Please recommend me some domain and hosting sites, preferably UK based!
Thank you!