excel is ignoring piece of a table when trying to make a chart

Ana NgAna Ng Registered User regular
edited September 2014 in Help / Advice Forum
I'm using excel 2013 in a math class to graph limits.

I make a table of values, and then I'm supposed to make a chart. The table would look something like this (x values on the left, y values on the right)

-2.99, 1
2.01, 3
.01, 4

3.50, 8
6, 8.5
6.12, 9.01

I've been instructed specifically to make sure to leave a gap in the table, because the charts should have a gap... now the pickle I'm finding myself in is that when I select the table and hit the button to make the chart, it is ignoring the top 3 x values (-2.99, 2.01, .01). I thought at first it was ignoring only negative values but now I've realized it's just not using any of the data from the X side on the upper part of the table, no matter if the value is positive or negative.
I've checked the settings for the chart and it's supposed to treat empty cells as gaps in the graph.
The first time this happened my professor had no clue why and I had to redo the entire table and formula and for whatever reason that fixed it. I really can't keep doing that for every assignment though, I just need this to work the way it's supposed to. Does anyone have a clue what is going on here?

edit: forum formatting won't keep the spaces so I've put comma's in between X and Y values, however in excel they are each in their own cell with no comma.

Ana Ng on


  • Kick_04Kick_04 Registered User regular
    I only have Excel 2010 at work, but they are similar enough. I typed all the data in and had 2 blank rows and tried several different graphs and had no issue with any of them displaying all the correct data points.

    One thing I am wondering, but did not mess around with, is if you are reusing a spread sheet from an earlier assignment or from messing around with a blank page and changed the formatting of those 3 cells. This might of caused the chart to ignore those 3 points because of formatting differences, but they would still be selected part of the chart and then when you deleted everything it reset the format of those 3 cells.

    PSN id - kickyoass1
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  • Ana NgAna Ng Registered User regular
    The spreadsheet was premade and downloaded from a link my professor gave the class... going to go mess around with it some more :\

  • Ana NgAna Ng Registered User regular
    update: Alright so after looking at it more closely, Excel is reading the bottom part of the table but not the top at all. It's highlighting the two sides of the bottom part of the table with a green and purple box to indicate that it's taking the data, and then it highlights the Y values in the top part of the table in red and ignores the X values in the top.

    if I select the top and bottom together using the ctrl key to skip the gap, it will graph it correctly. Same if I delete the gap, it will graph correctly. I checked the settings again and it's supposed to just ignore the empty cells so I don't understand why it trips Excel up so much.

  • PacificstarPacificstar Registered User regular
    You can manually select which data it uses for each axis in Excel. Also, CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+F9 will force Excel to reassess all links between cells, which may make it work when pressing f9 does nothing.

  • PacificstarPacificstar Registered User regular
    Also, leaving gaps in your data to make gaps in your charts is really shitty practice. There are better ways!! If you ever end up working in excel for a living you'll look back at this moment and think "WTF"

  • Ana NgAna Ng Registered User regular
    Also, leaving gaps in your data to make gaps in your charts is really shitty practice. There are better ways!! If you ever end up working in excel for a living you'll look back at this moment and think "WTF"

    Yeah I think it's because we're graphing limits, and need to see the gap in graph I suppose. I ended up having to take the empty cells out anyway in order to make the graph even work at all.

  • Ana NgAna Ng Registered User regular
    edited September 2014
    Updating with more information in the hopes that someone will recognize the issue and can help fix it... I assessed the graph further and noted that it's plotting all the Y values correctly but acting like the X values are all "1, 2, 3" etc. When I fuss with it I can force it to recognize the actual number in the cell, but then it starts to ignore the top half of the X data, and treats the top Y half of the data like the header.

    Ana Ng on
  • MrTLiciousMrTLicious Registered User regular
    Excel is going to default to a category axis. If you can get it to go to a value axis (so that your points are correctly spaced horizontally), the better way to create a gap is to have a single x column and 2 y columns. The first y column will be the top values and the second would be the bottom values.

    I don't know how to do this without using a scatter plot, though. If that's what's happening, you need to make sure you x-values are sorted before you add the lines.

  • DyasAlureDyasAlure SeattleRegistered User regular
    edited September 2014
    stupid question, why would you use excel to graph? And not a graphing utility?


    Well, I don't have my graphing calculator with me, but my question still stands why not use the real thing. I will leave the link above, but it is interpreting the data funny.

    Edit 2:
    Oh, silly me, the x axis isn't at 0.

    DyasAlure on
  • PacificstarPacificstar Registered User regular
    Would you mind posting the excel file to some place and I can download and play with it?

  • Ana NgAna Ng Registered User regular
    @DyasAlure‌ I'm using excel because it's part of a school assignment. I had to do the work in excel and send in the file to my professor, otherwise I would have just used something else to graph it.

    I ended up sort of getting a work around by selecting each half of the table individually and making the graph... it wasn't perfect but it was close enough for me to get the data I needed. I actually am bringing in the laptop I'm using to another professor who apparently is an excel whiz, so hopefully he can figure it out. In any case I -think- that for now I don't have to use Excel any more to make graphs :\

    @Pacificstar‌ here ya go: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e5vzywfvhwr5q8k/MacDonald - Limits.xlsx?dl=0

  • DyasAlureDyasAlure SeattleRegistered User regular
    Well if it is what your teacher says to do, ok. I will look at that file if I get a chance, but I think it is terrible to teach someone, hey do this the complete wrong way with the complete wrong tools, so you can learn my concept my way. Which you will never see in the real world.

    One thought, are you "formatting as table" your tables?


    if you don't know icon to do such, above is example. I know that makes excel think of things in complete different ways. Another thought, as I haven't looked at sheet yet, are you displaying zero's? I think this is a pivot table thing, but might be something that is getting turned on by default. A blank cell is a zero, if you have hide zeros, it will skip that value and hook the 2. I know with limits, it isn't a zero, but that is best I can think for excel default value, it doesn't understand undefined.

  • PacificstarPacificstar Registered User regular
    So which tab is not working?

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