Will there be an AVGN autograph session? Also Autograph Accessibility question!

capnsanitycapnsanity Professional AwesomerRegistered User regular
I saw that there is a screening for his new movie and that he himself had a panel but i didn't see an autograph session among all the other amazing autograph sessions? Anyone know if he's going to have one?

Also, I just thought of something else to ask about autographs! A couple years ago i was there when Hideo Kojima was doing autographs and it ended up being in a room where he was sitting on a platform with steps going up to him, and me being in a wheelchair kind of had an issue with that! But in the end they had him actually come down to me and give me an autograph and i shook his hand and it was amazing...and the whole point of this is, is that where the autographs will be again or will the line be wheelchair accessible and stuff?


  • Star ForgeStar Forge Registered User regular
    This is actually a good question. I do have some cartridges for him to sign!

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  • DreamwriterDreamwriter Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    Scheduled autograph sessions this year are dedicated to the Paramount Theater. The good news is (as Robert Khoo recently posted) the Paramount was chosen for autographs because it lets them raise the floor to the height of the stage - which means it should in theory be fully wheelchair accessible.

    Dreamwriter on
  • capnsanitycapnsanity Professional Awesomer Registered User regular
    Scheduled autograph sessions this year are dedicated to the Paramount Theater. The good news is (as Robert Khoo recently posted) the Paramount was chosen for autographs because it lets them raise the floor to the height of the stage - which means it should in theory be fully wheelchair accessible.

    That's friggen awesome...Hopefully it will be! Would love if someone could confirm

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