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Will there be Dota 2 this year?

azzazin5577azzazin5577 Registered User regular
I'm wondering if there will actually be dota 2 mini tourney in pax this year. I don't know why Dota 2 wasn't there last year at all in the PC section


  • banghibanghi luddite... CascadiaRegistered User regular
    no real clue but it could have something to do with the international just having occurred last month... my son is wondering the same thing.

  • azzazin5577azzazin5577 Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    bump, now that time has passed and pax will be tomorrow. Does anyone know?

    Edit: At least Dota 2 presence in the PC Area this year?

    azzazin5577 on
  • alegriaalegria Registered User regular
    As far as I know, Valve is not on the vendor list for PAX and hasn't been since the year before Portal 2 was released. I can't say for what will be in the PC area, however, although since that has limited time slots my guess is that DOTA wouldn't be included for that reason. Perhaps one of the [E]'s who are working there can comment with better knowledge, however. :)

    PAX Prime Attendee since 2006, BYOC Attendee 2008-2012, Buttoneer 2010-2014
  • azzazin5577azzazin5577 Registered User regular
    I really do hope that Dota 2 has a presence at least in the PC Area this year since they use steam to launch games and vlave has added local play since then. I heard that last year they didn't put it because of bandwidth (LoL used internet, don't know why Dota 2 wasn't there) though this year Dota 2 has local play now so that shouldn't be an excuse this year.

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