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Bolt Bus Tickets are out (Vancouver)

MizuRyuuMizuRyuu Registered User regular
For people traveling down to Seattle from Vancouver, tickets for Bolt Bus has been released. However, it looks like the afternoon 2:30pm departure time is not available for the 28th, for people who were interested. If you are hoping for an afternoon departure, you can always take the Greyhound, like me and my friends.


  • Lone_ProdigyLone_Prodigy Registered User regular
    Finally. Seems later than last year.

  • Rhea_starstormRhea_starstorm Portland, ORRegistered User regular
    Thanks :)

  • Bau5Bau5 PDXRegistered User regular
    Bolt Bus is also up for people coming up from Portland to Seattle!!!

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