I am trying my hand at drawing again for the first time in, oh... 15, 16 years? I was never any good, but I always enjoyed it. My long term goal is to get good enough at an expressive, cartoony style to make stupid short comics and silly drawings. My short term goal is to get better at making things actually look like the thing I am trying to draw, and to buck the "stiff" look that all my drawings of people or creatures have. I'm gonna have to practice. A lot. Here's my first sketch page in forever.
Those figures are looking pretty solid! I can already see some big leaps forward in both line confidence and construction. Keep it coming!
Found a couple of sketches from last week's figure drawing. I can generally tell the next day how tired I was at a given session, because if I stop concentrating my limb proportions have a tendency to go totally whackadoo.
surrealitychecklonely, but not unloveddreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered Userregular
discovered u can do a drawing on ur ipad pro with the pencil thingy so did some gestures for the first time in a jillion years o god it pain
the app "infinite painter" kinda rules? default brushes feel much nicer than procreate and the pencil brush does this like edge of pencil graphite smear if u turn the pen!!
Just a few examples of a fun little exercise I like to do:
1) Pick an object from a random noun list (like this: https://www.randomlists.com/nouns)
2) Try to draw that object from imagination with your eyes closed
3) Look at that resulting mess of lines and shapes, and reinterpret them into something else based on what they suggest to you.
Just a few examples of a fun little exercise I like to do:
1) Pick an object from a random noun list (like this: https://www.randomlists.com/nouns)
2) Try to draw that object from imagination with your eyes closed
3) Look at that resulting mess of lines and shapes, and reinterpret them into something else based on what they suggest to you.
I really like that exercise, Bacon! It's a nice low-pressure kinda thing. I've been doing a lot of basic drawing drills and figure drawing which is sometimes frustrating since I'm not yet where I'd like to be. This is a good reminder to draw fun dumb stuff too.
If you can't read my awful handwriting that's 'thunder,' 'foot' and 'zoo.'
For some reason I read this as a society of Kirbys whose top scientist developed techno-organic false bodies for the betterment of all. Then they all collectively realized it was a horrible mistake, and decided to burn the scientist Kirby for his crimes against Kirby-kind.
Uhm... Most of my training as always been just doing it a lot. Just always doodling and messing around.
Otherwise I did nude drawings at a community-College for a while (which is something I would advise to do for everyone. It was 2 hours of short poses which really helps with making your lines and poses bolder)
And finally the reason why I even started drawing, is just copying and/or taken inspiration by artists you admire. This was something I mostly did when I was really young by copying illustrations by my favorite comic-artists and seeing how they noses or hands etc.
This is a lot text for just saying the best training is just doing it a lot and always just keep learning.
And thank you for finding me inspiring. (okay, that reads weird, but the sentiment still stands, just thanks)
Did a little bug witch for this OC challange on twitter
Hey mate you can directly link your twitter or directly upload the image through the forums if you want, it's currently not loading properly i think?
Did a little bug witch for this OC challange on twitter
Hey mate you can directly link your twitter or directly upload the image through the forums if you want, it's currently not loading properly i think?
Oh damn, sorry! didn't see that. Man that image is huge. Here's the final product, gonna go over it with some markers later.
I miss the old days
More doodles! In shitty Instagram quality!
beach doods
someday i'll learn how to draw a straight line
doodle on the train, trying to ignore the stench of fish and egg curry from the very loud family next to me.
It's very rude of people to do things like 'twist around in a chair' and 'squat.' VERY rude indeed.
Found a couple of sketches from last week's figure drawing. I can generally tell the next day how tired I was at a given session, because if I stop concentrating my limb proportions have a tendency to go totally whackadoo.
the app "infinite painter" kinda rules? default brushes feel much nicer than procreate and the pencil brush does this like edge of pencil graphite smear if u turn the pen!!
1) Pick an object from a random noun list (like this: https://www.randomlists.com/nouns)
2) Try to draw that object from imagination with your eyes closed
3) Look at that resulting mess of lines and shapes, and reinterpret them into something else based on what they suggest to you.
I really like that exercise, Bacon! It's a nice low-pressure kinda thing. I've been doing a lot of basic drawing drills and figure drawing which is sometimes frustrating since I'm not yet where I'd like to be. This is a good reminder to draw fun dumb stuff too.
If you can't read my awful handwriting that's 'thunder,' 'foot' and 'zoo.'
Still struggling through with digital, here’s a very silly little witch, any advice is very welcome! Xx
First doodle in a while.
@Esiotrot that lil witch is sniffing out some magic. I kinda wanna see what’s under that cloak. All manner of potions and baubles, I bet
@acadia That's pretty nice. Just the right amount of detail in just the right places.
@Didgeridoo & @tynic
Thanks y'all!! Yeah, that mouse (Ysoki Mechanic, technically) has been a big hit
imp from doom
Puppy! @SeveredHead thats lookin dope
Here's a fucked up attempt at recalling anatomy from memory
Attempted fix
This will be here until I receive an apology or Weedlordvegeta get any consequences for being a bully
heres how it came out
Did a daddoodly thing inspired by a post on twitter, it gained a little traction.
This will be here until I receive an apology or Weedlordvegeta get any consequences for being a bully
Found procreates animation feature
A work Doodle. I'm being very productive right now.
Edit: that took to much assbackwards fumbling to upload,sorry for that.
Another one.
This will be here until I receive an apology or Weedlordvegeta get any consequences for being a bully
Otherwise I did nude drawings at a community-College for a while (which is something I would advise to do for everyone. It was 2 hours of short poses which really helps with making your lines and poses bolder)
And finally the reason why I even started drawing, is just copying and/or taken inspiration by artists you admire. This was something I mostly did when I was really young by copying illustrations by my favorite comic-artists and seeing how they noses or hands etc.
This is a lot text for just saying the best training is just doing it a lot and always just keep learning.
And thank you for finding me inspiring. (okay, that reads weird, but the sentiment still stands, just thanks)
Hey mate you can directly link your twitter or directly upload the image through the forums if you want, it's currently not loading properly i think?
This will be here until I receive an apology or Weedlordvegeta get any consequences for being a bully
I wanted to test out the magic wand in procreate to mask on a single layer. It did a p good job tbh
Oh damn, sorry! didn't see that. Man that image is huge. Here's the final product, gonna go over it with some markers later.