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Solo Attendee

TeknogeekTeknogeek Registered User regular
I went to PAX for the first time last year, and only on the last day. So I was pretty overwhelmed at this amazing heaven I had discovered and tried to do whatever I could to see it in one day. :P

I'll be able to go all four days this year, and as a result I'm kind of wondering if anyone has any tips on meeting people/lone wolf tips at PAX since I'll be attending solo. (Preferably stuff that's part of the con, not after party stuff for various reasons)

Thanks for the help!


  • BadNews65BadNews65 Data Solutions Analyst ArkansasRegistered User regular
    edited August 2014
    Well, there is a first timers meet up thread in this very forum. Pop in there get to know some of them,meet them, hang with them.

    Other ways to get to know others and attend some things together is just talk to people while in line. Find a panel you would both like to go to and go.

    I also suggest going on the magical mystery tour (thread in this forum for info.) It's just a bunch of PAX folk just running around the city.

    Last but not least there is a table top shindig going on at the Sheraton lobby Thursday night. Play games with strangers. You are welcome to play games with me if you see me there.

    Pax should never have to be experienced alone, as soon as you show up you have thousands of friends just waiting to be made.

    BadNews65 on
  • LilpenguinLilpenguin Registered User regular
    PAX is filled with awesome people. Sometimes all it takes is to stand in line (and believe me there are plenty of times you will do this) and chat with the people around you. Just bring good attitude and willingness to mingle and you will do great :)

    You will have a great time! Promise! :)

  • TeknogeekTeknogeek Registered User regular
    Thanks for the tips! To be clear I've been before, just one day last year though.

    I'll try n' be better about chatting people up since I have more time this year.
    Lilpenguin wrote: »
    PAX is filled with awesome people. Sometimes all it takes is to stand in line (and believe me there are plenty of times you will do this) and chat with the people around you. Just bring good attitude and willingness to mingle and you will do great :)

    You will have a great time! Promise! :)

    I'm ready for Line Simulator 2014. :P

  • CosmopolitanCosmopolitan Registered User regular
    Pretty much what BadNews said there's a thread for first timers or people wanting to get to know more people and what not. Thursday evening there's freeplay at the Sheraton and goes 4pm to 2am. There's plenty of people doing some sort of bar crawls if that is your thing.

  • TeknogeekTeknogeek Registered User regular
    Pretty much what BadNews said there's a thread for first timers or people wanting to get to know more people and what not. Thursday evening there's freeplay at the Sheraton and goes 4pm to 2am. There's plenty of people doing some sort of bar crawls if that is your thing.

    Yeah I posted in that thread.

    I'll have to wait a few years and get back to you on the bar crawls. ;)

  • CosmopolitanCosmopolitan Registered User regular
    Ahhh fair enough lol it still feels weird to me that I'm old enough to drink haha I was a little bummed that there aren't very many events that are 18+ that I've seen because we have one person in our party that's turning 21 on the last day of PAX lol

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