The Princess's Expedition -- A Tale of
When you press Start and watch the opening cutscene,
This is the way the world's always been. Down at the bottom of everything, burning away in her cage of light and fire, is Sola. She may hide behind clouds or earthbergs or water pockets, but she's always there, and we are all of us light-blessed. The rain shoots up from Sola, blessing the land with green things and sending her messages up, up, to the very roof of the world. And from the roof of the world the rain comes down again, cold and dirty and heavy with all the things that the worlds beyond have to say.
All the light-blessed live among each other, from hermits, to outposts on the roof of the world, to hidden cities keeping their secrets against the light of Sola, all the way up to the great empires. The cloud-blessed take flight, darting all about the islands in the sky. The rain-blessed take fin, slipping through the cloud seas and the water seas like they were going for a stroll. The earth-blessed hold on, carving great wonders from the roof of the world and making every little bit of solid ground into a home.
Here's a story about a big old home. A kingdom. And its princess, who's just coming back from a trade expedition to a hidden city. Proper story starts at the beginning. ...but it's not so easy with this one.
When you ask the OP to explain Dungeon World,
Dungeon World is a fantasy RPG built on the Apocalypse Engine. It was Kickstarted a while back to roaring success and is currently in print and available from Indie Press Revolution.
The entire rules text is completely free.
It's here. This is basically a conversion of the rules text on GitHub into HTML - no art or extra text like examples of play. There's also a fan-made guide to using the rules, also free,
available here. The example of play starts on page 50.
When you ask the OP to explain Inverse World,
Inverse World is a Dungeon World expansion, with new playbooks and an entirely new setting, but using much the same rules.
The setting is, well, inverse. It's inside a shell of rock that nobody's ever broken through, and the sun is at the bottom of the world. The places people live are islands floating in the sky, and it is entirely tragically possible for them to get pounded into rubble through a natural disaster or a great beast or an invading armada.
When the narrator tells you about the available playbooks, available under a Creative Commons licenseThe Captain. Kid's got her own ship. Means she doesn't have to listen to anybody. Also means she's got a lot of anybodys listening to her, and if she says the wrong things, down goes the ship.
The Collector. Might be, kid's got anything in that bag of hers. Might be, some of it's even useful.
The Golem. Kid was made to be a wrecking ball, always taking orders. But master's long dead, or maybe just in the kid's past somewhere. Now he's got to order himself around.
The Lantern. Kid's got a little piece of Sola in a lamp, a little wisp of the wonder of all creation. Maybe it's a legacy, maybe it's a lucky score, but anyone who looks towards Sola is going to look at the kid the same way.
The Mechanic. Would you look at that fine suit kid cobbled together for himself? Makes you wonder what he can do with it. Makes you wonder what he can do without it.
The Princess. Kid's got a whole kingdom full of people who'd be there for her if she needed it. 'course, she needs to be there for them, too.
The Raincaster. (The Witch) Kid's got a little vial of purified, rarified rain. It's a powerful thing, and a powerful catalyst. As long as it's under control.
The Rainlord. Folks say the rain, up and down, is Sola having a conversation with the worlds beyond. What happens when there's something really important to say? Kid'll show you the answer.
The Sky Dancer. Kid's got the sky all to himself. At least, that's the way he tells it. There's a lot you can do when you've got the air and everyone else just has the ground.
The Survivor. Poor kid lost almost everything. But it taught him how to hold on to the important things that are left.
The Walker. Kid can climb on anything and run upside-down better than most of us can run straight. Now where'd she learn a thing like that?
When you join this game of Inverse World,
To sign up,
!signup. Limiting this to five for right now, or as many people as I get within 24 hours, whichever.
Have a look over the Character Creation chapter in the Dungeon World rules and get up to stage 11, then post what you've got so far and we can hash us out some bonds and some starting questions.
We're starting at level 2, so pick an extra advanced move and bump a stat by 1. Note that instead of races, all the playbooks here have background choices to make that affect their starting moves. You still have a race -
cloud-blessed, or
rain-blessed - and it'll definitely affect who you are and what you're like, but it won't give you a move.
Special notes:
Somebody's going to be
The Princess. Tell us what your kingdom's like! Also, if you take Worldly Concerns I'll work with you to develop an appropriate starting move and benefit from a playbook that's actually available in this game.
It would help if somebody was
The Captain, because there's going to be an airship involved one way or the other.
The Raincaster is a cosmetic reskin of The Witch. In addition to your other starting items, you've got a small vial of distilled, concentrated rain on you that you use as a catalyst for your magic and potions. It's not really going to run out any time soon. What type of rain depends on what witch you are. Weather witches have Uprain, which comes out from Sola, clear and pure. Winter witches have Downrain, which comes from the world above, cold and heavy. Wicked witches have Deadrain, which is rain that's been caught in a cave or a bottle for so long it's forgotten everything but loneliness. It seethes and burns when it meets anything else rain-like, which includes most people.
When you play a game of Dungeon World on a discussion forum,
I'd like to see at least a post a day, holidays and such aside of course.
Geth will roll dice as long as you make that a post of its own. You can start with just the dice roll and edit your post around it.
Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
The Captain looks pretty great.
Twitch Stream
I'm looking at either the Mechanic or the Sky Dancer. Though if we don't have a Princess I could probably be convinced to take that.
Also - people should know that in my in-person DungeonWorld game, I tend to mark a lot of experience off of failed rolls - so fair warning!
I'll take the Princess if no one else has thrown in for it
Twitch Stream
The guy at my tabletop sets a pretty high bar there, as he's one of those dudes who thinks he's doing something wrong if we don't end up in a fight or he doesn't do something flippant or cataclysmically foolish at every turn.
Sign Up* but not if you're looking for a hard 5 and someone who wants in pretty badly shows up.
and I've seen a few episodes of wander over yonder and I am begrudgingly liking that show.
Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
Oh, don't worry about that. We don't use dice here, we use cold machine logic.
Geth, roll 2d6 to show you can be trusted.
So, thus far we have:
@NotoriusBEN -- The Collector. If you want your collection to be curated by a small smiling man, inside his deceptively large hat, there's not a thing I can do to stop you.
@Capfalcon -- The Captain. Is that a definite, or just an interest? Nobody else's spoken up.
@ArcanisTheImpotent -- The Princess. You can actually be a Prince, whereupon I will edit the first post appropriately. (Do follow the link -- the playbook may not be what you think it is. What it certainly is is an example of parallel evolution.)
@Ringo -- Mechanic or Sky Dancer. Probably going to fly either way, right?
@Auralynx -- The Mysterious Sixth Fifth Ranger
I can take six. Probably not seven. Either way, welcome aboard everyone. Once you've locked in your choice, make that explicit (bold it or something) and I'll give you your questionnaire presently.
I am at work presently so my character will not be up until the wee morning hours tomorrow
Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
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I'm curious about the rain-blessed
The blessed, well, you'd call them more breeds than races. Given proper preparation, anyone can have a child with anyone else, and the child can take after either parent or neither. Most everyone you meet will say it all depends on Sola, but there are certain tendencies.
The cloud-blessed tend to be born between the cities, on skyships or lonely islands, and in the places close to Sola, and often they can find themselves called there. They look most like what we'd consider human, and each takes after a particular bird. Some cloud-blessed look entirely human and just have vestigial wings on their shoulderblades, others have strong avian features and massively powerful wings and can learn to whip up tornadoes and suchlike. Most cloud-blessed can at least glide, but they don't have to fly, any more than some random person you pull out of the phonebook can run a four-minute mile.
The rain-blessed tend to be born in and about the many cloud seas, which also include several solid earthbergs, and which is also likely where The Princess's kingdom is located. They tend to take after fish, ranging from a thin sheen of scales to an entire lower body that's more eel-like. There's a lot more variety in fish than in birds, from tiny tropical-colored ones to deep-sea fangly fish. And of course, some fish can fly.
The earth-blessed tend to be born in the hidden cities, and near the crust of the world, the places Sola's light finds hard to reach. They take after things of the earth, like rocks and metals and plants. All the way from bein' just a buff dude with iron-tinted skin to a full-on ent or stone golem.
Of course, that's just "tend to". There could be a giant stone guy pacing the halls in the temple of Sola, the nearest thing to her cage. There could be a peacock-lookin' dude digging rocks at the roof of the world. There could be a bony ol' fishman jetting around with the air messengers on a pack powered by compressed water.
One last thing. If you're a rainlord or a golem, you're a little bit out of the order of created things, but you do tend to resemble one of the blessed.
Hmm. To some extent. For the Princess too. Lemme go down bit by bit...
The Bard is fine. Magical storyteller fits pretty well.
The Barbarian is out. There isn't any place in the whole world that's all that strange, but there are people who come from a place that we don't know because it's not there anymore. Use The Survivor instead.
The Cleric, well, there's Sola and then there's weird cults. If you want someone divine, that's The Lantern.
The Druid might be fun, given there's a lot of crazy wildlife out there.
The Fighter is actually kind of alright, there's not really a weaponmaster as such.
The Paladin is kind of out, for the same reason as the Cleric.
The Ranger might be interesting, there's not really an animal companion thing going on. Though, uh, your animal companion's going to have to fly, pretty much.
The Thief is kind of surpassed by The Walker in mobility tricks and stuff, but might have potential as a locksmith and poisonmaster?
The Wizard's schtick doesn't really work, but The Raincaster fills that niche more or less.
I'm looking pretty hard at both Lantern and Survivor, and leaning towards the latter. I'm wondering how far afield I can go with Magical Dabbler or Worldly.
I'm especially curious about Worldly, because picking up something that bumps up damage or adds cool stuff and is based on Str or Con seems like a slam-dunk choice on Survivor.
I think I understood it pretty well. Let me go a li'l deeper.
If you want a move, and it's in an Inverse World playbook or any of the core Dungeon World playbooks I didn't call out as being problematic (that being Barbarian, Cleric, Paladin, and Wizard) go 'head and take it.
If you want a move, and it's in those problematic playbooks or anywhere else, float it to me, if necessary tell me where it's from. Use PMs if you want.
Keep in mind that a feature of this playbook is a structure for creating and using environmental hazards. You can't punch a rainstorm or a run of bad luck, and good luck trying it on an angry mob the size of a city.
... now I'm looking for a class feature I can use to punch rainstorms on the Google+ group.
But yeah, probably going with Survivor at this point.
Don't worry about time. A day's just the signup close, I'd say maybe a day and a half later is a good outer limit for character sheet.
The sooner you get it out, though, the sooner you can start writing bonds with the other characters and going crazy with backstory.
Anyway, Princess, the questions for you.
1) Tell me about your kingdom! Is it like a thousand people? Ten thousand? A hundred thousand? How's the variety of people there? Mostly one type of person? A melting pot? A big majority with notable minorities? And where in that mix do you fall? Is it actually a hereditary monarchy or do leaders get chosen some other way?
2) You're coming back from a trading mission to a hidden city, so what did you take to trade? Your kingdom's signature product? A big mixed bag of stuff because you've just got wealth coming out your ears? A bunch of stuff from other kingdoms because you guys are trading moguls? A single giant egg that just showed up one day and nobody knew where it came from?
3) So to find out how this trading mission went, to a city dug into the living rock, roll +CHA.
- On a 10+, happy day! You traded it for something your kingdom finds valuable! What was it, and why were they willing to part with it?
- On a 7-9, mixed blessings. Either you traded it but your kingdom doesn't much care for what you got in return -- in which case, what are you planning to do with it? Or, they had something you wanted but weren't willing to take what you had in trade. Why not? You just didn't bring enough? Is there something else they'll accept?
- On a 6-, complete rejection. They didn't need, or perhaps just want, what you brought at all. Why not? What are you going to do now?
In any case, the Captain starts with 1-Trade extra.Alright then, Collector. Answer me these questions three, before the other side you see.
1) You've come on the trip to the Hidden City at least partly in search of something for your collection. But there might be another reason. What is it? Is there someone on the ship you know? Someone you'd like to know? Someone who needs keeping an eye on? Or is there really no other reason? And why, or why not?
2) What is it you're looking for that you were in enough of a hurry to catch a ship? Something you're competing with someone to get? Something hard to track down? Something that fits into your collection so well it hurts to not have it? Even if you're along more for that other reason, there's always something special about everything in your collection.
3) Regardless, you asked around like a boss and what you were looking for wasn't in the city. You may, or may not, have obtained a lead on your object of desire. Roll +Lore.
I'm thinking Lantern looks pretty interesting.
Rain Blessed Mechanic
Level 2
Looks like:
with the skin colorings of a mandarinfish:
piloting her Mech suit, Stunner which looks something somewhere between these two:
except Stunner is silver with dark red highlights/racing stripes
Strength: 12 (+0)
Dexterity: 13 (+1)
Constitution: 15 (+1)
Intelligence: 16 (+2)
Wisdom: 9 (+0)
Charisma: 9 (+0)
Damage: d8
Armor: 1, 2 inside suit
Hit Points: 21/21
Drive: Invention and Ingenuity - Use a device or machine in a way it was not meant to be used
Specialization: Physics and Probability - Your suit was assembled in such a way as to take advantage of the inherent weirdness of Inverse physics.
Moves: Mech Suit. Hold Together. Let Me See That. Jury-Rig
You have a mechanical suit, unique to you, which only you can operate - describe it. Other
suits exist, but none of them quite like yours. When you wear your Mecha Suit, you have
1 armor, and can use the suit as a weapon with a range of Close. When you Hack & Slash
in your suit, roll +INT instead of +STR.
Hold Together
When you would take damage while you are in your suit, you may negate that damage by
marking Stress on your suit. When your suit takes Stress, mark one of the following:
⃞ Damaged: Your Movement Methods are disabled. The suit can still walk normally.
⃞ Disabled: Your Advanced Systems are disabled. Their bonuses do not apply.
⃞ Disarmed: Your Primary Weapons are disabled. The suit itself can still be used as a
Close weapon.
When you Make Camp, you may unmark one Stress to your suit. When every box is
marked, your suit is completely destroyed, and it will take a week to rebuild.
Let Me See That
When you take a few moments to handle or examine something interesting, ask the
GM two of the following questions. The GM must answer truthfully.
• What does this do?
• Who made this?
• What’s wrong with this, and how might I fix it?
• What has been done most recently with this, or to this?
Jury-Rig (INT)
When you quickly fix, repurpose, or fabricate a device on the spot,
describe what you're doing with it and roll +INT. On a 10+, it'll hold
together just as long as you need it to. On a 7-9, choose one:
• It'll work, but not for long. You'll need to hurry to take advantage of it
• It works, but there's a weird quirk or complication to it
Stunner's Primary Weapon: Full Arsenal - Close. When you attack with this weapon, choose a tag to add to it: Hand, Reach, +1 damage, Forceful, Messy, or Stun
Stunner's Movement Method: Cloudwalker - You can fly through clouds and rain. Rockets - Run along the ground at incredible speeds, and take long horizontal leaps.
Stunner's Advanced Systems: Covered Cockpit - When in your suit, you have 2 armor instead of 1.
Load: 10
Gear: dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight), your mecha suit (8 weight, 0 weight while worn), a repair kit (6 uses, slow,
1 weight), and a wrench (hand, 1 weight). Protective clothing (1 armor, 1 weight) Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
I let Captain Drysan pilot my suit once. Never again.
Wyck keeps dinging up my paint job.
Ferrous helped me put my suit back together.
Saerissa is my personal assistant.
2)There are a scant few Weather Navigators from the Old Times that point to good weather so that a ship can take advantage of them on the trade lanes. What Ferrous is looking for is a Weather Predictor. It does what other Navigators do, but an extra innocuous function lets a Predictor make extremely accurate weather forecasts, allowing a ship to preempt the weather instead of react to it. A rather powerful device that would be the centerpiece of Ferrous' Collection.
3)A roll of 12 means that Ferrous is so close it almost hurts. Ferrous was in contact with another collector about a faulty navigator, they said it was busted because it always pointed the wrong way for the weather. Talking with a rainlord in the area and the other collector individually, Ferrous put together an almanac, that if proven correct, means a Predictor that can accurately measure weather three days in advance.
The collector just sold it to a rival of Ferrous' for twice what he was going to pay. Ferrous knows where Tinman Tennyson lives and places his showcases his own collection from. Ferrous just needs to find a way to separate the Predictor from Tinman...
hah... my earth-blessed names are horrible. :P
Geth roll 2d6+2 for Lead on Object of Desire
Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
Earth Blessed Captain
Adventurous eyes, long since seen too much of dark mines to ever want to go back.
Replaced Leg, lost in a mining accident and made of smooth, living steel.
Grizzled body, hardened from mining and smithing for years on end.
Regal Attire, one of the are perks for working with the Crown.
Level 2
HP: 20/20
Armor: 1
Damage: d6
XP: 2
Drive - Money and Fortune: Endanger yourself or your ship for the sake of riches
Background - Imperial: You have connections with the military of a certain nation. When you Recruit in a military outpost or base, take +1, and hirelings gained this way have a cost of "Blind Patriotism."
Ferrous Foster is my first mate. (We're two of a kind. Money and treasure are why we do this. Of course, I like treasure because you can turn it into money, while he thinks of money as the means to aquire more curiosities. )
Lysander has much to learn about life on the open sky. (First off, keep that spark covered when we're about to taking a shortcut through a cave! The things in there live there because they don't want to see Sola's light.)
I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for Wyck. (He cleared the deck when a deal went south. Probably would have gotten ugly for me. And I'm a man who doesn't forget debts.)
Saerissa hasn't earned the respect of my crew. (Look, it's nothing personal. But most people take to sailing because they didn't have many other ways to make something of themselves. They're not going to be impressed by someone who's where they are just because of their parents.)
Strength: 13 (+1)
Dexterity: 8 (-1)
Constitution: 12 (+0)
Intelligence: 9 (+0)
Wisdom: 16 (+2)
Charisma: 16 (+2)
Moves: Sail the Skies, Chart the Course, Captain's Share, Swashbuckling
When you plan a route, roll +WIS. On a 10+, hold 3 Map. On a 7-9, hold 2 Map. On a 6-, hold 1 Map, but when you spend it the GM will add a complication. When you make it through, lose all held Map. You can spend one Map at any time to choose one:
• Reveal a shortcut or detour
• Point out a safe spot, either to rest, hide in, or travel through
• Spout Lore about an expected hazard as if you rolled a 10+
Captain's Share
When you spend some downtime in a populated area meeting with local merchants and nobles, gain 1-Trade. You can spend 1-Trade in any populated area except the one you got it from to gain one of the following benefits:
• Make the Carouse move, and take +CHA to the roll
• Fully supply your ship. Unmark all Stress, gain 3-ammo for the cannons, and gain a few months' worth of rations for the crew
• Try to sell it - you get an offer for 3d6x10 coin. You may take or decline the offer, but if you decline, you won't get a better offer in this area
Swashbuckling (WIS)
When you improvise a daring plan as you go, roll +WIS. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 2. On a 6-, hold 1, but the GM also holds 1 for an enemy to use. Spend 1-hold at any time to:
• Leap around, over, or through an obstacle in your path
• Create an obstacle or distraction an enemy has to deal with
• Divert attention from yourself to an ally, or from an ally to yourself
Gear: Hefty Blacksmith's Hammer: (hand, piercing 1, 1 weight), Captain's leathers (1 armor, 1 weight), Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight), Poultices and herbs (2 uses, slow, 0 weight), 5 rations (1 weight), 14 coin
Ship: The Impossible (Essentially a flying ironclad. Metal and rivets everywhere. Controlled by two huge fans on the back.)
Control: +1 (Fast)
Cannon Damage: 2d6, 5 ammo
Stress [_] [_] [_] [_] (Sturdy)
Trade: 2
Map: 2
Twitch Stream
Right then, answer me some questions. Y'all got more for obvious reasons.
1) Tell me about your ship. Where's it from? Salvaged? Scratchbuilt? On an (un)reasonable installment plan? Or is it just a ship of the line for some country's navy? Where are you from, anyway?
2) Tell me about some important people in your crew. Not players, NPCs. Two to four. Name them, and tell me what they do or who they are that makes them so important.
3) It was your idea to head to this Hidden City in the first place, and your 1-Trade is a bunch of their trade goods. What are they? Why did you suggest to go here in the first place? Did you bring the Princess into it, or was it more like she brought herself? Who's your contact there, and what was your end of the trade?
4) You have to come back a different way than you came. Air currents and such. It's a bit uncharted and dangerous, but why are you so confident you'll make it through? What have you heard about this patch of sky?
5) Tell me where you got your map, and Chart the Course.
Cloud-Blessed (adopted)
Alignment: Good (Put your safety in the hands of someone who shouldn't be trusted)
Level 2
HP: 18/18
Armor: 1
Damage: d6
Background - Beloved - When you hold poise, take +1 to My Brave Friends and Carouse.
Captain Drysan was once my subject - I can trust him with any secret! (2 bonds)
Lysander needs to have more faith in himself - I've seen what he and that light of his can do in my dreams! (2 bonds)
Delilah has much to teach me - machines are like magic! (1 bond)
Wyck does not trust me. I'll prove to him that I am worthy of his faith! (1 bond)
Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity: 15 (+1)
Constitution: 12 (+0)
Intelligence: 13 (+1)
Wisdom: 9 (+0)
Charisma: 17 (+2)
Moves: Among the Common Folk, Poise, My Dear Friends, Winsome, My Brave Friends, Regal Style
My Dear Friends are... Fairies!
5/6 load
Gear: Mythril tiara and signet ring (regalia), tasteful mail shirt (+1 armor), a skirmisher's kit (slim sword and brace of knives), a scholar's kit (bag of books and 3 vials of antitoxin), a traveler's kit (reversible cloak, pouch of 28 coin)
1) The Kingdom of Alquis, a land of perennial beach and sunshine in one of the great cloud seas. The people are mostly Rain-blessed. It is unknown to most that I'm not the biological child of King Wayle and Queen Belonne and that I'm cloud-born.
2) I brought a rarity of immeasurable value: a trained sprite fox. It is, naturally, a fussy creature and has very precise, laborious needs. It is also far too clever for its own good and has given us no end of trouble.
3) Alquis, though breathtakingly beautiful, is not known for its great agricultural capabilities. I traded the sprite fox for a bag of enchanted seeds that will help us grow more food for my people. They were willing to part with it because the Caliph of the city has a menagerie of rare creatures from all over the world and was delighted to take the fox.
Nice. But one thing - starting load is based off of your strength mod (in your case -1), not your raw strength score. And while you can carry up to your load+2, you're at -1 ongoing while juggling all that.
Knowing that, you may wish to reassign your stats, repick your gear, or kindly ask someone to be your valet.
Sure, you made it in under the deadline, and I can take six. If the Lantern's final I'll get your questions out to you.
"Ain't she a 'beaut? Hammered out most of her plates myself, ya see. The fans? Engine? Nah, I'm a bit out of my depth when it comes to that stuff. Sure was a lucky day when I found that old wreck with a working engine, but the rest of it was damn hard work! Took me a few months of constant work to bend the frame into shape and hammer all the plates just right. Oh, uh, if you hear any weird noises coming from the engine room, don't worry about it. The engine's strange like that."
"I ain't fond of talking much about the past, but if you haveta know, I lived in Tolmrung. Ain't heard of it, have ya? Good for you, that means you might have had an interesting time growing up. For me, it was just the same thing every day. Wake up, mine for metals to sell to the rest of the world, and hope to catch a glimpse of Sola at some point."
"Most important man on the ship, other than yours truly, of course, would be Stan the cook. Keeps everyone fed with good food. And a well fed crew is a happy crew."
"What's that? Mechanic? Nope. Don't have one of those. Engine just takes care of itself. We leave some scrap in there every now and then, and things just sort themselves out."
"Who else... who else.. Ah! Now, I don't know about important, but you spend any time on this ship, and you're sure to run into Jenny, the cabin girl. She stowed away who knows how many ports ago, and what can I say? I'm a big softie when it comes to a pretty face and a good sob story. The fact that she probably made up the most of the story just means that she's got to learn how to lie better. I mean, cruel stepmothers and wicked stepsisters? Talk about cliche. But, I could see the same hankering for something more out of life I saw in the mirror back when I worked in the mines. How could I say no?"
"Oh! How could I forget? We got our own genuine fortuneteller on board. Mr. Jedlian can tell you what his, frankly, disturbingly large collection of bones whisper. Just between you and me, it's all bunk, but the crew likes it. And it brings in some money when we take to port, so he earns his keep."
"Why'd I go? Well, that's easy. Normally, it'd take months to reach Banizahra, the City of Trade. When you count the food, fuel and repairs that that takes, you're barely left with any profit to show for your work! But with this here map, the trip is cut down to two weeks. See, there are secret routes no one else knows, but this spells 'em out clear as fresh rainwater!"
"Now, the princess seemed to be in a bit of a bind. Not enough food to go around back home, you see. Don't I know how that is! All things considered, I think I was more than fair with my price. After all, can you really put a price on your people's happiness? If so, a few crates of cloudsilk and flasks of pure rain would have to be a bargain!"
"Now, back when I toiling away in the mines, Tamian showing up in town was the highlight of the month. Probably have him to thank for making me realize that mining wasn't the life for me. So, we have a good working relationship. Of course, the fact that he turned out to be Jenny's old man makes things a bit more complicated, but she stayed out of sight the whole time. So, no harm there, right? He was ecstatic to get some letters from her that I'd 'picked up' on my last berth. He was still as flintnosed as ever when it came to hammering out the deal, though."
"You serious? You seen the armor The Impossible's packing? Nothing short of cannonfire's getting through that, and we're plenty tough enough to make any opportunists we run into think twice. On top of that, it's going to be out of season for the razorwinds, so we shouldn't have to batten down the hatches like we would if we were passing through a few months from now."
"Well, it used to belong to King Harzol, The Navigator King. He must have... uh... misplaced it. Oh, don't looks so worried, though! He's got so many maps that he won't miss this one for years, at least!"
Geth roll 2d6+2 for Charting
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Well, congratulations! You've got 2-Map. And a complication waiting in the wings.
Also, mark experience.