Alternate thread title: "::clinks bottles together:: Foooooorumeeeeers, come out to plaaa-
New York Comic Con 2014 is just over a week away. I had to skip going last year, so I am doubly-excited to go this year. Are any of you fine folks planning to attend? What are you looking forward to seeing? Which artists are you going to ask for sketches? Which B-grade celebrity will you get to autograph your chest? Just how DIY
is your costume?
Oh, and one other thing: Should we do a quick forum meetup during the convention? I've been mostly lurking - but occasionally even posting - on here for seven years, I've traded real-world addresses with some of you for Secret Santas, and yet I've never met any of the posters on here in person. I think it might be fun, in that awkward-nerds-standing-around-trying-to-be-social way.
Unless @JyrenB was standing in silent judgement of me for the duration of our interaction. Which is entirely possible. Likely, even. I was wearing a Green Lantern t-shirt, that I bought at a gas station on the drive to North Carolina.
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I'd just like it to be known that I have never in my life been silent.
And I, too, will not be at NYCC. Sadly. I know quite a few people that will be and have pestered me, but pestering doesn't make it happen.
XBL: JyrenB ; Steam: Jyren ; Twitter
If anyone is also there in physical form and wants to meet up or something, do let me know!
In the future though, for sure!
Had a great time though. So many street passes. And got a few sketches/commissions. And prints. And some Lego minifigs. Kind of sad I didn't go the other days because the one minifig booth was bringing more the next day that I would've loved to grab.
I think this year is the most cosplay pics I've taken too. Some fun stuff.
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[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85