It's that time of year again, citizens. The time when I requisition your assistance in my quest to see Vanilla
#1 at all costs.
Yes, it is the CMS Critic "Critic's Choice" awards and
Vanilla is a contender again! Wouldn't it be excellent to win twice in a row?
Yes it would.
Interestingly for you guys, there is a random draw prize this year for one lucky voter.
The prize is a CHROMEBOOK. I personally do not want this thing, but its free so why not? Sell it for jumping beans if you want. Also if Vanilla wins this year, not only will I provide you guys with a freaking excellent surprise in the Emoticon department, I will also release a brand new GETH game for the forums. The real prize, to be sure.
disclaimer: you might die from this game.
So why are you even still here? You should be voting frantically for Vanilla Forums RIGHT NOW.
I probably could have just ignored them but what would be the fun in that?
Steam: YOU FACE JARAXXUS| CainLoveless
= /
From the site:
And I could really use a chromebook. That would be awesome!
I tried the arrow thing, but for some reason it wasn't working. Probably some funky conflict with my script blocking setup.
Same, hitting down just kept cycling back to the first option for me.
Don't tell anyone.
Do I get a prize for that?
Steam // Secret Satan
and wix
Ya Wix and Splone got many votes on my "fun to say out loud" voting system
they real nice for an un-website-savvy guy
Ya that's whre I felt kinda bad, every button that didn't say Vanilla might as well have been hieroglyphics for me having any idea what the heck they were
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better
I hope it's :rotate:
One day people will have no clue what those things mean, and I'll still be placing them on my posts like dusty tomes of forgotten knowledge.