I'm curious if anyone would like to go to a baseball game during Prime? The Mariners are playing the Nationals Aug. 29-31 and the Astros on the 1st. If there is some interest maybe we could get a group together to watch one of them. Let me know if you would like to go!
PAX East: 2013
PAX East 2016:
[ X ] Badge [ X ] Hotel [ X ] Plane Ticket
EDIT: actually I take that back. September 1st is an away game
PAX Prime / PAX Dev 2014
PAX Prime 2013
PAX Prime 2009
Saturday is Felix Hernandez Bobblehead Night for the first 20,000 fans.
@zerzhul, you went to a game last year during PAX? Not too many people would fly to Texas to miss part of PAX to watch the Mariners play.
Quick tip for anyone thinking about going (as I'm debating): I called their box office, they said that hot bobbleheads like Felix are often gone 2+ hours before the game, and recommend that we line up 3+ hours in advance to ensure we get one.
30 minutes from PAX area downtown + 3 hours of waiting + 3 hour game + 30 minutes back sounds like a LOT of missed Prime 2014 Saturday to me, so I'm mulling things over...
How's the view from the suite? I've sat about 15 rows behind home plate before (bit more, maybe $75 for the ticket), which was awesome.
My preference is for the field view seats, but the suite seats are comfortable, and the view is good. You do feel more separation from the action, definitely, but is good to experience once.