Looking for cosplayers to help with a wedding proposal!

paxweddingplanspaxweddingplans Registered User new member
edited August 2014 in PAX West
Hey ya'll

I'm looking for a couple cosplayers who might be willing to help with a wedding proposal to my special someone this year at Pax Prime 2014 on Saturday morning when the convention opens.

I'm setting up a really cool adventure/ scavenger mission for them to run around a little bit in the a.m. and i think it's be super neat for them to meet some cool characters to help color the adventure along the way. It's basically a monster kidnapping so if anyone is planning on going with any kind of fantasy/ knight/ princess/ monster theme, and if you wanna volunteer some time to help out a really cool wedding proposal let me know!

Contact me by forum(this thread) or send me an email at paxweddingplans_at_yahoo.com. More info for those who wanna help. It would be a fun thing to do, show off your costume, and all done in time to still have fun on Saturday. What do you say?

paxweddingplans on
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