Troubles with Airline Carryons
Hey friends! Who is excited for Pax!? I know I am, but at the moment, i'm having some real troubles. I'm flying out Frontier, transferring to Alaska and i'll be there. On the way back, however, I am riding United all the way. My problem is: each airline has different rules for carry on size and price. I thought all airlines had carry on free? Is this not the case anymore? Also how lenient is each airline? Will two inches over on height ruin me or would i be fine? I'm just super nervous about all this and I don't want to screw it up. Thanks in advance for anyone that helps me!:D
All you need to know. These dimensions are pretty much the universal standard now.
If you go over, they may ask you to check the bag, which can cost up to $50 per stowed bag.
Here is United's reference page
I've flown Southwest, Iceland Air, United, British Airways, and Japan Airlines, and these dimensions worked for all of them.
PAX Prime 2014 Preparations Complete
On Frontier, they nickel and dime you. Your first personal item (backpack) is free, but it will cost you $35 at check-in if you want to take on your carry-on bag.
PAX Prime 2014 Preparations Complete
edit: Ah, I see Frontier is now charging for carry-ons with their cheap seats as of April 27th. Guess they gotta make money somehow, just happy that Southwest has non-stop to Seattle with all the free bags I could need.
Sometimes, if you are flying in a small commuter jet, you have to gate check you carry-on. That happens at the gate. The attendant gives you a tag and you leave your carry-on in the bridge-thing right before you get on the plane. Gate checking does not cost you anything.
I'd imagine if your carry-on was the right size for your first connection and too large for your second connection, then worst case scenario, you'll be asked to gate check your bag. Again, that's free.
Also note, it seems that fee changes are based on your purchase date so you shouldn't need to worry about stuff changing.
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I've only done it once, but that was a 17 hour Vegas trip. I had all I needed in my pockets (and it was winter, so I had jacket pockets, too.)
On fuller flights, they often will ask people before pre-board if they are willing to check their carry-on "free of charge" at the gate to create additional space.
Attended: PAX Prime 2014
Considering: PAX Prime 2015