So I just re-checked my emails to see when the Club PA meet up is for 'AUS. Didnt realise it was that late... If you have the email you know the time and place. Are any of you pin pals going to this? Theres going to be an informal meet and greet with the staff members along with a photo of the whole group. Here is the photo from Prime:
Show of hands who here is going?
[X]PAXsouth 2015
[X]PAXaus 2015
[?]PAXeast 2016 ???
I thought Thornwatch was at 6pm? Or is there a different thing that isn't on the schedule?
[X]PAXsouth 2015
[X]PAXaus 2015
[?]PAXeast 2016 ???
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
Pinny Pals Lanyard
The Thornwatch panel is at 6pm in the Galah theatre.
I'm helping to run a playtest of the actual game, which as I understand it will be in Tabletop from 8pm to close.
Trade me pins! -
Unless I forget.
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Ahhhh, stupid me thought the panel was the play test -.-
Why do all the good things overlap? I've had the same problem trying to pick panels/events for all 3 days
[X]PAXsouth 2015
[X]PAXaus 2015
[?]PAXeast 2016 ???
I can't see any playtests in the schedule yet.
How long do the Club PA meet ups usually go for?
[X]PAXsouth 2015
[X]PAXaus 2015
[?]PAXeast 2016 ???
Last time we did the Club PA meetup right after the pin trading event so with that included it took like 3 hours. I'm not sure of the schedule, but if you just want to know how long the actual meetup lasted….I'd say 15-20 minutes maybe?
This year there is a trading event on the Saturday arvo for 2 hours - I'm guessing this is when the staff will be there? Although it seems odd for them all to be available in the middle of the busiest day of the event...
Heroic Coaching & Consulting - Personal Development & Coaching For Nerds
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6423-4833
"Every suggestion from the FAQ with a link? Kamelon. A truly Organised Pinthusiast." - PedroAsani
Pinny Pals Lanyard
yes the only person wearing only 1 pin
also i may be the one next to @Fitzchivalry with the pile of cookies
Unless screaming at people I recognise in the queue counts as "before PAX starts"?
Pinny Pals Lanyard
There is a trivia night on the Weds night, all proceeds going to CP. Lots of hella awesome prizes - check out the PAX AUS forum.
Thurs is board games night for the quieter people, as well as Wharf Hotel across from MCC has drinks/party and also PAX drinks at Fed square, see above forum. #paxbeer i believe is being used.
Aus14 Omeganaut - Nef
I was considering trying to organise a pre-prePAX thing. There's a couple of our US friends staying in Sydney for few days before heading to Melbourne so if anyone from around Sydney is interested in doing a dinner thing on Monday night, let me know
[X]PAXsouth 2015
[X]PAXaus 2015
[?]PAXeast 2016 ???!pax-aus/c21ra
Have to RSVP.
Pinny Pals Lanyard
forum post
It went really well last year and this year should be great, all are welcome!
Pinny Pals Lanyard
So I've signed up again and will have to miss out I guess
If you're a current subscriber, you're good to go. No doubt! See you there
"Damn fine pins!"