So, I got nostalgic about Mechwarrior 2.
I played it on an old Mac in OS9. My dad helped me patch the game because it kept crashing.
Then I was addicted. The intro movie on YouTube still gives me shudders.
I loved the female cockpit voice. Just pure awesome.
Then, later on, I got the special version with RAVE accelleration and it was like a new game. Beautiful.
Now, I'm on a Macbook in OSX and I can't run OS9 Apps.
BUT, I'm looking to get my Mechwarrior on.
So, what's the latest Mechwarrior game that's like Mechwarrior 2, that'll run in PARALELLS on Mac OS X? Remember, an older version that doesn't requred massive graphics horsepower.
I look to you, PAF!
Then my team would provide me a safe return home.
Jesus, we need MW5 on the 360.
Speaking of MechWarrior, does anyone happen to know the name of, or even remember, the movie/show they used to play on Sci Fi all the time, where it was live action, but when they went into battle, it was taken from the video games?
I'd love to see if thats up on YouTube or something.
The movie was probably Robojox.
Robotjox was a movie with stop-motion animation, and didn't have anything to do with video games.
What is the difference between MechWarrior and MechAssault?
Edit: On a side note, are the MechCommander games still free?
Edit 2: Yes they are
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MW3 and 4 both took place some time after 2 and from a different perspective. 3 and 4 deal have you as a pilot for Inner Sphere factions and not the clans so the mechs are different outside of a few you capture/buy/salvage from someone that did one of the first two. It's more like the roster in MW2: Mercenaries. The standalone expansion MW4: Mercenaries draws a lot of its inspiration from the Mercenaries standalone expansion to MW2 too.
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3DS: 3454-0268-5595 SteelAngel#1772
A whole bunch, actually. MechWarrior is more of a sim, while Assault is an arcade-style shooter. Heck, the console versions of MechWarrior 2 is actually a quite different game than on the PC -- the full title is actually called "MechWarrior 2: Arcade Combat Edition".
I'd say for the OP to skip MW4 and go straight for MW4 Mercenaries. It's pretty expansive, and harkens back to MW2 Mercenaries, which was fuck-awesome. I'd totally dig a new iteration of the series away from this Inner Sphere nonsense to get back to my bastard Clanner side, but looks like this ain't happening in like ever.
Man, I had a total crush on the voice for the cockpit computer in MW2 for the longest time, you don't even know. Although it was weird that the game actually had two voices though, one's nice and pleasant and the other far more serious and demanding. It's like the mech had a weird split-personality disorder. Or was on its period. Dunno.
Best Battletech game ever, hands down.
"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms, history shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subjected peoples to carry arms have prepared their own fall"
- Adolf Hitler, Edict of March 18, 1938.
It was like, "Somthing, online; something else, online; all systems nominal." Anyone remember?
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I think it's headed there.
My Madcat's autocannons have been dormant far too long.
Oh god yes. HG2 is awesome with the sheer amount of customizability in the gears. Plus it runs better on XP than MW2. "Welcome to Gommorah, asscrack of the universe."
An interesting tidbit is that the space missions in HG2 exist solely as a test for a potential Jovian Chronicles game (that never panned out).
"Reactor Online. Sensors Online. Weapons Online. All systems nominal." *bleeeeep boop!*
I need to get that as an mp3 and use it on my cell phone, or something.
Steam BoardGameGeek Twitter
Never have I cared about headshots more than in that game. I would constantly restart missions because my salvage wasn't quite good enough for my tastes. Sigh. Thems were the days.
I've tried getting it to work on several occasions, but it just never will 100%. I can't believe there are a million mods for DOOM and whatever, but none for MW 2
Doom's source code was released years ago, which is probably why there are so many source ports for it compared to MW2.
Steam / Bus Blog / Goozex Referral
Before leaving for work this morning I left the latest MekPak, Co-Op, and MW4 patch uploading to my server (just under 400 megs in total). I'll post the link later today when I can confirm it working.
I'll need to pick up another copy of MW4. I lost my cd's a long time ago.
on the 1Up Yours podcast a few weeks ago they had a guy from FASA on, and he talked about how there's a push within the company to do Mechwarrior 5. And from the jist of it they want to do get away from arcadey MA (and you could argue the MW4 games) and go back to realism.
I mean that thing fit on a floppy. Hardcore indeed.
I'm fairly sure I could count in a buddy of mine that played last time there was a Game-On thread. Can we get a total of 4-6 people? I'm counting it at 3 as of now.
I've never really touched my copy of MW4, but I didn't know there was a Mercenaries expac for it. Digging through the really nasty videogame graveyard that is my closet has never been more exciting.:zzz:
I would probably be willing to actually do major bodily harm to others for a MW5.
PSN : Bolthorn
I'm home from work, and everything checks out ok.
That game was pretty awesome at the time. I remember getting a fast mech with jump jets and sniping off heavy mech legs as point blank range. Good salvage and good times.
(Please do not gift. My game bank is already full.)
It's been a while :-). I recall it being hell and high water to find this thing though. I remember just looping from website to website, and ultimately it was a forumer (Tiemler) who ended up uploading it. I think the mekpak site was renovating at the time. Thanks though, I'll be sure to throw it up asap.
Edit: It's up.
Yeah, I was just about to mention this. When I heard that, instant hard-on.
I have it as my XP startup sound.
Here you go.
And then when I finally went back to the single player, holy crap that was awesome. Just tore through the fucking thing. Knew how to build a an awesome mech, knew how to tear people up. I played Mercs too, which was also awesome, the management aspect was fuckin' wonderful, but nothing ever captured the feeling of starting out in Clan training and working my way up to being y'know good. That game was probably the one that truly got me into games, and will prolly be one of my favorite PC games of all time. Jesus. I want MW:5, I want it to be like Mercs, I want it to make me feel like MW2, and if it was on my 360, that'd be swell. Because I am poor and my PC prolly won't run it. Also someone should give me a bad ass joystick to use with it on 360. I'm going to spend some time listening to the cockpit computer over and over.
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I'm trying to remember--if your mech overheated and did an emergency shutdown, would that clip play again when you restarted?