PAX Badges /are/ required in Tabletop
I've been hearing rumors that people think Attendee badges are not required to play in Tabletop Tournaments... that is not true.
Attendee badges must be displayed inside
every room and at every Tabletop table at the WSCC and Motif Hotel.
If you would like to play a game with your friends and family that didn't manage to get a badge, please do so in a hotel lobby or space that is outside the bounds of the orange Tabletop areas on the maps. It sucks for everyone when an Enforcer has to ask someone to leave because they don't have a badge for some reason... especially if it's in the middle of a board game.
Thank you.
"I don't know why people ever, ever try to stop nerds from doing things. It's really the most incredible waste of time." - Tycho0
Attended: PAX Prime 2010/'11/'12/'13/'14
PAX South to do list: Tickets: [X] Hotel: [X] Flight: [X] HQ: [X] BBQ: [] Cookies: []
I'm not sure if that was formally announced yet, so consider that the announcement. TT will in fact be at Motif this year.
"I don't know why people ever, ever try to stop nerds from doing things. It's really the most incredible waste of time." - Tycho
I super hope you're right.
"I don't know why people ever, ever try to stop nerds from doing things. It's really the most incredible waste of time." - Tycho
Attended: PAX Prime 2010/'11/'12/'13/'14