My officemate has a cactus and thinks it is unhealthily drooping and is structurally unsound, so he wants to start lopping off pieces. This led to trying to figure out what it was supposed to look like, where we then found that we both sucked at trying to find it on the internet.
I am turning to the amassed wisdom of the forums because you guys are awesome. What kind of cactus is this?
Edit: Or maybe X-mas cactus like bowen suggested. And then there's apparently a Thanksgiving cactus as well which have pointy bits, but not those spines. These are all related cactuses (or cacti). Ima call them succulents.
We stared at it and pictures of the ones you suggested for a while and he's convinced it's an Opuntia/prickly pear, except we're still a little confused about why his leaves are so thin compared to all the pictures.
The Rhipsalidopsis sets a flower with longer petals, more like a daisy. These things are pretty tough and make good houseplants.
But depending on care they might not bloom.
Going to just reiterate this here - make sure the soil is well-draining. I haven't often seen succulents/cacti in soil like may be too absorbent. I'd suggest your coworker throws some sand/cactus-soil in there to balance things out and make sure the cactus isn't getting overwatered.
I don't know a lot about succulents, but that might help it look a bit better.